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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. 9 hours ago, Realville said:

    We too lost our starting QB right before the season started and still beat y’all with a QB that had only started 2 games as the QB on JV last year😂😂 I am sure that all the people that lost their job are really excited that y’all may finish 2nd in District. Sounds like you may be one of the cheap fans that came along with the cheap coaches.😂

    Definitely not one of the cheap fans that just came along. Keep sitting at home, hoping another team will lose, so you can collect a handout. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Realville said:

    Speaking of handouts did the Crosby School District ever figure out how to manage crooked numbers so they didn’t have lay-off half the school district?

    Nope, laid off half the district, got cheaper coaches, starting QB sat out the first 6 weeks, still likely to finish 2nd in district. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Boneyard Boys said:

    Did Nederland let them score at the end of the 4th so they could have a little time to try and tie it up. If so that was smart or did Crosby just mismanage the clock and score to quickly?

    Nederland tried to make the tackle, Crosby could have just kneeled it out with 1:41 left in the game on the Ned 6 yard line with 1st and goal. Ned only had one timeout left. Crosby fans thought the game was over.  Little did we know our coach wanted to play two overtimes.  

  4. 58 minutes ago, spidersal said:

    Playoff teams set

    1. BH vs Houston Sterling

    2. Crosby vs Willowridge

    3. PNG vs FB Marshall

    4. Nederland vs Manvel

    I’m not sure they are set just yet.  If Ned beats PNG, they both still get in.  If Lee and the Crosby coaching staff beat Crosby, with a Vidor win, Vidor gets in.  Unless someone else sees it different. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    After I stopped throwing up over the Ned loss, gave it some thought.  Lee might beat them.  May take a few breaks, but strange things happen.  

    Sad thing is, the Crosby players not only have to beat Lee, they have to beat their own coaching staff.  The players have been put in bad situations all year long by this staff.  

  6. 1 hour ago, BHFAN said:

    Looks like y’all are continuing to cry to me. Let the thread die and get over it👍 No matter  how you slice it BH has won 2 years in a row and this time next year will be 3😂

    I’m definitely not crying. I didn’t expect us to do as well as we have. Beating  PNG was a shocker to me. 

  7. This thread shows what it is like when a team that rarely beats another team in football finally does. Four days later they’re still talking about it. (Atleast their only two posters are). Get ready PNG fans. They are 0-4 against y’all. Lord help us if they win. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Realville said:

    I believe that koolaid is going to be what we called as kids “Kool Cups”. Frozen Koolaid in a Cup! Gonna be cold Friday Night! I’ll take BH in this one unless  PNG has their weekly film session after halftime on their iPads sooo they can make those halftime adjustments. 😂 Then I’ll still take BH.😁

    You’ve already had too much koolaid cause you are posting on the wrong thread

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