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Everything posted by cardinals4life

  1. they might not have went to the practices so the coaches are letting the players that went play
  2. is the team wos is playing any good?
  3. These are all coming from text that I am getting. I'm adding them as I get them. Bridgefield Jack in the Box Factory Outlet This was yesterday before it hit. Cow Bayou Bridge. The one going to Orange (the little one) is completely under water. BC Skating Rink (the blue building). Taken from a 2 story building) 1442 PNG Park Texas Ave. before landfall. Market Basket in BC Bessie Heights Hopper Lumber in BC Corner of 62 and 87 Ford Dealership - 16th Street Texas Avenue Another Texas Avenue
  4. These are all coming from text that I am getting. I'm adding them as I get them. Bridgefield Jack in the Box in BC Factory Outlet This was yesterday before it hit. Cow Bayou Bridge. The one going to Orange (the little one) is completely under water. BC Skating Rink (the blue building, taken from a 2 story building) 1442 Market Basket in BC Bessie Heights Hopper Lumber in BC Corner of 62 and 87 Ford Dealership - 16th Street Texas Avenue Another Texas Avenue
  5. i dont play football im a sophomore and im good friends with all of the jv but if i did play i wouldnt be threatened but it'd be better if you got your facts right before you accuse me of something
  6. dishon got moved up in my opinion dumbest thing stump has done since he got to bc the jv has better receivers dont just move someone up cause of there name especially when he plays qb and doesn't even play wr
  7. anyone have the stats from the game??
  8. Im so ready for this game hopefully BC will start off 2-0 get there confidence way up for district
  9. coach Landry is going to make this team a hundred percent better
  10. Is the game in BC??
  11. wow his hair is real bad lol the bad thing is last year as a sophomore rushed for more than 1700 yards 18 touchdowns imagine what he would have done this year
  12. why do people keep saying i guess coach bryant had nothing to do with this. The answer is he didn't Jaden Pitched on GT team coached by sam moore they played at lamar and thats when all those teams saw him the saw him pitch once and they started offering the next day
  13. i think Buna will have 7 starters coming back with there 1 and 2 pitchers coming back in my opinion i think there going to win it all next year
  14. i like Fackler alot but i think as soon as a better job would come up he would take it so i think Landry would Probley be the best decision
  15. has anyone herd anything new on when the might hire the new coach?
  16. I guarantee Jaden Dillion didn't from him he had help from Sam Moore he Played on his team this summer and McNeese saw him pitch
  17. no BC has more close to 20 people in the baseball class i was in it last year i think we had 18 or 19 and we had about 26 but after the baseball cuts some got out cause they didnt make the team
  18. so who's it looking like is going to get it Landry?
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