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Pepper Brooks

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Everything posted by Pepper Brooks

  1. The proverbial cart in front of the horse.
  2. Brutal! Huntington cant handle the pressure. They may not reach 30 points
  3. I have. You are probably more correct with the 40+. I was just being kind...lol
  4. Keep the pressure on Tigers!
  5. Silsbee wins this by as many as they want
  6. I guess the refs do not want the game to get out of hand
  7. Why all the extra precautions for this game? The unfortunate incident was with Little Cypress not WOS. Will the other schools in the district do the same thing, every time Big Bad Silsbee Comes To Town? It's ridiculous.
  8. He lives for this. He is the 1st person to jump on a thread and bash Silsbee any chance he gets.
  9. You need to be quiet. All you do is show up on Silsbee threads and bad mouth the kids and the community. If they want to have a pep rally to support the basketball team, so be it. It does not affect you one way or the other.
  10. Loved JP White. I was a DJ (KWDX) at his radio station part of my SR year in high school. I also was his spotter in the booth for Tiger football when he and Coach Ted Tate would broadcast. Funny story: He called me Jeff for almost 40 yrs (my name is not Jeff) thank goodness his daughter Betty Ann would sign my paycheck, or I never would have been able to cash it. RIP JP your friend Jeff
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