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Everything posted by td

  1. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. The TAKS issue is a diversionary tactic! ;D By the time the meeting is over tonight the people will be SO relieved that the board "gave in" and didn't set the new TAKS issue into place that they won't be as concerned about the buses not running! ;D Slam, why don't I come pick you up and you can help us support the buses. I promise you the TAKS issue is a non issue. Then I will come help you protest the new coach if you don't like him! ;D Don't forget I attended my first LCM football game last year. On the home side that is. Thanks for the offer td. I would love to sit quietly in the back of the room to take in this meeting, but I unfortunately will not be able to attend. Basketball season is heating up and I'll be glued to the gym all night tonight watching my daughters. The game should be over in time for me to swing by and bail you out of jail if things turn sour at the meeting. ;D Good luck to all the concerned WOS citizens at tonights meeting. Is that a standing offer or just for the school board meeting tonight?
  2. Why do you "deserve" to know? What decision do you have in the process? Unless you are on the committee, you have no say as to whom gets hired, so what difference does it make who applies? You elected officials to do their job. Let them do it and don't worry about it. Support your elected officials and support their decision. How will they know if they agree with the decision the board or committee makes if they don't know the choices? These people were elected, you are right. However, how will the people that elected them know if they wanted to vote them back in or not if they don't know if they agree with the decisions that they are making????????????????? You will know by the great job the new head coach does! Not really how a voter wants his or her information, Young Coach. Voters should be fully and completely informed on who or whom they are putting in office to make decisions for them, example, WOS school board voting against the bus issue.
  3. Why do you "deserve" to know? What decision do you have in the process? Unless you are on the committee, you have no say as to whom gets hired, so what difference does it make who applies? You elected officials to do their job. Let them do it and don't worry about it. Support your elected officials and support their decision. How will they know if they agree with the decision the board or committee makes if they don't know the choices? These people were elected, you are right. However, how will the people that elected them know if they wanted to vote them back in or not if they don't know if they agree with the decisions that they are making?????????????????
  4. The title of the article says it all. It should state WOC Board to review bussing for Extra Curricular Activities not just athletes. It has to be in place for all activities or none. If it is not didtrict policy to bus for all activities then it should come down to if athletics wants to use part of it's budget to do so. Using your thought process, the media is the gospel truth. Did it ever enter your mind that they either used that to get a reaction or interest or that they just don't know what they are talking about? It's not just athletes that are bussed for the 1000th time. They need to add a "Repeat Post" on this thing so you don't have to type the same thing 1000 times! ;D I know! So what time do you want me to pick you up?
  5. td


    There hasn't ever been an all-star team picked anywhere that someone didn't like it. I would say if that's your only complaint then the league is doing something right. We are going to miss yall this year but at least we will give someone else a chance to win a championship. ;D
  6. The title of the article says it all. It should state WOC Board to review bussing for Extra Curricular Activities not just athletes. It has to be in place for all activities or none. If it is not didtrict policy to bus for all activities then it should come down to if athletics wants to use part of it's budget to do so. Using your thought process, the media is the gospel truth. Did it ever enter your mind that they either used that to get a reaction or interest or that they just don't know what they are talking about? It's not just athletes that are bussed for the 1000th time.
  7. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. Unconstitutional to set school policy? I'm only passing along information. That was the opinion. We didn't just get the information from a guy off the street either. Some policies are made by people that are in higher positions than the school board. TD, I've googled all morning and cannot find anywhere that states anything unconstitutional about TAKS testing and UIL competition. I know people think this is a non-issue, but why would the board bring this up if not serious? Are they that ignorant to know it would add insult to injury after the buss ordeal? It was an idea that came from a board member. An email was sent to the Super and other board members making the TAKS statement. This is the same guy that stated in the last board meeting, that "maybe we should just do away with athletics completely at WOS". The guy said this in a room full of people that were there to support athletics. Why? I wish I knew. Why the email? I wish I knew. Maybe the guy used unconstitutional as a figure of speech. I'm not real sure. I took it for what I was told. I really think it's a non issue. All I know is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If your squeaking then you better make sure your "house" is in order. I'm not real sure what are why all of this is taking place. I know our budget is over 23 million and we have spent more than $25000 worth of time on this subject.
