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Everything posted by td

  1. There will be no hurricane. There will be no hurricane. There will be no hurricane. If I keep saying it do you think it might just be true?
  2. I don't have anything to do with that team but congratulations to you and your team for winning and hitting hard. I know the team and the kid. They really don't need a warning as they prepare every single week. The kid will be fine against your two hard hitters. This is not a kid that can be intimidated nor is his team. He will be just fine doing his job and taking care of his assignments. I'm sure they appreciate your warnings though.
  3. That would be a very generous, outstanding, and extremely classy thing to do. It will also be greatly appreciated. And don't worry, if they kick you out of your stands, you can come sit next to me. You can even continue rooting for the Mustangs! This is something that we discussed on another thread. I think LCM kids will see our appreciation. After that all bets are off until after the game. ;D Then we become one big family again and wish each other well.
  4. What in the world do you say now though? It was called off for the safety of the kids! Now that isn't a concern. I just hope they all found their way home from evacuation.
  5. I'd say call them the Orange Tigers!
  6. Where will you be Saturday? 8)
  7. I thought that's what it said too. I think Coop edited it. Come on Coop, are you trying to pull the ole okie doke?
  8. Yes they are it says so right there in the post. I missed that somehow. What a good choice. They both deserved it. You get one smiley face and a positive karma.
  9. Either one of those young men could have been chosen and it wouldn't be a bad choice.
  10. I'm just happy we're playing it. 8)
  11. I read that somewhere else! Couldn't believe it!!!! Couldn't believe they'd ADMIT it either!!!! LOL...Wow! Some of them would have a rude awakening as a Mustang, wouldn't they? It sure seems to work for us. Maybe we shouldn't give out our secrets?
  12. Someone made the right move. I'm not sure who the credit goes to. I'm just glad we get to play.
  13. They only have one day. They use Friday as a walk through. ;D
  14. He almost got away with it too!
  15. Choose a side and stick to it.
  16. You're talking out of both sides of your neck!
  17. If that would have happened. I would have banned together with my community and the LCM community and we would have taken care of ourselves like we did last time. We would have cleaned our streets ourselves and not waited for someone to send assistance. Then when we did have a football game we would have enjoyed it and I would have hoped that WOS beat LCM and LCM would have hoped they beat WOS.
  18. I think they just renewed it.
  19. My pick is for Garrett. If not him it can only be Green.
  20. WOS Jr. white plays LC Jr. green September 13th at 10:30 at WOS WOS PeeWee plays LC PeeWee October 18th at 9:00 at WOS
  21. That's my pick also.
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