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Everything posted by td

  1. quit enjoying this so much TD ;D..And about the pitching one of our starters is in Florida right now playing in the a tournament there.Just my luck .. You know you're stacked with pitching. One gone won't hurt you ;D unless he is the one you need . Seriously I hope yall play a good game at 6 and it doesn't go into extra innings and neither team gets really really tired or runs out of pitching Good luck! TD I know you wll probably will be at the Pinto tourney ,but if you wasnt you would be eating nachos ,fries ,drinking a coke watching me and laughing..You would be enjoying watching Tc/Vidor beat up on one another .Waiting to see who wins ,and watching me stress!! Bring that boy of yours, he is just the right size for that extra Vidor jersey... I'm actually going to try to make it tonight. We have practice at 5:30 but we are just going to hit. I think I have replacements for me on the Pinto field. I'm not sure how he would look in black and gold. However one of our jerseys is gold and it does look pretty good on him . The Orange team might recognize him. Good luck and I will either see you on the field or on OUR side outside the fence for the second game. As much as I would like to visit with you tonight I would rather see us playing yall. I get all caught up in this and don't even have a kid playing. Now that's funny.
  2. Yes it was Tc... and It is hard to say who he was directing it to, but regardless the Orange kids heard it. And not trying to start anything, but Vidor might have something to say about it being there house.. Tc has played 2 games and they have lost one of those games.Vidor has been there everyday and has only lost one and that was to us.. It should be interesting tonight. The first scrimmage between TC and Vidor was at the TC field. Both teams batted their entire line up each inning to give the kids some experience. Vidor did hit the ball better than TC that night and came out ahead on runs. Each team seemed to pitch a different pitcher each inning. The 2nd scrimmage was in Vidor and it was more game like. They played by the 3 outs each inning instead of the entire batting lineup. TC ended up ahead this game by like 8 runs if I am not mistaken. I think TC will win the first game tonight against Vidor. Not sure about the 2nd game since Orange will be fresh and TC will be playing a double header. Sir/maam I am not going to get on here and argue who will win, or who will lose especially basing it on a scrimmage.TC has a great ball team and they are well coached.Yes we did scrimmage in TC one time and it was a good scrimmage.Yall also came to Vidor and we did play like a game situation.BUT We pitched kids that didn't even pitch in league ball.It was more like a good practice for us and that's all it was.Please don't make a prediction on a scrimmage. Yall have a great team along with Orange and whomever plays who, will have to bring there A game.This has been a good tournament and lets keep it that way. It was just an opinion that I formed on the games I have watched and seeing the different scrimmages. I was not trying to take away anything from the Vidor team at all. I understand about the pitchers because we did the same. There have been several predictions made throghout the tournament and some have been correct and other not. Please do not take anything that I said in a negative way because it was not meant to be that way. Sorry if it come across that way. Good post. Sometimes things come across the wrong way on the message board. My predictions have been based on nothing more than the city that I live in . It keeps all of the momma's happy and in the long run isn't that the most important thing????????????????????
  3. quit enjoying this so much TD ;D..And about the pitching one of our starters is in Florida right now playing in the a tournament there.Just my luck .. You know you're stacked with pitching. One gone won't hurt you ;D unless he is the one you need . Seriously I hope yall play a good game at 6 and it doesn't go into extra innings and neither team gets really really tired or runs out of pitching Good luck!
  4. If so then I will apologize. He/she struck a nerve when I thought they were talking about my boys. My boys aren't allowed to act like that. I guess it's a coinsidence that we aren't playing all-stars and that comment was made.
  5. From what I've seen any of the teams left can beat any of the others on any given night. Just because Orange beat Vidor doesn't mean we will beat them again. good luck to Vidor and TC. May the best team win at 6. Don't use up all of your pitching . Just kidding. Go Orange
  6. I agree it is well worth the $2.50. I also agree that you can get caught up in the moment but sometimes what you say bites you in the butt. Last year in Pinto I had a coach that just beat the snot out of our 2nd team make a bee line for me and ask me if I wanted some of that? I was coaching the first team and we had to play them the next night. I just looked and smiled at him. The next night when we beat the snot out of them, I looked at him and said well I guess we did get a piece of that. Smiled and walked away. Careful what you wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tournament and players, fans and coaches have been great. Let's keep it that way and hope Orange finishes tonight. Good luck to all. Go Orange.
