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Everything posted by pngballer

  1. dotn look past young QB harrison tatum from PN-g this kid has alot of potential i have been playin with him since 7th grade and he has the makings of bein great..
  2. Eat bro .. thats the key.. i drink nitrotech throw in a couple raw eggs.. drink nuthin but water and juice and take megga menns multi-vitamin so that and excercise.. youll be aight.. just run alot.. so youll stay quick..
  3. PNG will be back on the map... there just ina slump.. really some of the players arent in the right state of mind.. and the coaching could also be better , true they have some new coaching staff. but form what i have seen they have such diferent coaching strategies... This season will be a better one but they are still stuglin to find there groove
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