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Everything posted by td

  1. Grandslam in Orange What is Whitecaps? I thought you were with Crush????
  2. Why do you hate on a kid like Hicks and B.C.???? Yes Hicks is a superstar but the most modest kid with his talent I have ever met. Aside from baseball I hope my kid turns out to be as good of a young man as Matt Hicks is. Besides that before Hicks B.C. has always dominated in baseball!!!!!! Dont be jealous because their good. Just enjoy last place in district again with pride!!!! I sure hope this is just a jealous kid. If not, you either don't know Matt or you are just showing your ignorance. GTB I second your thoughts about my boys growing up to be kids like Matt. I don't know many that are. I have one that has a chance but the other one has too much of his daddy's mischievousness in him. ;D
  3. Well put and yes Ronnie was a good one. Agree 100% I agree. Coach Anderson taught more than baseball too!
  4. News flash! We wouldnt want you as a coach. You tell em coach! ;D
  5. Not even close! WOS, Silsbee, BC, HJ, OF, HF There are two that wrong.....how is that NOT EVEN CLOSE???? It's not close because it will be: 1. SILSBEE ;D 2. WOS 3. BC 4. OF 5. HJ 6. HF that ought to get the Stang fans a going. ;D Nah, we'll just let the silver hat do the talkin'.
  6. The job is posted and LCM is accepting applications until January 19th. There will be no "real" news until a few weeks after that date. Feel free to continue making up your own news and speculations until that time. ;D I never knew T.T. was a spokesman for the school. You didn't know? After reading all of these post I think I want him to be the spokesperson for me. He is much kinder and gentler, not to mention well spoken.
  7. ;D ;D This makes about as much sense and is easier to beleive than some of the other things posted. : Will the Ping Pong coach be the AD too? I thought they already appointed Griff as the AD? ;D
  8. This is not true, they are not required to provide information in applicants for a coaching position. Ummmmm....yes they are. If they are a public school. And don't ever call me a liar again LIAR....... I know for a fact that not all applicants are made a part of the open records act. Been there done that! I'm telling you he has warned yall for the last time. ;D You are treading on thin ice 88. ;D Anyone that acts like that shouldn't even get an interview with PNG or anyone else. Grow up young one.
  9. Is there a website for 3A coaches salaries? I didn't find it!
  10. Then why don't you tell us since it's public knowledge?
  11. Then why post them as "requirements"? I can see that all applicants will be considered but they would "prefer" a master degree. Something in this process seems like they are trying to keep some or certain people from applying. I could care less what PNG does but this doesn't seem to pass the sniff test. I thought it said recommended not required! I too could care less. I don't have a dog in the fight.
  12. Same here. That's why I posted it.
  13. You are in big trouble. He said "don't ever call him a liar again" and you did!! Now what??? ;D Relax "Francis" this is all for fun. BTW, that won't be the last person that disagrees with you. 8)
  14. 2009 is just a few days away and I hope to be away from my computer for a few days. Not all of us "work" all the time like you Coop.
  15. This is a good football story and a good life lesson. Life of Reilly There are some games where cheering for the other side feels better than winning. by Rick Reilly Melinda Wright Gainesville State players douse head coach Mark Williams in celebration. They played the oddest game in high school football history last month down in Grapevine, Texas. It was Grapevine Faith vs. Gainesville State School and everything about it was upside down. For instance, when Gainesville came out to take the field, the Faith fans made a 40-yard spirit line for them to run through. Did you hear that? The other team's fans? They even made a banner for players to crash through at the end. It said, "Go Tornadoes!" Which is also weird, because Faith is the Lions. "I WOULDN'T EXPECT ANOTHER PARENT TO TELL SOMEBODY TO HIT THEIR KIDS. BUT THEY WANTED US TO!" It was rivers running uphill and cats petting dogs. More than 200 Faith fans sat on the Gainesville side and kept cheering the Gainesville players on—by name. "I never in my life thought I'd hear people cheering for us to hit their kids," recalls Gainesville's QB and middle linebacker, Isaiah. "I wouldn't expect another parent to tell somebody to hit their kids. But they wanted us to!" And even though Faith walloped them 33-14, the Gainesville kids were so happy that after the game they gave head coach Mark Williams a sideline squirt-bottle shower like he'd just won state. Gotta be the first Gatorade bath in history for an 0-9 coach. But then you saw the 12 uniformed officers escorting the 14 Gainesville players off the field and two and two started to make four. They lined the players up in groups of five—handcuffs ready in their back pockets—and marched them to the team bus. That's because Gainesville is a maximum-security correctional facility 75 miles north of Dallas. Every game it plays is on the road. This all started when Faith's head coach, Kris Hogan, wanted to do something kind for the Gainesville team. Faith had never played Gainesville, but he already knew the score. After all, Faith was 7-2 going into the game, Gainesville 0-8 with 2 TDs all year. Faith has 70 kids, 11 coaches, the latest equipment and involved parents. Gainesville has a lot of kids with convictions for drugs, assault and robbery—many of whose families had disowned them—wearing seven-year-old shoulder pads and ancient helmets. So Hogan had this idea. What if half of our fans—for one night only—cheered for the other team? He sent out an email asking the Faithful to do just that. "Here's the message I want you to send:" Hogan wrote. "You are just as valuable as any other person on planet Earth." Some people were naturally confused. One Faith player walked into Hogan's office and asked, "Coach, why are we doing this?" And Hogan said, "Imagine if you didn't have a home life. Imagine if everybody had pretty much given up on you. Now imagine what it would mean for hundreds of people to suddenly believe in you." Next thing you know, the Gainesville Tornadoes were turning around on their bench