  7. We lost 4 to select and two that quit. That's 6. If you are talking my kids having ego's then you don't know my kids. The only reason you have to deal with me is because I'm out there every single day busting my a$$ and I don't even have a kid playing. Where are you. My name is Tony Dallas and you are welcome to come help me work on the field any day. I resent the fact that you said my child is saying the team would be better if he were on it. He has done nothing but support both all-star teams and help me workk on the field and that's more than I can say for you. So stop hiding behind a screen name and tell us who you are big man that wants to talk about 7 year old kids.
  8. The reason I said they are one of the teams to beat is because in my opinion there are three teams that are better than the rest. There is probably one that is better than the other two and is really the front runner in the tournament . I think you know which team I'm talking about!!!!! I see now why you say that Groves is a sleeper. Orange is in the same boat as far as losing kids to select as I would guess most teams are losing kids. Orange has 6 kids that are just playing select or didn't play all-stars. Good luck tonight. I know that we will have to play the best that we can play tonight to beat yall. Go Orange.
  9. Great job Orange. That is a great example of why you never give up. Also a great example of why a coach should never scream at the top of his lungs "This is our house"! I think he actually startled the kid on third base. I feel certain that he wasn't talking to that kid but he was screaming it in his direction. Good luck to all the teams left. Go Orange!
  10. I'm also very proud of the kids from PA. This looks like a good bunch of kids, parents and coaches. I've watched over the last few years and noticed how they have improved. Congratulations to all involved and if you are the person running the league then keep up the good work.
  11. From what I have seen I wouldn't consider them a sleeper. I would consider them one and I do mean one of the teams to beat.
  12. Boy I couldn't agree with you more about the gate fee. Please just pay the fee. It helps the league which helps our children. We are having the same problem in Orange at the Pinto tournament. It's not a huge problem but any is way too much. Orange isn't set up to collect as you come in because it is so open. So when the ladies walk around to collect the fee, please be honest and if you haven't paid don't walk around and avoid them. Just pay your $2.50.
  13. I haven't even seen TC play but out of nothing more than loyalty to the boys and coaches I will pick Orange. Play hard and have fun. Go Orange.
  14. LOL that has got to be the understatement of the year. That thing is beyond big!!! But it works great. It was 168x168 and we couldn't handle it so we cut it down to 120x120. If we had known we were going to get so much help we probably could have left it alone.
  15. Thanks I read your post incorrectly. Or in the owrds of Roger Clemons I "misremembered" what it said. ;D From what I saw Orange top team should beat Vidors second team. Vidors first team well now that remains to be seen........... I guess the game tonight does too for that matter. You never know what will happen and that's why they lace them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. There are alot of kids that could play select on these all-star teams. In my opinion, if they don't play select the kid that does play select will have the upper hand in most cases, over time. The simple fact that the kid that plays select ball is playing against all-star caliber teams week in and week outThat alone will make him better. I'm not trying to start a select v. league thread either and I know this theory doesn't hold water in every case.
  17. I will second what you said about TC and the fields and the atmosphere in general. Much better experience than I had last year. Congratulations to the field guys and anyone else that has anything to do with that tournament.
  18. So you think Vidors 2nd team will beat Oranges 1st team??? I will predict Orange to beat Vidor tonight. If I'm not mistaken it's Oranges 1st team and Vidors 2nd team. I'm not talking about what the bracket says I'm talking about what they really are. Orange doesn't have American and National. I don't know how yall use those terms. Is National the 1st team and American the 2nd team?
  19. Good answer. +1 karma for you
  20. This was a good game. Orange's bats woke up. Good luck to everyone. Go Orange!
  21. Thanks! I would like to thank all of the coaches that have gotten out there and helped us with the tarp. It's so big that we do need help and so far without fail coaches from all of the other cities have stepped up and helped when needed. Thanks again and good luck to all. Go Orange.
  22. Seriously, does it ruin your day to have this thread under High School. Adapt and overcome. The world is full of miserable things that happen each and every day. If this is the worst thing that happens today, what a great day it will be. This is my last post on this matter because I could really care less where this information is posted as long as it gets posted. I have alot bigger fish to fry. Have a great day everyone.
  23. Aren't these boys High school players?????????
  24. I think you have had enough fun for 1 day. :D With no help from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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