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Everything posted by AJ25

  1. what a shocker, the astros couldn't get em..
  2. and what exactly are we supposed to be jealous of him for?? we shut the "kid" down. he made 3 tackles in nederland's biggest game of the year. what are we supposed to be jealous of? the fact he's going to go to UT?
  3. and in case you haven't noticed, i'm from lumberton.. and i'm on just about every forum there is on this site. lol it's just because football season is over.
  4. i for one want this to go to court. because sure, he can say that he hasn't done it now. but if he goes to court, and still says that he hasn't done it.. and they end up catching him, that's jail time. so if he goes into court, and says he didn't do it.. then i believe him. but if he monkeys around the point like mark mcguire and sammy sosa did a few years back (the same day that rafael palmero said he didn't do steriods, and then got caught) then i'll think that he did do it.
  5. anyone else going to the celtics game?
  6. i for one want them to win it of coarse, but i don't know if they can. i don't see this group bickering over points/assists/ etc.. this team plays as one. but i'm just not sure if they can overpower the west.
  7. exactly. i wouldn't get anyones hopes up too high though, going by the seasons he was having before he was injured. and bullets, unless the padres and astros both offered a contract that was paying him by the game, i doubt he would accept that contract.
  8. exactly. i wouldn't get anyones hopes up too high though, going by the seasons he was having before he was injured. and bullets, unless the padres and astros both offered a contract that was paying him by the game, i doubt he would accept that contract.
  9. i would say yes right now, just because they haven't completely proved that he did it. but if they do, then it's an obvious NO!!
  10. he does have a few schools talking to him though..
  11. and if they decided to pass it, the perfect channel could be channel 35, where ESPN classic usta be. but nooooo,, they don't wanna spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  12. hansbrough needs to go ahead and enter tha draft after this year!
  13. what does FBS stand for again?
  14. i was thinking the same thing =[
  15. When the championship this year? [move]yes or no?[/move] and why you think that
  16. this story coulda gone anywhere, but i just put it here. lol
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. i agree. i do think they picked a bad time to aqcuire tejada tho ;D but reggie abercrombie will be a solid backup in the outfield.
  19. especially getting cabrera and willis!
  20. i don't even believe that vandy will be in the running since they lost david price.
  21. tigers are going to be a solid team this year..
  22. haha bout time someone said something. lol
  23. lumberton doesn't feel cheated at all..
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