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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. 6 minutes ago, prepballfan said:

    Hats off to Crosby. They were very bit as billed on offense. This could have been either team's game. Coach Faircloth said after the game that he was doing his best to make sure PNG had the ball last. Had he not the outcome would have been the other way. I was talking to a Crosby fan after the game and told her this is the type of game where you feel bad for the team who did not win because they both played their hearts out. Congrats on a fine season Crosby. I hate someone had to lose this game. How many returners does Crosby have? PN-G has 9 10th graders on the team. 

    Crosby has quite a few starters returning on defense, 8 I believe, and it showed this year.  Offensively, the qb, a couple of linemen, and two starting receivers.  They should be fine next year.  

  2. 44 minutes ago, CHampGP753 said:

    I heard people saying they threw the game to avoid Marshall lol. Yeah like PNG is better reward. It will be a great game to watch with lots of offense.

    They did not do that. They were already planning on playing Vidor first round and a possible 2nd round against Marshall. All the stars would have had to align perfectly for KPark to get in for the PNG / Crosby matchup, and it did.  

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