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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. 1 minute ago, underdogs1040 said:

    Good game crosbys special teams is the difference maker. Hope to have another great half nederland has been a great 2nd half team of late. Not sure about crosby considering they really haven't been in a dog fight since the first two game. And thats credited to a great team on both sides of the ball for crosby

    Your right. Crosby hasn’t had to play much in the 2nd half. They came out flat early and spotted Nederland 9 points. I’m hoping they get their act together. We need to quit taking shots to the end zone on 1st down inside the twenty. Just keep taking the 5 yards and get in the end zone. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, dme1111 said:

    Gonna be a tough one!! .  I'm taking Nederland by 7... but wouldn't be surprised to see Crosby by 14.. 

    Defense PPG Crosby 15.5 Nederland 17.5 

    Offense PPG Crosby 40    Nederland 33

    Yea, the stats I posted above only included district games against the same opponents.  I was considering Nederland had two games cancelled and that is why I didn’t include them. 

  3. Just now, Pho Rizzle said:

    Watching Crosby it seemed as though they had a few players going both ways. If a team with that much talent is doing it then maybe the lesser teams should try it to. They will be undefeated district champs because they game plan to win .

    We had one starter going both ways in part of one game because a defensive starter was out. The first half of the PNG game is the only time that happened.  Crosby does not normally do that.  Against SF tonight a backup receiver starting for an injured player did go in on defense with the 2nd string during the 2nd half. Only occasions I have seen. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, CowbellCoog said:

    Who yah got next week as Nederland comes to the Jungle to take on the Cougars?

    Cougars are going for a outright district championship and the Bulldogs are looking for the upset and take a share as co-champs. 

    What stats you got? I haven't watched the dogs this year, only seen 2 nail biters to a failed png team, and lucky win over the aunt mound. Both of who we only allowed a combined 17 points...


    I'll take my coogs, with a score of 42-14


    I don’t think it means anything, but if you compare stats on the same district opponents, Crosby scores 43 ppg. and allows 7.  Nederland scores 36 ppg. And allows 18.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Yall coach say he going for 97pts, if Mag West can do it Crosby can. 😂

    Nah, he will play it safe and not get anyone hurt. Three offensive series and the QB has yet to run. FYI, the best defense just got another pick and the offense scored. 
    13-0 Crosby. 1st quarter

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Yall coach say he going for 97pts, if Mag West can do it Crosby can. 😂

    Nah, he will play it safe and not get anyone hurt. Three offensive series and the QB has yet to run. FYI, the best defense just got another pick and the offense scored. 
    13-0 Crosby. 1st quarter

  7. 1 hour ago, Rez Ipsa said:

    Right - - in all fairness to the new DC, I'm rooting for him, and hope he is able to pull it together next year. No one starts out as great as they will be. So hopefully they'll figure things out. It does seem all the size goes to the offensive line though. And someone needs to teach PNG how to open-field tackle. I even went back watched the video from PNG vs. Stephenville in the 1999 state championship and the open-field tackling with that (great) defense was abysmal (setting aside that Stephenville's QB was an athletic freak) in that game. A lot of feet planted and hand grabbing. We tackled the same against Crosby. I acknowledge that defense is harder than offense, and everyone from the pros down to peewee is struggling with containing modern offenses. But at a minimum I'd like to see clean, one-on-one open field tackles when a player has that opportunity.

    Everybody is blaming the defense.  The PNG offense only scored 7 points until late in the game when we had twos in.  

  8. 16 hours ago, BHFAN said:

    BH has played both and Crosby is the better team hands down. If you think our district is down PAM’s is way down.

    This is exactly what I was talking about. Golden Triangle will say “that was a different PAM team”, and “that was only our first two games”.  It was PNG and BH’s first two games also.  

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