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Everything posted by CCRed

  1. You could watch all 3 on Texanlive for what it costs for parking, unless those Nachos bring you that much happiness. Have fun. I'm not fighting that Houston, Black Friday traffic. Sitting at home and watching them all on the couch.
  2. Oh man, you're in trouble now. If you start throwing out current stats and rankings to these SETX guys, you're going to get told about championships and games won before any of our grandparents were even born.
  3. I would rather see BH win but I think this score is more realistic than what Calpreps prediction is.
  4. No, I don't think he got his feelings hurt. He's not that kind of coach or person. Who knows, he might stay. I'm just stating my opinion. Who would want to stay ?
  5. In my opinion, I think he will leave. Why would a coach of his caliber stay at a school that cut his athletic budget, laid off many of his staff, and not knowing what the future holds ? I wouldn't stay.
  6. Yes, I believe the financial situation disrupted the mindset of the team and entire community. I think every school board member should be removed. Yes, the QB getting hurt was a HUGE deal. Howard is an amazing athlete and play-maker. His biggest contribution was as a leader. In all the games he played in this year, Crosby started slow, but the team knew they had a leader that could bring them back and never lost confidence. That leadership was lost when Howard was sidelined. Crosby became one-dimensional without any threat of a passing game or running ability from the QB position. Crosby will be in for some tough years to come, we will see. What coach would want to work at a district that made BIG budget cuts, personnel cuts, and probably won't see raises for a while ? Many good people in all departments lost their jobs and lively-hood due to the stupidity of the past Superintendent, Comptroller, and current school board. The first two mentioned are gone, and MANY in the community would like to see the ENTIRE board go with them.
  7. Sold all the iPads to the PNG Athletic department. Seriously though, someone probably donated them.
  8. I can't believe I have resorted to saying this, but GO BRONCOS !
  9. The problem with this prediction for Crosby fans is, he’s wrong ALOT.
  10. You are exactly right. That’s all speculation what other schools have been doing. What PNG did is proven fact with photographic evidence. Own it and move on.
  11. Trust me, NOBODY from Crosby is defending our school board for the situation they have put us in. Yet, PNG is going to the grave with “the glove don’t fit” defense.
  12. You are “presuming” that is what I meant.
  13. Maybe he should go represent PNG if they appeal. Then they all can look like a$$e$ together when the UIL shows them pictures of the infraction.
  14. Probably got tired of listening to you. Maybe y’alls coach talked his way in with an iPad. That doesn’t make it right.
  15. Your response says it all.
  16. Humble ISD will not allow umbrellas inside their stadium. The next time you go over there and it is raining, take an umbrella with you. Then you can stand at the gate and argue with security that they are “presuming” you are going to use it. Tell them you will just set it beside you. See how far that gets you.
  17. If they are claiming they didn’t “understand” the rule, then they probably didn’t “understand” the rule in all of their previous games.
  18. How do the BH fans think they will do since their starting QB is out ? I know it hasn’t gone good for Crosby after they lost Howard, and PNG didn’t do well without RJ when he was out.
  19. The press box is sectioned off. The coaches are in different sections than the guys running the Jumbotron.
  20. Yes, it was Crosby’s fault.
  21. Why are people still questioning if their was an iPad in the booth ? The coach admitted it was there and admitted to breaking the rules. Stop trying to defend it. It's over.
  22. Exactly. People are trying to defend it. SMH.
  23. Think about this. Crosby's season has been a huge let down, yet they now have a better overall record than PNG and the win over them. That's just crazy.
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