  8. It's an open meeting and anyone can come. No one will ask you where you are from and we would love to have you. I will be in and out. I have things to do with my kids so as soon as it's over I will be gone. Maybe we will meet. I will be the good looking guy there. ;D
  9. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. The TAKS issue is a diversionary tactic! ;D By the time the meeting is over tonight the people will be SO relieved that the board "gave in" and didn't set the new TAKS issue into place that they won't be as concerned about the buses not running! ;D Slam, why don't I come pick you up and you can help us support the buses. I promise you the TAKS issue is a non issue. Then I will come help you protest the new coach if you don't like him! ;D Don't forget I attended my first LCM football game last year. On the home side that is.
  10. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. Unconstitutional to set school policy? I'm only passing along information. That was the opinion. We didn't just get the information from a guy off the street either. Some policies are made by people that are in higher positions than the school board.
  11. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! As I understand the TAKS issue, it's only one person thinking like that. Unless he has some supporters and ZI guess we will see tonight.
  12. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional.
  13. They don't bus over there either.
  14. You are so right, Chad, it will get ugly. I know of no local school district that requires a student to pass TAKS to participate in extra-curricular activities. My wife is a school teacher of twenty years and she does not know of any local school that does that. One opinion about that requirement was that it was unconstitutional.
  15. We are taking care of him for yall.
  16. Well deserved. Congratulations, Coach!
  17. My guess would be no. If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go.... It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot. Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum? Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying. Abraham Lincoln said that...Dang you're old Not that old yet. But he was assassinated so maybe I shouldn't quote him! ;D
  18. I definitely think you are entitled to your opinion even though I don't agree. However I am entitled to mine too. Therefore if you don't think you should move your kid up then don't but if the rules allow it and I think my kid can play up then I should be able to without answering to someone that thinks it may scar my child. I can take the opposite of your analogy and say if you take an 8 year old and move him up and he is extremely successful you have a high probability that he will be confident from now on.
  19. Seems to me you would be wrong. I have no dog in this fight. My son is 9 and stands no chance of breaking their lineup. Same for me. My boys are 10 and 8. I do have a 15 year old daughter but she is weak when it comes to hitting a curve ball. ;D
  20. Why do Some WO-S posters think We (we = anyone not WO-S) have an underlying agenda to sabotage the football program? This is WO-S's mess, not anyone Else's. We did not take your buses away.....YOU took your buses away. In all the post that I have read, there is one common factor...........No one wants to punish the kids. Everyone either SUPPORTS the school boards decision or disagrees. No matter what side we take, it was WO-S that gave us either option. The SCHOOLBOARD made the decision to take away the buses and obviously supports their own decision. So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters, maybe you should focus your anger and concern to your own schoolboard? They must be "haters" as well. I can only speak for myself but I don't think everyone that disagrees with WOS is a hater. I do think that Aggies is a hater. He runs his mouth about something he knows nothing about just to stir the pot. I would expect more out of a moderator much less an Administrator. I think you have made your points and your opinions and we have agreed on somethings and disagreed on others but it has been civil between the two of us. Aggies just tries to stir the pot.
  21. My guess would be no. If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go.... It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot. Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum? Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying.
  22. My guess would be no. Once again your guess is wrong. Keep stirring though. :
  23. Very well said. I agree with you. The kids should not suffer and if it keeps a few on the straight and narrow its worth every penny. I just wish tax payers didn't have to pay for parents that don't care. Taxpayers have been paying for parents that don't care for a very long time. This is the local level it's done on the state and national level as well/ If there were a way to make them responsible I would be all for that.
  24. What difference does it make if everyone uses the exact same round to get those players? Why not just place them on the team and start your draft?
  25. sure you dont have one...... yet I agree though, Coach is doing a great job over there in WOS and has the program moving in the right direction again. Good luck to the stangs and all the other local teams in SETX. You are right I don't have one yet. But it is way too early to start sucking up for my two. That is unless they areeligible to play varsity next year in the 4th or 5th grade.
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