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Tater salad

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Everything posted by Tater salad

  1. This many walks and beanballs? Nobody
  2. Another bunch of walks and a hit after 4, BC 7 Kelly 5
  3. 6-1 BC I think there has been a total of 11 walks and 4 hits
  4. 4-1 BC. 3 errors by Kelly. Bunch of walks.
  5. TAPPS 5A --- good baseball
  6. How'd this go?
  7. The shot to end the game was awesome! Congrats to that boy. Lots of pressure!
  8. It's also one heckuva baseball district
  9. By 1 at home against a pretty weak Pius team. Their place....who knows, I think they get their officials off the street. If ya don't go to the patented Knowles "prevent offense", Kelly has a chance.
  10. 2 district wins will getcha in the playoffs??
  11. I'm surprised Prestonwood hasn't gone SW Prep Conference yet.
  12. What are the high school enrollments at the other schools (high school grades)? I know Pius is a bigger...650ish?
  13. Durn...Bridge City and LCM better invest in bus tires
  14. used to have Hebert, South Park, CP, French, Bmt Hi, Forest Park, and Kelly with basically the same population
  15. After watching Kelly vs Pius, made a 20.00 taking Thomas AND giving 10 points.
  16. Know the coach's dad 24-0. Go Mavs
  17. Well, finally made it to a Kelly game. Somethings stay the same thru out the years. Kelly has big lead, gym is rockin, Knowles goes into the his spread, Kelly loses. Kelly shoulda coulda woulda beat this Pius team by 30+. Pius vs Kelly at free throws? I'd like to see that. Pius didn't miss many equivalent of running a " prevent offense". Someone explain the logic?
  18. Marshall improves to 21-0. Go Mavs
  19. The problem with AAU basketball and Select baseball all summer...a whole generation that doesn't know how to fish.......
  20. Where'd he come from? Heard his last school was a mystery?....as in no proof?
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