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Everything posted by td

  1. Thanks I got it. Actually got it from 2 different people. Both from Vidor. Yall are just good people over there. Except when you beat us.
  2. Fair enough. Maybe I should have taken it that way.
  3. practice what you preach prez.... :o ut oh!!! I noticed he didn't respond to this post. He actually did have a good post. However, it's easy to tell people what to do. Actually doing it yourself and setting an example, well now that's a sign of a leader?????????????? I guess we will see where he truly falls.
  4. Good post!
  5. When will it be on the website?
  6. It's been about 25 years since my mom decided what I could and couldn't do.
  7. The conversation wasn't even about who would be there. This is your first post and already you are being negative. Relax no one is forgetting about anyone.
  8. OK. Aren't yall playing STJFL?
  9. What a great turn out even with the bad weather. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys and more on the 30th. We saw alot of talent Saturday in all age groups and most of the boys hadn't picked up a bat or ball in several weeks.
  10. How did it go? Some of us couldn't make it. Let us know how both teams looked.
  11. I agree with you about "don't knock the bears". Give the guys that are coming out to play some support. Remember if you go to WOS ,LCM or anywhere else they are still just kids that want to play sports. That being said I have to disagree with the 2-1, however I hope you're right as long as the loss is against WOS . Good luck
  12. Vidor plays in the STJFL and Lonestar???????
  13. Thanks Kitty.
  14. Don't forget about tryouts this Saturday.
  15. I thought kids from Orange county did play in the ANederland Babe Ruth league. :-\ TD Orange County does play in Mid County Sr Babe Ruth 16-18, Nederland Babe Ruth ages 13-15 has boundaries of Jefferson County. Both leagues are affiliated with Babe Ruth but are autonomous with different boards. Thank you
  16. I thought kids from Orange county did play in the ANederland Babe Ruth league. :-\
  17. Uh oh! Maybe you shouldn't have put that on this forum.
  18. Who else has a Babe Ruth league in our area??
  19. I don't know where they would put those people. It will be a packed house on a Friday night. Who knows where we will all park. I hope I don't get towed.
  20. Completely off the subject, but, I think the phrase is "bump" his butt not bust it. ;D
  21. ;D
  22. I agree he was a great coach and he taught alot more than just baseball!
  23. It will be alot more favorable if they start winning again!
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