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My guess is you hit the nail on the head. BTW one more post and you get to smite or applaud.
I think you are right on track with this question! I'm not sure about the protocol of asking for it, but what might help is a "State of the District" address delivered to the community by the board at one of the meetings. This message board is obviously about athletics and athletics are a huge part of WOS's identity. BUT, the athletic program won't survive if the school budget continues to flounder. Things are indeed tight all over, but the district's reluctance to spend funds on the most simple of things (like the Dan Hooks sign at the stadium) is a sign of real concern. The "extra" bus runs is another issue that looks like a simple issue of costs. Things are indeed tough everywhere, but at least you have to have a plan to how to get your head above water and you should be entitled to what that plan is. Good post Slam. However, instead of a "state of the district address" I would rather see them put the numbers on their letter head and let me look at them. To me that's better than them feeding me what they want me to have. Let me see if I can make a call.
LCM list of coaching applicants completed/INTERVIEWS FRI. SAT.
td replied to DP#1FAN's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Thanks that's what I thought but you are only as good as the person giving you the information and sometimes that makes me not so good. ;D -
LCM list of coaching applicants completed/INTERVIEWS FRI. SAT.
td replied to DP#1FAN's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Coop, is this the completed list as of the day it was printer or the final complete list? Isn't the dead line the 19th? Just wondering because I heard a name that supposedly applied and his name isn't on the list. -
If we can get the people to run that just might happen. It's not a fun or easy job.
**Here Are Your Willie Ray Smith Award Winners**
td replied to Bobcatfan4life's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Congratulations to all the nominees and to the two winners. -
Do you think that football isn't the bread and butter for most every school. Especially WOS.
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Oh sorry aggiesarewe...did not mean to violate the oops I screwed up and posted on the wrong thread clause that I'm sure I either agreed to when signing up for this board or will be soon included in the clause that I agreed to to be allowed to be a poster on this board. My bad! To the subject at hand, believe it or not, most WO-S supporters/posters have realized that we do have more than one subject that we excel at (thanks to the kind and all-knowing posters on setxsports.com). Thanks! Zack Quinn is an excellent coach and guy and he is doing a pretty good job. (Is that more satisfactory and within in the guidelines of commenting on the right topic? Dang it, once again I have probably failed to meet people's standards because I didn't post this on the correct board. I will copy and paste it. Did I pass?) Barely. But I'll give you a break on the lack of reading comprehension. To quote Mr. Muyagi in Karate Kid, " No such thing as bad student, bad teacher." As for your statement on most WOS supporters, you couldn't tell by the posts on this messageboard, and that was my point. Why do you care if the posters only talk on the football forum? Do you loose sleep because WOS posters won't post on the other forums? What is your deal? I know "If I only knew" then tell me please because you only seem to be worried about WOS posters. I thought this was a message board and we were free to post where we wanted to and when we wanted to. I didn't think we would be repremanded for posting on the football forum out of season. : I guess I am going to have to spell it out for you. I have been a member of this site since it's inception and from the very beginning, I have noticed that 99% of WOS posters stay in the football forum. I ask the question, why? Now I ask that question with regard that I believe I already know the true answer to this, but I just wanted to hear some Mustang fans opinions. I believe that the majority of WOS fans stay in the football forums not only because they love football, but also it's where they feel they have the most bragging rights, they can strut their stuff, so to speak. Why they don't venture into the other sports forums is simple, they don't have that sense of superiority in those forums. They don't want to feel that they maybe ridiculed for their teams performance in that particular sport. Example, last year the Mustang basketball team was not very good, they struggled all season. I hardly ever saw a WOS poster come in the basketball forum and show support for the team. Now a couple of years ago when WOS went to the state tourney in basketball, you saw a few posters in the forum, but nothing that would come close to what the football team gets on a yearly basis. The baseball forum and other sports are the same way. What gets me is that the WOS fans have this great show of support for their football teams, but where is it for the rest of their teams? Is it truely based on just success, or do you guys really support your school as a whole? I am singleing out the WOS fans because of the passion I have seen on the football forums from their fans over the entire existance of this site. Why can't that same passion or maybe just some of it be carried over into other sports. Nobody is repremanding anyone for posting in the football forum out of season. I only ask that you show some support for the "other" teams at your school. You guys wonder why us "outsiders" think that all the Stang fans care about is WOS football, and nothing else. Well, from what I have seen on this site and others, supports that theory. I'll finish by saying this, you have the right to post where ever you want. I just find it funny that as soon as football season is over, some of the most fanatic WOS supporters just disappear. And that's all I got to say about that. ;D Well I can only speak for myself and I will start by saying I'm not one of the fanatic supporters that you are talking about. You don't think that every school that has posters on here mainly talk about the sports that they are more successful at? I don't think it's just WOS. So as far as you saying that about me, you don't know me. If you only knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D By the way, I'm glad you finally figured out that I needed it spelled out for you after me asking you to do so for the third time.
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Oh sorry aggiesarewe...did not mean to violate the oops I screwed up and posted on the wrong thread clause that I'm sure I either agreed to when signing up for this board or will be soon included in the clause that I agreed to to be allowed to be a poster on this board. My bad! To the subject at hand, believe it or not, most WO-S supporters/posters have realized that we do have more than one subject that we excel at (thanks to the kind and all-knowing posters on setxsports.com). Thanks! Zack Quinn is an excellent coach and guy and he is doing a pretty good job. (Is that more satisfactory and within in the guidelines of commenting on the right topic? Dang it, once again I have probably failed to meet people's standards because I didn't post this on the correct board. I will copy and paste it. Did I pass?) Barely. But I'll give you a break on the lack of reading comprehension. To quote Mr. Muyagi in Karate Kid, " No such thing as bad student, bad teacher." As for your statement on most WOS supporters, you couldn't tell by the posts on this messageboard, and that was my point. Why do you care if the posters only talk on the football forum? Do you loose sleep because WOS posters won't post on the other forums? What is your deal? I know "If I only knew" then tell me please because you only seem to be worried about WOS posters. I thought this was a message board and we were free to post where we wanted to and when we wanted to. I didn't think we would be repremanded for posting on the football forum out of season. :
Orange has.
