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Everything posted by td

  1. Uh, that was not your first game back from the storm. Let's not start with the excuses again. : Amen! Give them their due.
  2. That is amazing! That's with Silsbee shutting WOS out in the first half, actually the first three quarters. That has to be amazing too, considering. Yea whats up with that? What happened in that game? Why did silsbee only hold ya'll to 14..only 7 in 4 quarters..thats VERY unusual!!! Just curious as to what happened. Was ya'll missing some players or something? Silsbee played good. They have a good team and always plays the Mustangs very tough. Let us not take anything away from Silsbee.
  3. I wouldn't say everything looks better in purple and white but I will agree with you that the Indians are not and will not be overlooked. We all realize what yall have over there. We are just having fun and hoping that blue and white will end up in the Super Bowl.
  4. So which way is OYBS going with this? What about weekends?
  5. Man I sure hope not. I would like for us to play though. I served two years in Carthage. I sure would like to beat them though.
  6. I agree each and every person that has ever served deserves to be honored. I personally want to thank you for every freedom I have. Make sure you tell a Veteran thank you today. I have on several occasions. It really is a small token for what you people have given for us.
  7. The six that look to be in are WO-S White,WOS BLUE,PNG WHITE,LUMBERTON WHITE,LUMBERTON BLUE, and KOUNTZE. I dont know the last two i know you are tired of hearing this, but I think that one of the weaknesses of the Junior Blue is the fact that we have so many kids who have never played before. Yes, they have done great up until now; but everyone knows that the closer the "big games" come up, the pressure is building and some of the kids MAY struggle with that pressure. On the other hand, I know that the kids who have gone through the pressure already, as well as some of the newbies, are standing strong and are not letting any amount of stress get to them. I can say with 100% certainty that the next few weeks will be one experience that my son will never forget - win or lose - memories have been made that will last a lifetime. I was just looking at the STJFL website and Kountze seems to be a tough test for WO-S Blue. we face them in our final regular season game this saturday at 11:00. guess we will see then how we compete against each other Yall will do fine.
  8. I think both of those games would be great games to watch.
  9. I agree. If it ends up that way then we will be right there with you having a party. We will be disappointed for our kids but as excited as possible for the kids on the blue team.
  10. This pick didn't pan out too well.
  11. I will second that motion. He's a good kid too!
  12. That might be something you put back in your memory bank for next year.
  13. i bet youd love to do that, set them all aside then you might get to win more games!! As for the guys grammer, this is not an english test and its really not any of your business how the guy types. If you just have to grade something then get out some game film of HJ playing any of the teams you just listed above and grade that!! I don't always agree with your post but you get karma for this one. ;D
  14. I wouldnt get too excited...png purple has only scored three td's all year. very young team.... out of 17 kids on the team 15 are returners to this team next year...all but 3 has never played tackle football before...so 54-0 on this team learning is not a real big deal. Do it next year with this lil team returning 15 kids...then get excited. Would you not get excited if the score was reversed? A parent from PNG Purple came up to the head coach of the Junior White team and commended him on how disciplined his team was,and thought how wonderful a job he was doing to have those boys so sound and effective on both sides of the ball. He seemed truly amazed at how good they played. I think thats a testament to how all the coaches on that staff( DAVE,JOSH,FRUITY,KENT,MAVIS DIME,SNATCHER JR, BROUSSARD, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST MRS. LINDA & KOOL-AIDS GRANDMA)Out of that list our kids get great coaching,some good role models,and some electrifying prayers and cheers on gameday. Thats what we do here 19cherokee90. We get EXCITED. When we win big we get EXCITED,when we win close ones we get EXCITED,and if by some crazy chance ya beat us......We get EXCITED at the chance we may get to play u again.And this year after the Super Bowl guess what we will be........? You guessed it EXCITED!! Its really kinda fun 19Cherokee90 I wish u had something to get EXCITED about!!!! I can't get any love 92. You and I both know I'm the glue that holds Jr. white together.
  15. Again those posting and looking past Coldspring aren't WOS people. Most of them anyway.
  16. Well I hope so...because Barbay for sure will be prepared and he will bring his team to play you can count on that!!! GO TROJANS!!!!!!! Maybe just maybe Kville should spend their time preparing for their game and not spend so much time concerning themselves with what WOS is doing. We don't underestimate people. If we lose then we lose but it won't be because we aren't prepared and/or underestimated anyone. You sure spend alot of time on here trying to convince yourself and others that Kville is good and better than WOS. ???
  17. Then it's a good thing Kville isn't playing Coldsprings. See at WOS we don't spend our time worrying, we spend it preparing.
  18. Congratulations to the L-train.
  19. I thought vicious hits were what players were supposed to do? I would prefer to hear of "clean, hard hits". Vicious just has undertones of uuuhhh, well you know...DIRTY, Malicious, intending to cause bodily injury. kinna unsportsman like...don't you think?? Oh my, you are being "offended" by adjectives! Vicious can't be used to describe a hit? Maybe we should just play flag football. Not offended by words in the least. What bothers me are hits placed on players that are done with the sole intention of injuring them, sometimes permanently, or dirty hits done out of revenge for a score or big play. Please read what I type with misconstruing it. When I played, every time I made a tackle I was trying to put the running back out of the game. Come on,this is football. Geeeeeeeeeez ??? But you kept missing and that's why you were the first Sr. to ever play on the JV. Just kidding, I don't even know who you are. I just couldn't resist. Have a great day. 8)
  20. Who won the $500.00 gas card that was supposed to be given away at homecoming? I just need to know where to go to pick up my card! ;D
  21. Honestly..we were all disappointed that game was cancelled. We enjoy playing teams like WOS. It great for our kids to play teams of their calliber. If they lose they lose..but the experience they gain from the game makes them better!!! You guys were our only loss last year!!! I think we deserve a little resepect!!! You earn respect. All you are doing is trying to get your respect by saying what yall would have done. You did gain some respect by beating Newton. Seriously though, stop begging for the respect. Kville has a good team. Let them earn their respect.
  22. Isn't this the same old stuff yall were spewing last year when we came over there and handed you your a.. on a platter? ;D
  23. We put our 2nd and 3rd string guys in so they can get some work just in case they are needed in the playoffs. If they score then they score. A varsity team should be able to stop 2nd and 3rd string guys. We play who they put on our schedule. Get better.
  24. You probably weren't even there. You have no idea how the points were scored or who scored them. What a horrible season that would be to "only" go three rounds deep. How many teams would take that? WOS just sets their goals high, so you are right "only" three deep would be a disappointment for us. You are the one with no class.
  25. I wouldnt get too excited...png purple has only scored three td's all year. very young team.... out of 17 kids on the team 15 are returners to this team next year...all but 3 has never played tackle football before...so 54-0 on this team learning is not a real big deal. Do it next year with this lil team returning 15 kids...then get excited. I think the excitement is for the WOS kids and not against the PNG kids. Next year will be fun too because our team will only lose 2 kids. ;D
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