to see something they never had before. Hundreds of fans. And actual cheerleaders! "I thought maybe they were confused," said Alex, a Gainesville lineman (only first names are released by the prison). "They started yelling 'DEE-fense!' when their team had the ball. I said, 'What? Why they cheerin' for us?'" It was a strange experience for boys who most people cross the street to avoid. "We can tell people are a little afraid of us when we come to the games," says Gerald, a lineman who will wind up doing more than three years. "You can see it in their eyes. They're lookin' at us like we're criminals. But these people, they were yellin' for us! By our names!" Maybe it figures that Gainesville played better than it had all season, scoring the game's last two touchdowns. Of course, this might be because Hogan put his third-string nose guard at safety and his third-string cornerback at defensive end. Still. After the game, both teams gathered in the middle of the field to pray and that's when Isaiah surprised everybody by asking to lead. "We had no idea what the kid was going to say," remembers Coach Hogan. But Isaiah said this: "Lord, I don't know how this happened, so I don't know how to say thank You, but I never would've known there was so many people in the world that cared about us." And it was a good thing everybody's heads were bowed because they might've seen Hogan wiping away tears. As the Tornadoes walked back to their bus under guard, they each were handed a bag for the ride home—a burger, some fries, a soda, some candy, a Bible and an encouraging letter from a Faith player. The Gainesville coach saw Hogan, grabbed him hard by the shoulders and said, "You'll never know what your people did for these kids tonight. You'll never, ever know." And as the bus pulled away, all the Gainesville players crammed to one side and pressed their hands to the window, staring at these people they'd never met before, watching their waves and smiles disappearing into the night. Anyway, with the economy six feet under and Christmas running on about three and a half reindeer, it's nice to know that one of the best presents you can give is still absolutely free. Hope.
  16. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. I hope to be back on her in 2009 discussing, arguing, agreeing and disagreeing with each and everyone of you. 8)
  17. You are very welcome. Thanks for having us, not to mention putting up with us. ;D well at least putting up with me ;D
  18. I wonder how many of the 43 votes were from WOS fans hoping to "unload" their OC? None from me.
  19. Do you really think any coach would do that? The starters wouldn't have any reps in a game situation.
  20. Consider it donated to the "Help Our Children Home" fund! ;D ;D
  21. Is this bus issue actually on the agenda for the next school board meeting or was the DS's statement of "it's still up for discussion" just a way to calm the waters for a little while until this blows over? Change of any kind is usually hard, especially after 20-30 years. I'm not sure that I agree with the buses running...but obviously it's a huge issue to the citizens of the WOS district. Good luck in your appeal and in your fight for what you feel is the right thing to do for your kids. There is probably alot more that you wouldn't agree with also. They voted to stop running the buses at the last meeting. They said they would continue to talk about it which wasn't a very clear answer. I asked specifically if it would be put back on the agenda for January and was told yes. At first I think they were trying to calm the waters and when it was pointed out that they didn't even know what the true cost was, hopefully they starting rethinking what they voted on. At the very least they will either be able to uphold the decision they made or reverse it with some confidence in what they are voting on.
  22. As I understand it the $275 for 10 people was for 10 days. That's $27,500 which would have either paid or just about paid for the buses regardless of what figures were used. Fortunately our school board had enough sense to vote this down. It just makes you go hmmmmmmmmm if we need to save money that bad.
  23. He very well may be in the process of starting one up. Just don't jump the gun. Two years of making the playoffs (one getting knocked out in the first round) doesn't start the tradition of being state bound. I'm not bashing so if this comes off that way, it's not how I meant it. It's just an honest opinion.
  24. You may but then again you may not. How can they vote on anything without having the facts straight before they vote on it. I have said we are still staffed like a 4A or 5A school. However, I've never said keep the buses even if you have to let an employee go. Losing the buses will hurt more than just the football program (opinion). Since you know so much about the internal central office and we are in such a financial crisis, how can the administration ask for an additional $275 a day per person for about 10 people when all they did is come to work and do their job? They were already getting paid.
  25. This has to be the most idiotic post ever. It definitely is grasping at straws. If one was astute enough to look into this they'd find it was being discussed for months. Seems to me the folks over at WOS should be more involved in their school system. Also by this logic it is being alluded to that the kids and parents at WOS are not dedicated enough to be part of the program without this transportation. I have yet to hear how many kids this truly involves and benefits. WOS will be fine. The kids will still participate. WOS's numbers are dropping thus monies are going down as well. Maybe they just need to fire the reading or math tutorial teacher afterall we know what is more important. : You have no idea what you are talking about. I can only speak for myself but I promise I do know what's going on. I can tell you that it doesn't affect/effect (I can never get those straight )my kids at all. If you are going to make statements like you did maybe you should be astute enough to look into the accuracy of your statement because as far as I'm concerned based on this post, you know nothing about WOS or anything going on there. I usually like and agree with your post but you pulled this one out of the air. Maybe someone else was signed on as you ;D
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