Concerned WO-S Parents To Gather Over Bus Decision Tue!
td replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
For those that are concerned the meeting is January 20th. That's Tuesday after MLK day. -
For those of you that played on the Mustang field last year, especially at the end of the year, you will be in for a wonderful suprise. The field is looking great. The mound has been completely reworked and the batters boxes are being done as we speak. Coach has done a wonderful job with the field. The whole field is in better shape. The infield looks great. At the end of the year the mound was an embarrassment not to mention dangerous for kids to play on. Hopefully we will be able to get some paint on the dugouts and the whole park will have a new look. Good luck Coach and thanks. By the way I don't have a kid playing so I have no reason to suck up. ;D
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Dude shouldn't you be on the WOS basketball forum? Or better yet Silsbee's basketball forum? 8) Dude, didn't I start this thread? You sure did Mr. Administrator. But for the life of me I can't figure out why. As an administrator I thought your job was to keep the crap down not start it. If you only knew. : Why don't you enlighten me then??????? You have failed to see my point in this thread, I have tried to enlighten you. Blame it on the one-track minds. : Well once again I fail to see your point. You said "if I only knew". I don't see what that has to do with this thread. I will leave you to monitor and administrate the WOS posters and threads. Good night. Maybe we can continue this banter tommorrow! ;D
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Dude shouldn't you be on the WOS basketball forum? Or better yet Silsbee's basketball forum? 8) Dude, didn't I start this thread? You sure did Mr. Administrator. But for the life of me I can't figure out why. As an administrator I thought your job was to keep the crap down not start it. If you only knew. : Why don't you enlighten me then???????
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Dude shouldn't you be on the WOS basketball forum? Or better yet Silsbee's basketball forum? 8) Dude, didn't I start this thread? You sure did Mr. Administrator. But for the life of me I can't figure out why. As an administrator I thought your job was to keep the crap down not start it.
Good question. Good question but posed to the wrong person!
?? What's this got to do with this thread? Dude shouldn't you be on the WOS basketball forum? Or better yet Silsbee's basketball forum? 8)
Because he is loaded and does not have anything else to do with his money. LOL! ;D "I heard" he wanted to start small with the sign, but he's paying to have turf put in over the summer! ;D Shouldn't you two boys be over filling out the LCM questionaire wanting to know this information about who you want for your new AD/Head Coach??????? 1. How important is it that the Athletic Director/Head Football Coach (candidate) be honest and of high moral character and integrity?" Really if you have to ask................... I'm just sayin
That is a question for someone else.
LC-M wants on-line response from community on AD post
td replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Sorry you took this post the way you did skipper. No real need to get defensive, I wasn't attacking you. "Get a clue" is a reference to the shot you took at the LCM school board members without really knowing what is happening. A "selection committee" has been formed and the head of that committee is receiving all of the applications at this point. Board members don't really even know who all those applicants are yet. (YET being the key word) The school board is doing their job just fine. "Buy a vowel" just refers to The Wheel of Fortune game show. Contestants sometimes buy a vowel when they're not real sure what the answer is yet. That reference had nothing to do with your spelling. This board is the best and cheapest entertainment around. Sorry if you think "I'm like that" Skipper, Slam is a good guy even if he is from LCM. ;D Sometimes things come across the wrong way when they are being typed and not spoken. -
No Mauriceville Jr. High coach though??????????
If you're talking about our 9 year old team that was me. Thanks. I'm coaching the 10U Blue for GTB Hitters Inc. with alot of the same kids and also some improvements with older kids than we had last year. Was that a shot...I think that was a shot. That hurt. Of course that wasn't a shot. But with 3 8's and a 7 last year we should be better with all 10's this year. Just keep the boys arm out of a cast, that's all.
Concerned WO-S Parents To Gather Over Bus Decision Tue!
td replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I totally agree. I have said this before, but where are the parents in this equation?? The "cant's" or "wont's" do not fly with me. During football season, I dedicate 4 days per week to get my Son to practices and games. Sometimes it can be a challenge, but I make it happen. Having a bus program is a great idea, but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. I think we all want something we can't afford.........but we live within our means. A parents #1 priority is keeping their children safe. The schools #1 priority is providing a "QUALITY" education while in a safe environment, NOT providing transportation to and from school for after school programs. Good luck with the bus program, I hope you get it back, If you don't, I hope the parents step up, get involved and take care of their children. You finally said something I can agree with. If we don't get it back I hope the parents find a way to get their kids back and forth. I also agree that the schools #1 priority is education. Look at our TAKS scores and then you can give our administrators a grade for how they have done with their #1 priority. I'm not sure how they think we will get different results by doing the same thing with the same people running the schools. I'm glad I have finally got your appoval...... ;D TD, I'm not trying to bash WO-S. Just trying to live in reality. I have not looked at the TAKS scores, but if they are not up to par, then something should be done. I also agree, the same actions will equal the same results. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -
Usually when someone makes a joke they put a little smiley face behind their statement. If it was a joke I apologize. It just struck me the wrong way.