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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. I reckon 1st half Dayton played good, I'd like to see it. 

    Atleast in the 2nd half film you can see the refs signal Crosby a first down, move the chains, spot the ball, blow the whistle and start the play clock.  Then the ref comes running in from the other side of the field and decides it wasn't a first down.  Chains are already moved and everything.  They put the chains back to where it is third and inches.  They had no clue.

  2. you have an athlete riding the pine on offense....C'mon Man use him somehow in the offense rather it be qb, receiver, or rb.

    You can't keep playing kids both ways especially at the QB position.  Your best offensive player is #2.  His offensive production suffered because he had to make plays on defense, that and we kept kicking right to him on kick offs for some reason.  By the end of the third quarter Dayton's players were wore out.  You need to find someone to replace #2 on defense.  

  3. Sometimes high school football isn't hard to figure out. I picked PNG to win district because of what they brought back and what Ned lost.

    After PNG lost to WOS by 14 and Ned lost to Crosby and Dayton by a combined 31, I said Ned would be the undefeated district champ. 

    Congrats Ned, looks y'all will win your fourth undefeated district championship in 5 years. Y'all might as well go watch New Caney vs KP tomorrow at Turner to scout your bi-district opponent. 

    Cougar14.2 did tell me Ned would go undefeated in district and I didn't believe him, guess I was wrong.  Does BigDog have any of those ribbons left ?  Dayton needs about 31 of them.

  4. Crosby made a lot of offensive mistakes.  Dayton was held to 229 yards of offense.  Crosby's running back made his first start at that position and was destroying Daytons defense.  Dayton doesn't want to see Crosby again.  And what makes you thin it would be a sell out ?  Dayton can't even pack'em at a home game.  Dayton sucks.

  5. For all you code red,mecca,plusone fans as you know there is little parking on the visitors side -just head south 146 and don't turn where it says "Bronco Stadium" ( tiny parking lot will more than likely be full) keep going and turn into the JR. High plenty of parking and easy to get out after game.

    I don't know whether to take his advice seriously or is it a trick ?  Your next post did say Crosby sucks ?  



  6. I keep hearing about the #1 offense in the district, i didnt know we were playing new caney, this week. I thought we were playing the districts #3 offense "crosby". 

    Yea, Crosby is # 3 in total offensive yards with one less game played.  Total yards per game we are sitting at the top with New Caney second and I guess you know where that puts Dayton.  At least know the facts before you put it out there.

  7. I would like to know how many of you Dayton fans that are making predictions have seen Crosby play and Dayton play, for that matter.  I have seen Dayton play three times this year and all of Crosby's.  I don't make predictions but have an opinion that I will keep to myself because anything can happen.  He'll might freeze over though.

    Go Crosby !  



  8. I am expecting a full house next Friday... Better get their early. It will be the game of the week in SETX. 

    It will be packed on the visitor side for sure.  From what I have seen of Dayton's game this year they better go pass out free tickets.  Looked like there were as many Crosby fans on Dayton side last night as there were Dayton fans.  

    Go Crosby ! 

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