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Everything posted by td

  1. Like I said, I expect a district championship from Vidor this year. I don't know the Bunner kid but I would love to see the team that Matt couldn't start for. Good luck. Matt would definitely start for Vidor. Anyone who says different has lost their mind. I think Chaz Bruce will be the ss this year. If I know chaz, he would move back to secound in a heartbeat to have Matt. Not going to happen anyway, so good luck to you, Matt... Great player! As far as pitching goes, Matt Hicks or Trae Hester as #1. Wish we had to make that choice... Any team in this area wishes they had to make that choice. Along with some other talent in Orange County.
  2. Yea they dont start till their about 8. Actually they start playing flag at 5 years old, I think.
  3. Like I said, I expect a district championship from Vidor this year. I don't know the Bunner kid but I would love to see the team that Matt couldn't start for. Good luck.
  4. He's a switch hitter so you never know. ;D
  5. I'm not from LCM but I think it would help if he were a part of the community. At least coach Williams was out shaking hands and kissing babies. I'm not sure many people even know this man to walk up to him and talk to him.
  6. Good post. Congratulations Silsbee.
  7. Scooter: There was only about 15 seconds left on the clock. The qb was told to go up under the center and then spike the ball but the qb kneeled it instead. Maybe he thought there was still a time out? Anyway, the clock ticks off and the game ends tied 7-7. but isnt it kinda the teams responsibility to let that QB know there is no timeouts left? that was weird. if he goes clock play they win on a FG. they were in position. maybe the team asked for a kneel down i dont know, kinda odd IMO. I talked to a Silsbee coach after the game and they were telling him to spike it. He must have just gotten confused.
  8. Assuming you are from Lumberton. This is an interesting topic. Lumberton runs an offense In STJFL that is only for youth football. It works and they have alot of success with it so please understand that I'm not putting it down. I just have never understood how that helps them later in football. Like you said running the same offense that your high school runs seems like it would help. Assuming you are from Lumberton
  9. He does deserve some props but not as the best coach in the area. You have to have history of winning to become the best coach. One year won't do it. He may be there in a few years.
  10. I think it's a bit early to be putting Coach C in with the Hooks, Neumans and the Barbays. Give him a few more years and then I think it would be a fair assessment. Right now, it's okay to overlook him. Very much agree.
  11. The WOS and the PNG kids have alot of fun playing each other. They know other than the super bowl it has always been the biggest game of the year. Let's not take that away from the kids. As adults I think as adults, if the kids can have and show the mutual respect then we should.
  12. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.....I beg you please think he is gonna run every play. Please, Please, Please...lol...Good to hear your not in emergency management, kinda thought you were just in habit of issuing warnings. :) Good luck to your team. ha ha ha; that was funny : you wrote: "Good to hear your not in emergency management, kinda thought you were just in habit of issuing warnings" warn away cause we know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! ha ha ha still know the truth? Are you seriously talking smack about a 9 and 10 year old football game that ended with the score 2-0? It was a great game and hard fought on both sides. Surely there is more to you than having to live through 9 and 10 year old football. Caongratulations to the jr. Indians. I wonder if you are on the high school thread talking the same smack?
  13. I don't know. From the amount of post since last weekend I'm not sure they made it home yet. We will see how long it takes and if it has anything to do with a win or a loss. Don't get em in a wad I'm just having fun.
  14. I guess we can chalk up a district championship for Vidor then. First of all he was joking about my kids that are 8 and 9. Second of all I can't imagine any team not having a place for kids to play if they are good. I guess Vidor wouldn't have had a spot for Matt Hicks!!!!!!!!! [/quote I bet hes wishing he would not have posted now. Kinda of embarrising for him . I will be at the football game tomorrow may see you there. Take it easy on us Yall take it easy on us. I know that ole "take it easy on us trick". See you tomorrow and good luck to Vidor tonight and tomorrow, just more tonight if you know what I mean
  15. I guess we can chalk up a district championship for Vidor then. First of all he was joking about my kids that are 8 and 9. Second of all I can't imagine any team not having a place for kids to play if they are good. I guess Vidor wouldn't have had a spot for Matt Hicks!!!!!!!!! Anyone would love to have Matt, including Vidor.. We welcome anyone to come and go to school here, play ball, or whatever. Peoples lives have been changed for ever, baseball is the least of their worries. Good luck to everyone in BC. We wish you only the best... That's more along the lines of what I would expect from the people I know in Vidor.
  16. I guess we can chalk up a district championship for Vidor then. First of all he was joking about my kids that are 8 and 9. Second of all I can't imagine any team not having a place for kids to play if they are good. I guess Vidor wouldn't have had a spot for Matt Hicks!!!!!!!!!
  17. Lets start the recruiting early Coach Green would love to have them at Vidor. ;D Unfortunately I come with them. So be careful what you wish for!
  18. I think you are putting all of those kids in one basket and that's not really fair. I read another post from you that said you have seen them play. If that is the case then you know that #20 and #34 do like to hit and play hard. I'm not saying they are the only ones but they stuck out to me when I saw them play. I will agree that they aren't competitive in the 4A district but lets give the ones that deserve it their due. I applaud each and everyone of those kids for continuing to come out and practice and play.
  19. Good luck! Maybe you can get some pointers Friday night.
  20. That sure is alot of point's to put on the "Chaingaing"!
  21. All rules are subjective to the rule maker's opinion. That goes whether they are written or oral. Oral rules are still rules. If they were kicked out without a warning for something that was previously acceptable then they would have a valid complaint. When a person in charge tells you something, then that is the rule in that situation. It is not open for debate if the person in charge doesn't want to. These kids were not standing up for a principle. They were openly violating a rule that was told to them and then they were given a chance to comply without penalty. They chose to knowingly ignore the rule and then got penalized. Go figure. So a person in charge gets to change the rules has he/she wants too. No. Rules are rules and should be followed. You don't get to make them up as we go along. What next that person doesn't let boys in the game? Only girls can come to the games. I know that is far fetched but that is the reason you can't just have people going around making the rules as they see fit.
  22. You don't sound like much of a fan. I bet it gets tiring jumping on and off of that band wagon. ;D
  23. Again, we don't have any idea what the reasons are behind this. The coaches also begin with a commitment to the players. Are you sure those are being fulfilled? Let's not be so quick to jump on kids when we don't know the whole story.
  24. Thanks, I just spit coffee all over my screen.
  25. Things have changed since my time. I would have never moved to another school. Of course I was at the best baseball school around (WOS). That being said, we also didn't have the instruction that our kids get. We didn't have the same opportunities for private lessons. We ran to center field and threw a couple of balls back and forth and were ready to play. Times have changed. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but my kids get lessons and they are 8 and 9. They work harder at that age than we ever even knew how to work. They are taught things that we just picked up from playing in the yard. They are learning proper technique and fundamentals. All of that being said, I would have never changed schools but I definitely will move my kids if it's necessary. I want them to have the best opportunity possible. Just my opinion.
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