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  1. The only thing our D has going for it so far is the D line. Are you nuts???? The only thing our D has going for us is our D line????  You obviously haven't gone to many games.....when your DB and safety are making all of the tackles something is wrong with the D line!! That D line needs to put pressure on the QB and cause some commotion.  THanks GOD for our Dbacks like Romeo, and Knox who are all over the field stopping what he can.
  2. Sometimes kids just struggle.  What happens to the kid that is a great student and makes As and Bs but is unfortunate enough to happen to struggle and dispite his greatest efforts comes up short.  There are athletes out there that aren't just screwing around they just have a hard time.  It is unfortunate but don't always assume the "rule" just keeps the slackers off the field sometimes it keeps the ones that are doing their best they just happen to come up short, off the field too.  One rule doesn't fit all. 
  3. Hunter Knox has a torn ligament in his arm.
  4. WEll coming from a SunDevil parent of a pitcher and SS on the 14 team. I have to say that our coaches have never jepordized my son's arm. It sounds like you have miss information. If you are a parent of the player you mentioned why not take it up with someone personally rather than throw accusations at an organization that prides itself on building kids up and forming relationships with them to make them successful. These men have done nothing but good for their players and I am very offended that anyone would say otherwise. Have you been to any games or practices and seen their attention to the boys? It just so happens that my son has a shoulder bruise but it is not from pitching and it did not happen while playing for the SunDevils it happened when he dove for a ball while playing for his HS and he is not in therapy. I think that your motives are just to ruffle a few feathers and you really don't know what you are talking about. In response to #10
  5. I think walker will get his chance to shine award or not. they will need him and he will come through for the team as will all of the boys, there are some really talented ball players. I will be anxious to see how they fare in HS sports.
  6. that was not nice of me to say about the mom, i apologize
  7. I agree with you on that. Walker was great and he should have been rewarded. Maybe if his mom wore short short the the games and sat in the dugout being sarcastic toward the other teams that they played he would have gotten the award.
  8. Walker wasn't the only one to pitch and shut out the mets.
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