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Everything posted by AJ25

  1. lumberton was very rocky tonight. hampshire fannet played very well though..
  2. i got dibs on the old one! ;D haha
  3. many more W's to come too!
  4. clay threw 6 innings giving up 8 hits, and 3 earned runs. he walked 3 and struckout 5. looked very good for hit first big league start
  5. all because of the fact that he came forward first..
  6. it's great, i've been watching this guy pitch since he was 12 when he was playing baseball with my brother. it's amazing how far he's gone..
  7. atta boy! how long do you people think it will take him to get to the bigs?! they sure are going to need help in the next few years.. lol
  8. cmon, i know someone does! haha. i wouldn't let my coach put me in against her. like someone else said, it's a lose lose situation.. lol
  9. hahaha. i know he worked wonders in college, but i'm still trying to decide on whether or not he can dominate in the NBA like they are hoping
  10. i'm surprised, i was expecting him to retire.
  11. i can only hope that he was the only ref doing that!
  12. you could make sum MONEYYYY!!!!!!!!
  13. Prince Fielder for sure!!
  14. i love that one!! lol
  15. lumberton's jv is going to be basically ALLL juniors... so there should be quite a few on there..
  16. i bought tickets within 30 minutes of him announcing his retirement. lol
  17. rowell is a great player
  18. that's a whollle lot of ugly!
  19. anyone else get tickets?
  20. i've always wondered about ausmus. but who else could they put in lane's spot? there isn't anybody.
  21. more prayers from lumberton
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