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Everything posted by td

  1. Stop playing on the computer Simone! ;D
  2. They got the figure from Coach but didn't really agree with it on the spot. They did say they would look into it.
  3. Yes there will be but this will be a big blow to alot of kids.
  4. The very first thing I noticed about this post is that whoever wrote it didn't have the ..... to put their name to it. Who really cares if a reporter thinks they made the right decision. No where in this article does it say that at the meeting the board's president said the savings would be approximately $35,000. When it was disputed they all said well we just got these figures today. Therefore they didn't even know what the numbers were before they voted. Maybe the amount of employees should be looked at. It's hard for me to make a recommendation on how to fix the budget when I don't have all of the information. I think that's the boards job. What disturbs me is that they made this decision obviously without all of the information themselves. We have been low performing at the middle school for years with no change. That doesn't make sense to me.
  5. That's not the hidden issue at all. What about the track kids? The baseball kids? The softball kids? My oldest child is just 15 and she doesn't need a ride, ever. Stop looking for something underhanded. It's not there. Can't we just care about the kids?
  6. ;D ;D They take away our athletics and not only will they lose the kids that need a ride but I will be the first to go. I wonder if LCM would mix in a little blue and silver?
  7. The people that were there were not the ones that needed a ride for their kids. At least that's true in my case. You see you can't just look out for your kids. You have to look out for all of the kids. There are people out there that either don't have the time or interest or maybe they are to nervous to go in front of a crowd, maybe they feel intimidated. Who knows what the reason is. Maybe they just flat out don't give a ........ Whatever the reason is, the kid is the one being punished and someone has to take up for what's right. That's what people do that really care about WOCCISD.
  8. They say it's a financial issue.
  9. There were some sponsors. This is to all of the Coaches and or Presidents of the league. I think we could get more sponsors if they are needed if we would look in all of the area's that have a team playing. I was going to be a sponsor in Orange and would have been happy to do the same in Nederland. That way we don't have to go back to the same people all the time to ask for help. It seems the same people (and it doesn't matter what town you are in) always step up. In other words put me on a list for next year.
  10. If that happens Coach, I want my money back! ;D For sure on the Peewee game. Thanks to the whole video crew. Overall I think it was a great idea and the kids will be looking back on this for a very long time.
  11. I like the idea of extending the cap for the junior division. While were talking about rules. My question is do you (love to hear what the coaches say) think the player participation report is being followed and enforced? I can tell you that the two WOS teams that my boys played on the 10 play rule is being followed. Now I don't think it's being checked but we did follow the rule. Neither of our teams ever checked the other teams report that I know of.
  12. There was a board member that made a statement about that last night at the meeting. Not just football but athletics.
  13. I don't know how much accuracy this statement has but for arguments sake lets say the parents are lazy and just don't pick up the kids. Do we punish the kid for that? Not if I get a vote. I can't tell you how many kids I have taken home. Get there and their parents are home. Does that mean I stop taking them home? Of course not. Don't lose focus on the fact that this is not the kids fault.
  14. Even if it's just minimized?? Because that's all I do.
  15. I don't think anyone argued that education comes over athletics. In our situation one helps the other. Again the people decided nothing. It was forced on us. I guess you can say "we decided because we put these people in office" if you want to make that stretch.
  16. Absolutely. One reason I think they waited until after football is because they thought Coach wouldn't care. Guess what he does care. He cares about the kids and the other sports not just football.
  17. First let me say they did not poll their constituents. Nor did they talk to the athletic department. The $35,000 figure that they were using was questioned last night and the way they answered was "we just got these figures today". They didn't even know what it was costing and they voted to drop it. You tell me how much sense that makes. This is not hear say I was there. They couldn't dispute the number that was given to them because they had no idea what the true cost was. Coach said about $9500. We get $4800 per child. If we lose 2 kids because of this it's a break even. If we lose 3 we are losing money. The numbers don't appear to be looked at or not closely at all. For example the Dan R. Hooks sign that they said they were going to repair after it had been damaged for two football seasons. The bid was over $5000 for one panel and we had two panels that needed to be replaced. When they never repaired the sign I took it upon myself to get it fixed because it was embarrassing to look at every game for two seasons. The cost for both panels, under $800. Someone isn't spending our money the way it should be spent.
  18. I never ok rarely log off and only have 15 days. There has to be more to it than just being logged on. I registered 6/18/07. Probably haven't been logged off for 15 days since that date. C'mon Coop tell us how it's done.
  19. There isn't one needed daily. Obviously the big lebowski knows something I don't. I do know that when there is practice for academic competitions we provide one.
  20. There isn't one needed daily.
  21. WOS does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. You can't vote unless you live here. You can own property in many different districts and pay taxes but you only get to vote in the one that you live in.
  23. My first post agreed with him. I got defensive when he made accusations about one of our coaches.
  24. At this point we are fighting to even have a football team next year.
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