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Everything posted by td

  1. I totally agree. I have said this before, but where are the parents in this equation?? The "cant's" or "wont's" do not fly with me. During football season, I dedicate 4 days per week to get my Son to practices and games. Sometimes it can be a challenge, but I make it happen. Having a bus program is a great idea, but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. I think we all want something we can't afford.........but we live within our means. A parents #1 priority is keeping their children safe. The schools #1 priority is providing a "QUALITY" education while in a safe environment, NOT providing transportation to and from school for after school programs. Good luck with the bus program, I hope you get it back, If you don't, I hope the parents step up, get involved and take care of their children. You finally said something I can agree with. If we don't get it back I hope the parents find a way to get their kids back and forth. I also agree that the schools #1 priority is education. Look at our TAKS scores and then you can give our administrators a grade for how they have done with their #1 priority. I'm not sure how they think we will get different results by doing the same thing with the same people running the schools.
  2. Congratulations to you. I do the same thing. Not everyone can do that.
  3. We have a soccer team? Just kidding. I didn't get it at all. I didn't get why it mattered. Just don't read it if the WOS people are bothering you that much. I never played a down of high school football but I like to watch it.
  4. If you don't want football talk then shut down the football threads until it's football season again. Man for some reason your comment hit a nerve with me. So as I understand your comment we are only supposed to post on the threads that are in season? You totally missed my point. I do not want you to stop with the football talk but also talk over in the basketball forum in support of your basketball team. It's funny that as soon as football season is over with, the WOS posters seem to disappear. WOS does play other sports besides football. I think those guys should get the support from the Mustang fans as well. I believe Zach deserves some support, he has done a good job with the basketball team. The lack of discussion from WOS fans in the other forums just goes to prove what most folks think, that WOS is all about football and nothing else. I'm a short fat 42 year old white guy. What can I add to a basketball discussion? That's a joke so everyone keep your panties out of a knot. Seriously, I don't know the first thing about basketball. However if you want to check out my posts then you can find some on the baseball threads. I used to know something about that but that ship has sailed too. ;D I may have missed your point but you are the one that said football is over and we should be on the basketball forum. Why is it a problem if WOS fans think the most about football? I'm not even saying that's true, you did but if it were true why would it be a problem?
  5. I can add and subtract fairly well, but I also understand the concept of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Don't you think that the gate money is already appropriated to go somewhere? If I take part of my insurance premium money and pay my "NEW" annexation taxes don't you think td will miss that money? I'm sure the gate proceeds go to the athletic fund. So all of those "one dollar" subtractions are already in the athletic kitty. (Excluding the LCM game which splits the gate...you can take a dollar from the visitor side too if you think it will help.) I actually think the board may be right here, but that's just my opinion. My point is that you better have something more than just a distain for change if you want to get the school district to reconsider. Hey now let's not get crazy here. Let's leave the insurance premiums out of the equation! ;D
  6. If you're talking about our 9 year old team that was me. Thanks. I'm coaching the 10U Blue for GTB Hitters Inc. with alot of the same kids and also some improvements with older kids than we had last year.
  7. td


    It's just a tough situation and everyone has to make a decision based on something, money, time, coaching, competition, having fun or talent. The league has a tough decision to make. I don't envy that position at all. Either way we will be at Memorial field watching games.
  8. If you don't want football talk then shut down the football threads until it's football season again. Man for some reason your comment hit a nerve with me. So as I understand your comment we are only supposed to post on the threads that are in season?
  9. Says you! Since when do the moderators tell us when and where to talk?????????????????
  10. Maybe they can or maybe they can't. Maybe they don't want to. Maybe they are at work. Either way, should the kid have to find a ride regardless of the reason a parent can't/won't pick them up?
  11. The world series is in July I think so whoever is coaching now will coach then. Some of the age group still needs kids. What age group are your kids?
  12. td


    I think we are in the middle of that transition right now. I think it will take a couple of years to see the difference but it's coming.
  13. There are so many ways to save money in our district. Most of them would be very difficult situations just as this one is. But I would think it's the responsibility of the school board to make difficult decisions and not just continue with what has been done. There is fat in everything. I'm sure if I looked I would find places to save money in my business. I just think there are other places to save that don't affect/effect the kids as much.
  14. I do think so.
  15. We have a new baseball coach too. I think he will get the program headed in the right direction. Just a few weeks away now.
  16. Maybe they can or maybe they can't. Maybe they don't want to. Maybe they are at work. Either way, should the kid have to find a ride regardless of the reason a parent can't/won't pick them up?
  17. If you need a ride I will come pick you up Slam. ;D
  18. That could be from Head Start. Anyone in the County can attend Head Start at WOS and then we take them home!!!
  19. No school district has transportation for the kids after practice or games. WOS and Newton do/did!!!!!
  20. td


    As far as I'm concerned it will greatly affect/effect if some of the kids that play select will play league or not. I think the league has to make a decision and then the parents of the players will make their decision. No hard feeling either way. My kids love to play league baseball but will not be able to if the league plays on Saturdays. It's a tough decision for everyone.
  21. Its going very well we have teams in every age group beginning at age 8. Some ages have more than one group. I'm actually looking for a 10 year old as we speak. I think there is also an opening for a 9.
  22. td


    Thats too bad.
  23. Does anyone know if OYBS will be playing league games on the weekend this year?
  24. Yes Matt is back at BC.
  25. Congrats Taylor! stircrazy you hit the nail on the head about the mom and the other half! ;D
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