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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. 2 hours ago, A BUC 77 said:

    Well Aledo, nothing has to be said about your championship teams.  Congratulations have been wore out.  This is going to be a heck of a game.  I've told Crosby the best thing that happened to them was loosing to Nederland.  That pushed a button and they haven't lost since.  They have amazed me each week by slaying the giants.  They make mistakes and still win.  They can't make to many mistakes Friday.  So if Crosby can click on just 7 cylinders, they have a great chance to win this game.   I'm not calling the Cougs underdogs because there are none in the State Championship.  I hoping for a exciting game, SE Texas style.

    The difference in the team that lost to Nederland and the current team is that Dunn and Branch have switched positions. Dunn is a better passer and moving Branch to RB/WR gives him space. Dunn can look down field for a receiver, dump it off to Branch, or scramble for yards. If Branch gets space, he is tough to catch. 

  2. 4 hours ago, aledoalumni said:

    I wish it would have been a normal year so all of yall could come up and pack the stadium. Great seeing the communities make the drive. 

    I think selling tickets in pods and limiting attendance is ridiculous. We were pretty packed in against LH.  If people are scared they should stay home. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, oldman said:

    So hear me out. 

    Your a coach and your setting your non district schedule.  Say you have 5 non District games to fill.  Everyone in your district runs some version of the spread offense.   Why would you schedule a school that runs the slot T , Flexbone, or Wing T?

    You don’t. If you never purposely schedule a school that runs those offenses, you probably won’t play against them twice in 10 years. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Realville said:

    How ironic that the all knowing Mecca of Mouth that has constantly dogged the slot-t offense an here y’all are unexpectedly in the semi’s an y’all have to face a slot-t offense and a team that has won 2 state championships with that offense. So much for that offense not being effective. Lol

    Aaand here come the Vidiots jumping on the LH bandwagon cause the only offense they’ve ever known will be competing against Crosby. How about all that “noise” y’all made dropping down to 4a ?  I personally don’t care to have your support anyway. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Mohead2000 said:

    When I say the best player, I mean he has the most potential. I look at size, speed, feet work, hip movement,hand placement. Since he is a reciever I look at route running, catching ability, and the ability to separate from defenders and focus. He checks all those boxes. However the most important box, he did not check and that was discipline. Crosby could not stop him, he stopped himself.

    And...FBM could not stop the Crosby offense.  They scored 37 points and won the game.  The better TEAM won. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, biaplayer said:

    You only scored 21 against PNG. Theybhave the worst defense in the playoff bracket. CROSBY IS BATTLE tested and has a defense unlike PNG. You might wanna swallow your ego and get ready for a loss. This isnt last year or the year before its 2020 ive seen worser upsets happen good luck to Crosby yall got this

    Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but...this game is over and Crosby has already won.  

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