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Posts posted by CCRed

  1. Crosby has always had talent but has and is still considered a depressing and horrible place to live. It is well documented that once people in Crosby get jobs they move to Huffman. This will make it difficult to maintain long term viability. Despite the talent Crosby has been historically pathetic.

    This post is completely idiotic. I guess the growth in Crosby is because everyone is moving to Huffman ? I have lived in Crosby for 42 years, have a job, and never once considered moving to Huffman. I know many people in Huffman but can't think of more than one that have moved there from Crosby. Talk about depressing, you have to leave town to go to the grocery store and some citizens there have to pay City of Houston taxes. What the hell would I want to move to Huffman for ? I guess maybe if I couldn't hack it on the Crosby team I might
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