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Everything posted by td

  1. I haven't heard one tax payer complaining. It keeps kids off of the street and in school then it's worth it.
  2. One school board member talked about doing away with athletics altogether. Now my kids don't need a ride to or from anything, however, if they do away with athletics we will no longer go to school at WOS. Athletics is not the reason my kids go to school at all. They go to get an education and have all three done very well on all of their grades and TAKS. Still athletics teaches alot of skills that you don't get out of a book. Not to mention exercise and gives them something to do with idol time.
  3. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree that "football provides them an education". Colleges graduate maybe 50% of the football players, and also take into account many of the athletes take the simplest classes available. Students should attend school to get an education, "athletics" should not be the motivating factor to keep kids in school. Some schools simply don't get this. The GURU will now speak on this most unfortunate of topics! First of all bucky, I believe the comment about football helping kids with education was that extra curricular activities gives kids incentive to make good grades, stay in school, and get a college education. This is 100% accurate in the WOS school district. By cutting out transportation for extra curricular activities you will cut out the number of kids that will participate in these activities and will cause some to even not participate in school all together. I have a brother that has worked in this district and I can honestly say that the mismanagement of money for YEARS has caused this district the hardships that it is currently enduring! Unfortunately, the CHILDREN are ALWAYS the ones that SUFFER! Sorry bucky, but the buck stops here and The GURU has spoken!! I can only speak for my local school district, Silsbee, on this matter. Silsbee does not provide transportation back home for extra curricular activities, yet they have not suffered any loss to speak of in participation. The only numbers that have dropped in Silsbee are due to the population decline, therefore why we are in 3A now. The percentage of students participating in extra curricular have not changed. Silsbee hasn't provided transportation in years. I think it's great that WOS was still providing transportation for their students. But in these times, it was inevitable that it would change. I think you'll be suprised that the numbers will not drop significantly at WOS because of these changes. If the number drops by 2 it is a break even deal. Which is what makes it ridiculous. We still operate alot like a 5A school. The money has been mismanaged for years and that's how we got to this point. Now they are trying to do away with one of the most positive things going for WOS. It doesn't make good business sense. If 3 kids drop out then they have lost money.
  4. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree that "football provides them an education". Colleges graduate maybe 50% of the football players, and also take into account many of the athletes take the simplest classes available. Students should attend school to get an education, "athletics" should not be the motivating factor to keep kids in school. Some schools simply don't get this. You know what? I will agree with you. Athletics should not be a motivating factor to keep kids in school. However, it is to some kids. Whether you like it or not it is a fact. Football has been a means for some kids to go to college and get an education that otherwise may not have gone.
  5. Why does this discussion keep going back to WOS or more specifically BigWorms kid? The original suggestion would actually help him and kids like him stay as a back because it increases the weight limits. Now the discussion is starting to be about a coach being competitive? There are weight rules already established and nobody is suggesting that weight be used as a tool to win. BigD the rules are there to keep everything safe and fair and I believe the STJFL does a good job in maintaining that focus. Why is WOS so defensive in this topic? No one has made any accusations toward anybody these were only suggestions that ironically would help in the areas WOS is against... There is no reason to get defensive on this thread unless you already know the rules are being broken and you don't wanna get caught. By the way you are acting, maybe bulldogbacker is right and there needs to be more officials at the certifications or at least somebody planted at the scales. As long as a player doesn't go over 115 pound mark throughout the year there would be no problem. I can't understand why it would be a problem to give an opposing coach a chance to challenge a player's weight. You obviously know nothing about BigD. He does nothing but play by the rules. Whatever they are. He will out work and out prepare most coaches in the STJFL. Your sneaky little accusation didn't go unnoticed. This is the kind of crap that give yall a bad name. WOS blue and white beat Lumberton fair and square, get over it and do a better job as a coach.
  6. I would like to say that football is not put above everything else. With that being said it is very important and keeps alot of kids in school and actually provides them with an education. With that being said, as I understand it our middle school has been low performing for several years, however, we haven't made one change in the administration there. Seems like the problem starts at the top.
