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Everything posted by purpleeagle

  1. I saw where they were ranked no. 12 in the state ranking poll and that poll included all division of football. Many is 2a. Louisiana has 3a, 4a, and 5a.
  2. And Many is top ranked this year. I googled up scrimmage Many vs Jasper but it was last years scrimmage and it had the headline “Many vs Jasper scrimmage- Many was the best team”. I saw last years scrimmage and thought it was fairly even. Wonder what they will print this year. Way to go Jasper.
  3. Newton’s Darwin Barlow is a senior running back at USC .
  4. Thanks, pulling for jasper to take it to AT&T.
  5. Saying it was a very even match between the schools. Many was state ranked and are a powerhouse in la. Football. You seem to be making something out of a statement that is not necessary.
  6. Last year Many La. gave Jasper all they wanted.
  7. Scrimmage at Many 18th. post updates here.
  8. Do not give up on the cats. They have a new D coordinator who use to coach at newton and went to Garrison and is now at Kirbyville. It takes time to turn a program around, that is if the parents will leave the coaching to the coaches. They caused one of the best coaches in the state to leave and look and see what he is doing at Anahuac.
  9. Newton 8 TDS. KIrbyville 0 TDS Varsity Newton 9th grade 2TDs. Kirbyville JV. 0 TDs
  10. WO-S game will determine the outcome of one game....
  11. Thank you
  12. Yes, I am sure they will have it moved for you.
  13. In Heaven. There are only two places you can be and a billion years and that is just the start of eternity.
  14. Newton sept. 8 Bye.
  15. Question for you. Where will you be one billion years from now ?
  16. Where did you get your coaching degree at ? You did not misspell the word receiver. Hate will destroy you young man.
  17. Newton JV 1 score. EC JV 1 score (Newton JV has 35 freshman's ) Newton var. 1 score EC 1 score.
  18. Prayers from newton.
  19. Notice I said Over 180 lbs. QB will be 9th grade.
  20. Newton Will be a 9 th grade QB. Offensive line will average over 180 lbs. Def. line will be smaller then the OL numbers - just a little more than a hand full. time to move on. nothing to see here.
  21. Whoops, sorry, I thought I was on the Nederland site.
  22. They have obviously been taking it for several months now. You have a bad year and now whine like a baby. They are kids not men and they are still learning. Just my two cents.
  23. WO-S and Nederland haters. Please, someone, crying towels for these babies.
  24. And on and on we go !
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