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Everything posted by td

  1. It's the "Athletics Booster Club"...how can it not be for athletics? ??? I'm affiliated with the Baseball Booster club and we are for baseball. I know it's a crazy idea but we thought we would go out on limb and do something different. ;D I'm not sure about the "Booster Club" and what they are for or against.
  2. I personally don't have a problem with paying to park. You pay to park everywhere else and if the money goes to good use then whats another $3 or so to park? Usually 5 or 6 home games at the most, at $3 that's less than $20 a season. What a bargain to watch Mustang football. If people are going to complain about paying to park then it's no wonder the bond for the football field didn't pass. We have so many people flapping their gums about being Mustang supporters and loving the Mustangs but ask them for a $1 and you've crossed the line. Anyone want to know whats wrong with WOS? We can start by taking a good look in the mirror.
  3. Hey skipper, the school district is WOCCISD. This may not seem important but it very well can be when running for a school board position. The money for the schools is from a bond that we voted on. So the taxpayers are paying for all of the improvements. You ask what's next, a bus barn may be on the way. We have to have a place to put our new buses. I really just want to know do we have a 2 million dollar deficit or a 2 million dollar surplus. The answer seems to change to suit the decisions being made. When they cut the busing they said we had a 2 million dollar deficit. Now that we are buying buses it's a 2 million dollar surplus. I guess saving that $16,000 on the busing it made a 4 million dollar difference in the budget?
  4. I agree he would have thrown a bullpen. My question was more about pitch count. I hope he is ready to go and is 100%. I like the way he takes command on the mound.
  5. Will Waddell be ready to go on Tuesday? He threw a complete game on Wednesday and then three good innings on Saturday. That just gives him almost 3 days rest. He didn't seem to throw that many pitches yesterday. Good luck Bears
  6. you do a great job I was just giving you a hard time.
  7. I'm not sure how many pitches he threw but probably no more than throwing a bull pen session which is exactly what he should be doing 4 or 5 days before he pithes in a game.
  8. I would call it a triple with a throwing error that allowed the runner to come home. Funny thing about that, Leger had called time to talk to the pitcher and the kid coming up to bat was just kinda shaking his head and grinning. I ask him, " ever had this dream? Bases loaded 2 outs tight game?" He just smiled and said yep. Ended up it worked out for him. Game could have gone either way. thanks alot ump, way to encourage the opposing district, lol Both teams have really well manered kids who just want to play baseball and it is quite refreshing and fun to call. It's fun to watch too. I hope it's another good game with LCM coming out on top. Any other time I would be pulling for the Thompson boys.
  9. Come on Gabe you have to give my nephew credit when he pinch runs for Leger. He hasn't gotten many opportunities to play this year other than to run for Leger. Tonight he got an opportunity and did exactly what he should have done and that was to make the most of it. He came in and did his job. I'm looking forward to seeing the game tomorrow at 2. If you like a high scoring game then anyone would have loved tonight's game. Cloeren hit the ball as hard as I've seen a ball hit, Leger too for that matter. LCM has to find a way to cool off #9 the catcher or at least not let him beat them.
  10. i hope you went to you tube and watched coach young's speech and then you will realize what a complete IDIOT!!!!!! you are....if you knew the man you would know he was one of the most respected baseball coaches in the state.....if we had more coaches and parents like him that cared more about the kids than winning at any cost the sports world and the world in general would be alot better place......you should think before you write.....MOORAN!!!!!!!! Not exactly sure how my comments were idiotic or moronic, but I hope you feel better. I personally know Coach Young and actually talked to him earlier this week. I have never said anything but positive about him. The man has only helped me, and I am certainly not the only one. I never played for him, only against him and I can tell you he helped make me a better player.
  11. Or maybe, just maybe LCM played a great game. I only remember Crosby making one error. Both pitchers did a great job. The game was over in an hour and 35 minutes. That's good baseball from both sides.
  12. Doesn't mean you are NOT the best coach either. For as long as I can remember the coach that won the league got to be the all star coach. In my opinion in gives incentive to do a better job coaching the kids, to have practice and to work hard. I like the idea of the coach that wins the league having first option to coach the all-star team.
  13. I don't think that explains the number. Don't forget, there is a huge Orange Pony league (larger than Vidor) so Orange is not likely losing that many kids to BC. I understand that Orange had a small LL that was not restarted after Rita and BC took those kids. But, I have not heard that BC is taking Orange PONY kids. The truth is that BC does a great job at their LL given the size of their community. I would like to know how they work with Select -- seems like they still have plenty of talent in League ball. They do a great job working with select players instead of working against them. In the past, (not sure about the present) in Orange, a player was penalized if he played select ball and it interfered with league ball. We are trying to get league to work with the select players and coaches. Obviously the most important part is the players.
  14. I think another thing that helps Vidor is that our better players still play league when it starts. I think its great that the Dads and Moms still support league play and the kids like it because they get to play with there friends that they might not get to play with if they went strictly select. There are alot of us that still love league ball. Unfortunately the league doesn't work with the kids and coaches that choose to also play select (better competition). It does deplete the league to a certain extent of not only players but good coaches. I hope next year we can find a way to work together instead of continuing to butt heads.
  15. I see some of them at sporting events but I can tell you that I was at the Athletic awards banquet and Ricky Jacobs was the only board member in attendance.
  16. Tell us who you are then!
  17. Knowing her last political position and how she handled it shouldn't have pulled votes for her. She wanted a car and a driver just because she was the Mayor of Orange. Are you kidding me? I'm not sure the people are satisfied with who is in there. I think maybe they just weren't happy with the options that were put before them.
  18. Let's have this discussion again in a year or two. However, if you only base a players ability to be "great" on MPH, you have missed the boat completely. Amen!
  19. No comment on my offer?
  20. td, I'm disappointed that you let this one go! ;D Oh, by the way. Why is it that all the pictures of the last tournament victory excluded one of the coaches? You know. I wrote a post on that and then thought maybe the smiley faces meant he spelled it incorrectly on purpose. The only way to win was to have that particular coach out of the way. Not to mention he was at the big Nascar race in Talladega.
  21. I agree! It smells to me too.
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