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Everything posted by CCRed

  1. They might, but Manvel will do that to 98% of the teams in the state in ALL classifications, not just 5a.
  2. All these things Barber Hill fans are pointing out don't look to be the fault of the coaches. Maybe they just don't have the talent this year.
  3. Not sure those passing stats are right. Coach Bear had him for around 128 in the first half alone.
  4. Montgomery may not have ever seen an offense like Vidor’s.
  5. I agree on Crosby probably not running Howard much, even though he is very capable of putting up good rushing numbers.
  6. Does NC have the same QB as last year ? I know Crosby’s defense has historically been terrible, but 39 points is quite a lot of offense. It was all QB play that beat us last year.
  7. In the live portion, the offensive starters went two series scoring on both. In the controlled portion, Crosby scored every series and Splendora scored none. Yes, they scored on the first play of the live portion on a blown coverage and yes their starters stalled against Crosby's second team defense to end the game. Again, it was just practice.
  8. You also realize the QB didn’t run the ball and they knew he wouldn’t.
  9. Two starting WR’s sat out, more particularly the best one on the team. Also had a corner sit out.
  10. It looks like Crosby vs. Splendora. Crosby scores every time and Splendora doesn’t.
  11. I know it doesn't mean anything, but two starting wr's were out and a starting corner.
  12. They played one live quarter. Each team scoring once. Angleton has a lot of size and several good running backs.
  13. Ok, I thought someone said Westbrook had their own stadium.
  14. Does Westbrook play their games at this stadium also ? If not, seems kind of strange to have two stadiums for only two schools in a district.
  15. Has it really been that long since PNG has beaten Ned ?
  16. Sound the air raid horn again !!!
  17. No matter how it works out, I agree with coming back to this after the season is over. When the season starts, it should be pinned at the top of the topics for us to revert back to.
  18. It’s like Pearl Harbor all over again.
  19. It wouldn’t surprise me to see BH in the number two spot, Ned in third (they always beat PNG), and PNG getting in at number four.
  20. Name a player that transferred in to Crosby. Not saying there isn’t any. Just don’t know of any off the top of my head.
  21. I believe he is talking about the QB going from Houston Austin to FB Marshall. I doubt Manvel will contest this. How do you think Manvel gets all of their good players.
  22. The key thing that Riordan said that a lot of people don't know is that QB Jayden Howard can run the ball. He hasn't run much during his varsity years, but as a freshman and jr. high player, he was definitely a dual threat QB. Glad to hear they will utilize him as such.
  23. Just don't use the press box. Section off an area of the stadium for the scoreboard operator to use and the announcer, and sections for the coaches. Or keep all the coaches on the field.
  24. We will know more about Crosby after they play Manvel in week 2. I think they are going to surprise some. They have a lot coming back. The defense was young last year, and some new faces are going to help out also.
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