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Everything posted by purpleeagle

  1. Newton soph. 2 TD'S Jasper 1 TD Newton JV 1 TD Jasper JV 1 TD Newton Var. 6 TD'S Jasper 0 Newton has put in a new passing scheme and it really looked good . The back up QB looked good also, just a soph.
  2. Evadale is no -1A, they are 2-A.
  3. Please, someone give pakronos a crying towel before he has a nervous break down.
  4. I am going to call the Newton News and see if they will cover PAM. Wow, if you cry over that just wait until Nederland whips up on you.
  5. I was told that Newton did get one kid who transferred/moved into Newton. He moved in at the end of last year from another school and I was told he will probably go both ways. I was told he is a big kid. This info was from a relative of the new kid.
  6. Purple, uniforms with purple. Purple and white. With a big N on the helmet.
  7. Still no magazine in the lakes area. Right after I get through eating, I am going on a hunger strike.
  8. Still not at Wal-Mart in Jasper. Vender only comes once a week on Fridays. So much for it hitting the stands on the 24th.
  9. Still not at Wal-Mart in Jasper. Vender only comes once a week on Fridays. So much for it hitting the stands on the 24th.
  10. Rankings for 3A-2? also 3A-1
  11. I just came from Wal-Mart in Jasper. The manager said that DCTFM would be at the store next Friday and on the shelves next Monday(july4). Same thing every year.
  12. Looks like I am not the only one addicted to the magazine. I wonder if they had the magazine printed up before the Baylor incident came about. I look for WO-S, Newton, and Silsbee to be state ranked.
  13. same o, same o. There needs to be a law requiring them to be on the shelves on/by a certain day, failure to do so would be the death penalty.
  14. No, if a team don't like getting the stuffing's beat out of them, it is their responsibility to work harder and get better. Some teams have second string players that are good and continue to score. These kids have earned the right to play and score. A team needs to play their first string long enough to keep the players in shape, the second team needs to play and develop in order to gain the experience . That's how teams reload the next year. I always thought the object of the offence was to score.
  15. Week 1 Kirbyville at Newton should be a good one
  16. You are right, Newton is a small school, 3A-2 and Big BC is 4A-1 which is 3 divisions higher. Maybe BC should step up and play teams 3 divisions higher then they are , lets see, that would be div.6A-2. I'm sure that the larger enrollment would not play a part in the quality of players the larger school have. BC is playing in a smaller district and maybe some day they might even win their district (now that they are not in the same district with WO-S).
  17. BC 760 kids in High School Brock 330 kids in High School. I just can't understand why the UIL has different divisions according to High School enrollment.....
  18. Brock just started playing football a couple of years ago. They may field nearly as many players as BC but BC probably has about twice the number of player to choose from. P.S. BC will not finish first or second in their district.
  19. Brock is two divisions lower that BC and Lost a lot of kids.
  20. Defending state champions but two divisions lower than Silsbee. Brock lost a lot of kids.
  21. They never denied his contract. People just read in the school board's decision 'to table the contract' that it would not be renewed. I agree that it could have been done different, but NO HARM DONE.
  22. Have you taken your blood pressure lately? I presume your decisions throughout life have been perfect, so you were able to cast the first stone. Maybe you should get the plank out of your eye before you try to get the speck out of their eyes.
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