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H-D Boy

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Everything posted by H-D Boy

  1. Buna will be a really tough squad......they sure showed it in H-D last year
  2. nicely put WHfan.........that's what we should be doin,thx
  3. to me our field wasnt as bad as you make it out to be........but i agree with whoever it was.........HIGH ISLAND BY FAR!!!!
  4. okay man,.......enough of this. what do you think was going on in football season this past year.......you think barbay wasnt yelling and screaming at us.......and mean's everyone. dont matter if you were a freshman, sophmore,11th grade or 12th.........we did all this the same way the upperclassmen did........so why do you think we'll be in the bleacher's again????
  5. and yall are saying that we talk alot of mess,......man, cant yall find anything better to do with yalls time then harass people? and this aint being rude.....just so whoever read's this know's cuz im not trying to stir crap up,........but guy's relax. lets just do what we do on the field. not here on the internet.....just sayin.......signed ONE OF THEM KID'S FROM THE BLEACHER'S,.....LOL
  6. t.bean12hd, we really need 2 stop all this trash talkin, it's starting to make people think we are just saying this stuff to say it. and it's making us look bad to everyone in s.e.TX
  7. Alto is an awesome squad. we were gonna play them if we beat groveton in the playoff's. groveton beat us 43 to 34. Alto beat them i think it was like 60 to 7
  8. did coach Hudd go to west hardin mr.reality
  9. how many kids does west hardin have attending thier school nxt year? H-D has 183
  10. i like Conroe i.s.d.'s stadium.....and shsu's field.......very nice
  11. thanks.........whoever win's deserves it.....i hope one of the squad's go far in the playoff's......IF NOT TO STATE!!!
  12. yes sir mr.marvin, i understand. i just wasnt thinking about our ego here.......but u know how it is between the two school's. it just gets me all fired up reading all this stuff west hardin write's on here, but i do need to add a little but more class to my vocabulary
  13. thank's for the support......i guess. .......GO H-D!!!!!
  14. my goodness......people. who said anything about him being a bad coach? and exactly who do u think i am?"Not An A-Teamer" what exactly do u guys mean by that?
  15. i know Alto isnt in setx.....but if they were, Alto and Newton would be a good one
  16. coach joe allen slack got the job......and the one's u named off are staying
  17. were exactly is south lake carrol located
  18. congrats slack....looking forward to football season
  19. what's ur name son?
  20. nicely put.......we'll see who comes out on top....see yall november 2nd
  21. thank's alot coach.......right when we started to believe in you
  22. thanks for putting ur 2 sense in, wow.....u got me. bravo, do u feel good about urself. is that all u can talk about? the past? it's a new year. a more experienced squad. most of our team were sophmore's
  23. ok.....someone from the H-D squad finally has sumthin to say. this year......this game, this is gonna be one for the history book's. b-cuz both teams are already fired up. and i love it. just expect a little bit more entensity.good luck west hardin
  24. Adrian Anderson_Hull Daisetta, won the 100 meter and 200 in state track meet. and he's great at basketball, and if we could just get him to run north and south, not east and west, ....he'd be a great football player,.....ran a 4.2 in the 40
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