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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. 46 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    2 unsportsmanlike penalties. Spinning the ball after TD. Arguing with refs, etc...

    Exactly, kid acts like a punk.  Ref asked him for the ball and he spun it down in front of him. I told 14.2 after the Nederland game that #15 is going to run into the wrong officiating crew and have problems. I was shocked how much crap the refs put up with out of him last week

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bigdog said:

    Maybe reading too much of thier own hype on these boards.   You never count out Nederland especially this year.

    I don’t know if it was “their own hype”.  I know a few Crosby posters picked them to win, but I think most everybody in the GT, including Nederland posters, picked Crosby too.  

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