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Everything posted by athlete5

  1. hahaha! i luv sarcasm..westbrook only has one good person & thats it, so dont come on here saying stuff until you get your facts straight. thank you
  2. the warren warriors have some pretty sweet jerseys!
  3. esway had a little more than 2,000..im pretty sure.
  4. thanx minick..thats exactly what im doing..i'd rather be seeing jokes on here than ppl talking crap about other ppl. & yes i TOTALLY agree with you about the eta..that place is way overrated, i mean look at deaver, you, scott, & tyler..they didnt go to there & look how good they turned out. & besides, i would rather waste my money on something else than that worthless place
  5. uhh no...im serious..my mom is from venezuela, & i lived there with her throughout grade school
  6. anytime you want me to
  7. haha! good one...how long did it take you to figure that one out! ;D 8)
  8. probably about 8 years older than you
  9. yeah but i would way rather lose a match than cry like a little baby in one..like you did :'( .....but i personally know him. he doesnt practice everyday unlike other kids..he mainly focuses on football, but if he didnt, i think he would be a heck of a player
  10. so whats ur point? if i go i will be a superstar?!! sorry....no!
  11. yeah but see..the elite tennis academy isnt worth your money..its a rip-off.
  12. but they got mcbee at QB, morris at RB, young, nash, & martin at WR, the other word at TE, & not for sure who will be at center, but they have plenty of lineman to fill that position.
  13. esway no hesitation..fast & strong..all around good athlete
  14. about 5 on D & 7 on O...but dont worry, they've got that covered 8)
  15. haha..i love that little crying sad face you put at the end of your sentence. if i saw correctly during the semis of the westbrook tourney, didnt you have that same face when Casey Word had a break on you in the first set? i remember i took the day off at school to go watch that tourney. exactly, i was there, & i saw you crying. haha... your welcome 8)
  16. oh you're sooooo hardcore...can i have your autograph?
  17. oh im sorry if im hurting your feelings :'( dont start criyng :'(
  18. hey dont get short with me frodo..yo le tomaré en cualquier día. tan puesto viene a aquí hablar la mierda a mí. la manera de im más vieja que usted y im bonito seguro yo podría azotar su asno
  19. thanx..i lived in south america for 5 years
  20. so whats ur point? if i go i will be a superstar?!! sorry....no!
  21. my prayers go out to everyone who was in the crash.
  22. amen 2 that brother!!
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