  7. The second he touches the ball with his knee on the ground he is down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why.
  8. I loved just about every single thing about it. The commentators were excellent. My only regret is somehow they called my son Chad Davis throughout the DVD. His name is Chad Dallas. He was the QB and Defensive end (#7) for WOS on the PeeWee team. Other than that I loved it and the price was very fair.
  9. You made a very interesting point. I too am in the insurance industry and didn't see anything that you said that would prevent a lawsuit. The lawsuit would occur after the accident. Just because the coach has the right to weigh a kid doesn't prevent a lawsuit. What it does is put liability on a coach if in fact he didn't weigh the kid. If the kid was weighed and the scales were wrong........... Nothing will stop someone from filing suit if that's what they want to do. The weigh in is similar to a fighter weighing in.
  10. Good post coach. It was a great game. We enjoyed playing yall. It was back and forth the whole game right until the end. We are very proud of our boys just as I know you are of yours. They were all very respectful while shaking hands just as everyone of your coaches were. It was a fair hard fought game and we just happened to come out on the winning side. The game was decided on the field by the boys not by a ref from a bad or missed call. We will be moving up but I do look forward to watching yall play. Those boys will be even tougher to beat next year. Congratulations to all on a great season.
  11. I for one would love that rule to be changed. I think your suggested weights look fair to me.
  12. The kids don't know what the other options are so how would they know who they want to play for????????
  13. bunch of babies... One of those guys is jumping on the sulphur springs band wagon. I would like to say that the Tivy players really acted with class after the game at the end of the line to shake hands: there were lots of hugs and seemingly sincere words to Cody after kicking the game winner. The Tivy fans however think because the won in total yardage that they won the game. IMO, our mistakes made the game closer than it needed to be. As far as the guy saying cody looked like he should play at JUCO.... who made the throws when it counted and who's team got stuffed 2 or more times in the red zone? You could also say who is moving on and who is going home. Congratulations to Dayton from WOS. You can win by 1 or 100 and you still move on. Losing on the last play of the game is still a loss. If you don't believe it ask the University of Texas.
  14. As a WOS supporter and ex player, I think we can have a very successful season without making the playoffs. Rome wasn't built in a day. As long as we give Coach a chance, we will be fine. We need to get back to the fundamentals. Over the last 30 years it was rare that WOS had the best over all talent. However, it was rare that we were not the best prepared and fundamentally sound. 3rd spot or not I think we are on the right track.
  15. Congratulations on a great season.
  16. Congratulations to Nederland for the win and to Lumberton on a great season.
  17. Get well soon Queenb. BigWorm you are right there a re some great kids on the Jr blue team. Not only that I want to take it a little farther. We have had great kids and parents through out the Lil Mustang organization. I'm very proud of every team that we put on the field. Not just the ones that won the Super Bowl but everyone of them. With that being said I want to thank our president for putting the Lil Mustangs together. We don't always see eye to eye but I do respect the hard work and effort that he puts in. Thanks to all of the coaches from flag to senior. A job well done. Time to go play baseball now. See you in a couple of weeks, Rod.
  18. If we did that I'm sure it was just parents being excited and not intentionally being meant to the boys. So yall had an all out brawl but you are concerned that your kids will remember people singing a song. My guess is the fight is what will stick in their minds. Clean your own house before you start throwing stones. On that note the most important thing I want to say is what a great game played by both teams. #20 and #5 were studs. Lumberton has a lot to look forward to. Congratulations to the PeeWee Mustangs. I don't think you can get a concussion anywhere but your head. I think you meant contusion which I think is a bruise and it was on his calf but he is ok. Thanks and congratulations to Lumberton also.
  19. We should all be fine as long as none of us wear those WHITE pants. ;D
  20. Who said you "haft" to pay for it. Just don't come. Your problem is solved. That's not nice. Besides that where is the fun in that. Different in baseball though.
