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Everything posted by AJ25

  1. pitch count is overrated. it wasn't too long ago that pitchers were expected to go 9 innings most of the time. what a story in lester! comes back from cancer and throws a no hitter!!! jw.. have you ever thrown 100 pitches? let alone 140? lol its not too fun
  2. it is. but he threw over 140 pitches. the coulda been dangerous. but oh well. lol
  3. johnson i imagine will be good. as well as tatum.
  4. throws a no-hitter! wasn't as good as clay's, but oh well! congrats!
  5. hey hey, i've followed the Celtics since they drafted perkins. so i'm not near as much a bandwagon jumper as everyone else
  6. so what conference will we play in, in 2010.. because from what i heard, we can't play in the SLC until 2012
  7. It is still my opinion. Did they not teach you anything in College Station. My credit rating is 735... Lamar spend $5, Lamar gets $5 football. My donation is years of support when my critics have not... sorry unlv, but that is not going to pay for a new coach and a larger stadium. haha ;D ;D
  8. i'm not sure. but its not so much about talent, its a big money thing. cause it is very expensive.
  9. 2 weeks ago, called it.. and i was RIGHT! ;D
  10. i think TSU is more likely than UTSA
  11. we have one for the backs, now wat about the QB's? lemme know what ya'll think...
  12. we'll see week 0 won't we? but most likely hanna, he is a senior.
  13. this isn't that all-star game that everyone and their mom gets invited to right? the one that i believe is put on by Blinn? cause a LOT of ppl get invited to play in that game.
  14. any new updates on this coop?
  15. isn't he tranfering to Lamar next year?
  16. its ridiculous how good he is as TRUE freshman in the SEC
  17. (this was from the other boston thread) Quote from: Bucof2010 on May 04, 2008, 09:03:30 PM Boston is my team but you can't deny Atl. Those guys are real. yeah they are. and they are all YOUNG! but the celtics win in 7. lebron will keep them alive. ( i jus might be right )
  18. doesn't look like it'll be ready..
  19. jealous. very jealous. lo
  20. if he can stay healthy, he can be a big factor in how far we go next year.
  21. lets go celts! no time to fall apart now..!
  22. this was only $30 million?!
  23. win, win, win. thats what matters. sponsers will come. we will get money to fix the stadium. that's not the problem. we need to get a good coach, and solid players. then we will have enough fan support, to use ticket money, etc.. to continue to fix up the stadium..
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