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Everything posted by BC#1SNUB09

  1. BC got some runs this game.......
  2. WOW that BC score's really upsetting to me... you see back in my day in 2004 BC took that District TOurney!!!!!!!
  3. It's going to depend on who the Starting Pitcher is for that game!!! Cessac, clark Hicks.....
  4. BRIDGE CITY CARDINALS qb Johnny Dishon '07 qb Jamey Knight '03 rb Matt Peebles '03 rb Steve WOoster wr Luther Sanders '02 wr Shannon Maloney '03 te Cody Sparks '06 ol CLinton Derouen '07 ol Aaron Mcguire '03 ol William Zimmerman '04 ol Pat Godwin '03 ol Jason Yeaman '01 k A.J. Hecker '06 dl Sam ELmore '06 dl Dustin Bock '02 dl Austin Ponthioe '06 dl Cody Sparks '06 lb Robert Melich '03 lb Kurt Moebre '07 lb Justin Norman '07 db Luke Woolford '01 db Jeremy Bird '03 db Jamey Knight '03
  5. Cessac had a shot at starting at ss and 3RD, but just couldn't field ground balls in practice and during games so he got moved to the outfield......
  6. lol thanks I'm already excited to see how the new breed of Cardinals do next year!! we've been good up to now and I think we can go really far next year....
  7. THIS IS HOW ID GUESS NEXT YEARS DEFENSE WILL BE... WHen CLark Starts: !st Pitcher Clark Catcher Jackson First Base Snyder Second Matthews Short Hicks THird Robertson Left Dillon Center Breaux Right Ceesac DH ? ? Hicks Starter Catcher Encalade 1st Jackson 2nd Matthews ss Robertson 3rd Snyder LF Dillon CF Breaux RF Clark NO DH Cessac Starter Catcher Jackson 1st Snyder 2nd Matthews ss Hicks 3Rd Robertson LF Dillon CF Breaux RF Clark DH? ?
  8. Encalade = NO Outfield!!! What are y'all thinking?.. maybe an extra oufielder would be Jared Raggio or Corey SMith.....
  9. I'll second that! My pitching roataion for next year would be something like this: 1. Clark 2. Hicks 3. Cessac The list goes and goes from there
  10. WELL THAT'S ALL NICE AND STUFF UPCOMING FRESHMAN.... BUT THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT THEIR TURNS AND BE ON THE FRESHMAN TEAM NEXT YEAR...... ... THere's just so much OLDER talent and so many kids... I'd have to imaginE that Coach Bryant's bringing the clippers for real next year......those Juniors that were on the JV last year trying to get on Varsity in '08 will be snipped by Coach Bryant..... and I think some were just playing for fun on the JV and probably won't even go to tryouts next year is going to be serious.........
  11. Blake Snyder, Blake Hubbard, Grant Encalade in the outfield you've got to be kidding me lol?? Anthony ceesac wont be on first that i can guarantee.. Breaux's gonna be in center field taking over where Johnny left off, that's why Bryant put him in sometimes in the outfield during the playoffs, not second......And who woudl this Incoming freshamn be thats gunna have a big roll in Cardinal pitching next year? But you're right about the Cardinals having a bright future!!
  12. EASY Brother it's a little too early to be predicting "possible" lineups... because if some of those kids get the big head and don't practice this summer and fall someone who wants it more could definiately take thier spots!! Personally im gonna be working my tail off from now 'till tryouts!! ;D
  13. I know you got what it takes!
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