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Everything posted by CATMAN

  1. Redhorse @ home---------------by-------------4 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Redhorse will do some kicking tonight. > > > > >
  2. LH @ home----------by-----------------15 ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. The Heartbreak kid is the one to watch ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. HJ----------BY-----------------9 ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. Watch the heartbreak KID ON DVD and you will no what Donkey basketball is. :D :D :D
  6. He has changed his user name to Babyboi.
  7. AAW where is MASTER T ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. I will pick Buffalo for 3rd place. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


    24 WHAT ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. NOT TRUE AAW!!!!!! HJ if they won out would have something like 37 or 38 wins. They would be 37-4 or 38-4. Therefore would be the 3 seed and play Burkburnett instead of Madison. It would look like this: Oso vs. Madison HJ vs. Burkburnett NOT TRUE MR. H.J.
  11. WHAT A DOG ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. Reg.1 Burkburnett Reg 2 Dallas Madison Reg 3 Silsbee Reg. 4 Stafford You are right AAW reg.3 plays reg 2 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  13. LC-M @ HOME--------LC-M----------BY----------5 ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. I no they are in reg.4 this year. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. Reg. 1 Burkburnett-Ranked--2 A.W. =====--13 Browfield =====--12 Gatesville =====--15 Lubbock Estac====--4 Liberty Hill ====--18 Reg. 2 Dallas Madison====--1 Angyle ====--3 Reg. 3 Cleveland ====--7 Silsbee ====--8 H.J. ====--11 L.H. ====--16 Center ====--17 Reg. 4 West Oso ====--6 Stafford ====--5 S.A. Houston ====--14 Sweeny ====--10
  16. ok...seriously? ...this is the comment that was made... (as the gym went silent...due to NO SPIRIT from the HORNS) "HEY, MAYBE YALL SHOULD LET THE CHEERLEADERS PLAY...AT LEAST THE GAME WOULD LOOK A LITTLE BETTER" clearly a statement that complements the HORNS CHEERLEADERS...sayin they looked good that night...they laughed...??? how was this a comment that is low class????? Im not puttin you down zeek...cuz i know you stick up for us pretty often (and we appreciate it) ....but really what is wrong with that???? ??? ??? It obviously was bad enough that it caught the eye (or the ear) of the HF Admin and a cop. You guys usually do a great job and you will need to show up in full strength Tuesday night at WOS and for sure Friday against Silsbee. No harm done. haha no problem and we will be ...oh and you know that it was clearly a case of HF just getting mad because HJ was dominating thier world once again...they cant handle that we are better...just like the kid gettin the Tech...haha and you should know that nothin "LOW-CLASS" comes out of NOME, TX.....see ya tuesday You what, I'm going take whatever is given from this rivalry. The middle schools play this week and I'm going to be on here bragging on Friday. In fact, I'll be out there carefully walking past the cow dung to the gym and find my seat to cheer HF to victory. :P Blue do you even no where HF is. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. ;D ;D ;D ;D Redhorse on the move #8 :D :D
  18. Buna @ home---------by-------------6 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. SP----------------by=============5 ;D ;D ;D ;D
  20. Ozen=============by-----------------3 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  21. Central on the road---------C-------by--------------8 ;D ;D ;D ;D
  22. Livingston------------by-----------------20 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  23. SP you need to get ready for HI @ HI that you next game.Stop playing the spurger game over & over ;D ;D ;D ;D
  24. The better team usually wins.Come on trophyman give em their credit.They must have been the better team tonight.I must be missing something on the Rebels,I don't see them in the playoff picture and I sure don't see them winning the district. Come to the next game...it's not a far drive...I'll make sure you get in free and you can make a fresh assessment of the Rebels. These days I usually pick up the paper and see who I think will be the best game to watch and go check them out.I didn't know much about the Rebels so I went and watched them actually 3 times this year.They look better than they did last year but still are a ways away from being a playoff team.Now the girls are the real deal,they will win the district going away. ...ok...but if you wait until a warmup game, you'll have to buy your own ticket. They were terrible two years ago and just bad last year. Started this year pretty rough till they changed their defense completely. Been getting better ever since. But you're probably right... :-\ It was not two years ago that they were terribe.I thing last year they were terribe BS---77 EVADALE---7
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