  21. Although I agree it is way down on the list. It is miserable on that side when we (WOS) have to be over there. It is way too small when we play at yalls place. Again, I agree it's way down on the list because that may be the only game that it's that way. Let's get yall a new coach. Get you winning and then worry about the smaller issues. Good luck in your search. Sorry td...homefield advantage! ;D It's been kind of miserable sitting on the home side lately too! LOL Maybe the game could be played every year at WOS...of course we would need ALL of the gate since we are giving up home field. ;D Hasn't been too much of an advantage lately. I think we split the gate regardless of where the game is played. More to split at our place......same results. ;D LOL...I guess I was just searching for anything that remotely looks like it might be to our advantage, but you're right. You're right again in the fact that the gate is split right down the middle for that game...and that was my point...we can make the WOS fans comfortable in their nice big stands each season if you'll give up your half of the gate? Fair trade? ;D I'm not so sure that would be such a fair trade. I'm still wondering how we have to give up so much tax money each and every year but never have enough for ourselves. Maybe we are still running a 5A school with a 3A enrollment. I'm not sure but I don't want to be on the school board either.
  22. I went back to look at both teams records and scores threw the year. WOS average 38 point, and gave up 5 points a game. Lumberton average 41 points, and gave up 15 points a game. Lumberton did have a tougher division and play off run ( how was this team seeded #7). Like I said just a outsider looking in, but a huge youth football fan. I saw WOS play twice and Lumberton play three times. Lumberton has 4 backs that can score a lot, now #20 is a horse but don't just key on him. And on trick plays my opinion is every offence is a trick offence. Watch college and the Pros these days, every play has a play action or a misdirection in it. What a day of football this will be. Looks like Southeast Texas will a again be on top with the youths we have coming up today. By the way looking at the scores the two lumberton teams did play each other White won 31 to 27. How did they have a tougher division and playoff run???????? ???
  23. Well yes they have a pitiful visitor side. But WOS is spoiled to one of if not the best stadiums in the area for all classifications. Arguably the best 3A stadium as far as size in the state. How many of the WOS fans actually have kids still in the school. Most of the fans that go to those games don't have a dog in the hunt. Not saying that is a bad thing. But how has a school gone from a 5A squad to a 3A squad. You can't expect other 3A programs with far less enrollment and a smaller tax base to improve there structures. It is not their fault that WOS as dropped in enrollment. As far as LCM, lets start beating the WOS teams first and make it even more uncomfortable for their fans on the visitor side before we think about making changes to the facilities. WOS has plenty of room in the stands and is a nice stadium, but it's a far cry from being "the best stadium in the area for all classifications". Again...this is a ridiculous thread. It may be a small visitors side, but don't look for any changes there for a long time. I would probably attach a timeline for that to happen somewhere right after the new high school AND junior high are completed. : I agree it was once one of the nicest stadiums but technology and turf have caught up with us. Still a nice stadium and very big. As long as they keep winning we can live with it. Almost passed the bond for turf. That would have been nice. Maybe next time. Atleast we did pass the one for the school.
  24. Well yes they have a pitiful visitor side. But WOS is spoiled to one of if not the best stadiums in the area for all classifications. Arguably the best 3A stadium as far as size in the state. How many of the WOS fans actually have kids still in the school. Most of the fans that go to those games don't have a dog in the hunt. Not saying that is a bad thing. But how has a school gone from a 5A squad to a 3A squad. You can't expect other 3A programs with far less enrollment and a smaller tax base to improve there structures. It is not their fault that WOS as dropped in enrollment. As far as LCM, lets start beating the WOS teams first and make it even more uncomfortable for their fans on the visitor side before we think about making changes to the facilities. Good Luck with that.
  25. We haven't always been 3A and we have more of a following than most 3A schools around here. If you noticed all of the 3A schools were mentioned also. All the post was saying is that we bring more people than you have seats on the visitors side. Not an argument just a statement of fact.
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