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Everything posted by gohornets23
Invasion of whose privacy? The entire town of Port Neches? I mean if they published names I could see that being a problem, but otherwise who cares. And yes, the idea is quite comforting, seeing as how I believe people should feel free to make themselves as happy as they want to be in this world, the only problem is that there are so many who have been brainwashed into being ashamed of completely human desire, they feel the need to lead a double life. Usually its those people who are the hardest on everybody else for their personal lives, kinda like how the most severely anti-gay people are typically deep down attracted to the same sex and lead horrible shame filled lives unnecessarily,
Why is it an emotional topic? For the record..I really don't support the federal government telling businesses that they have to serve anybody, in my mind the market should sort that out all by itself, I mean is it really THAT hard to find cake decorator that is willing to do a gay marriage? Seems to me that cake decorators probably aren't normally the most conservative group anyway, I can see how it seems frustrating for the religious especially, to feel like your deeply help beliefs are being trampled on and there's nothing you can do, but I still think the outrage is a little much. I mean nobody is telling anybody that they can't be christian, go to church, raise their kids like they want etc, so why is the advancement of LGTB rights so offensive? I don't necessarily mean this issue about bathrooms by itself, but the whole thing, gay marriage, openly gay kids in schools etc. etc. What is is about the whole thing that you find some offensive? I'm not trying to make fun, i'm trying to understand
Everybody knows its the super conservative people that have the most to hide. I find comfort in knowing that all over the town of PN there are "church ladies" walking around with their judging eyes that have a secret drawer of sinful freaky stuff
no worries bud, things can get heated, nothing personal
So the morality that the majority agree on should be imposed on everybody? So if by some strange circumstance you were forced to move to Pakistan, you would have no problem converting to Islam and covering your wives and daughters faces?
by which you mean YOUR morality...nobody else's is worth consideration
I know man...the times they are a' changin'...life used to be much simpler, we had the clan keeping the minorities in line, the women folks weren't all tryin' to use their brains and reason like a man, the queers were forced to hide in dark alleys for fear of getting a stompin' from the good ol' boys...and everybody went to by gawd church on sunday to worship the way I wanted them to......so sad how our great nation is changing
Really good point by point critique of what I wrote man, high marks good sir. What university debate team were you the captain of? Probably Harvard by the tone of your scathing refutations, and backed up by all of that clean logic....really really good friend.
seriously folks, the "strange men in women's bathroom" argument is pretty weak If there really were a bunch of pervs that wanted to try to get a glimpse of women by dressing as women and going into their bathrooms...don't you think they'd be doing it already? I mean what do we currently have that is stopping them from doing that? The sign on the door? do child predators really walk past a woman's restroom and think.."man i'd sure like to get in there if it weren't for that dang sign that says women!" The fact that something like this never happens, is because there just aren't that many guys that want to do this, i'd say you probably have a better chance being struck by lightning.... I mean its not like there's a cop outside every public bathroom checking people before they go in...fact is you would probably go to the bathroom at the same time as a transsexual and never even know about, in fact you probably already have and didn't know...you might even have used the same seat...better double check with the doc to make sure you didn't catch "the gay"
Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty
gohornets23 replied to LumRaiderFan's topic in Political Forum
Yes the evil liberals are taking away your right to treat people badly based on their sexual preference...christians are the victims and the world is out to get them. The idea of religious "liberty" is stupid, nobody is saying you can't be christian, you just cant make other people have to follow the same dumb rules that you do because of the fables you choose to believe in. These laws will never hold up and those who wrote them know it, its the dying swipe of an outdated worldview. Why don't ya'll just get with the times, sleep in on sundays and join the rest of us in rational thought? there is plenty of room for you. You can truss this thing up as a "government overreach into private business" as much as you want to, but its about you being scared that your religion will no longer be the king of our culture...it wont, ever again, let it go man -
Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty
gohornets23 replied to LumRaiderFan's topic in Political Forum
The topic of this thread states that Mississippi is defending religious liberty, what are they defending themselves from? -
Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty
gohornets23 replied to LumRaiderFan's topic in Political Forum
Isn't the bible thumpers whole point that there is a "war on christianity" and they are being unfairly persecuted by the evil liberal media cultural machine? who exactly is claiming victimhood? -
alright alright..i'll stop poking I am sorry, in trying to be light-hearted it appears I gave offense. I meant no disrespect to small college athletics. I do think that my comments on BISD football in general are correct though. These teams are never going to start having the success they want until kids and parents stop looking for outside forces to blame and start focusing on being the best teammates, players, and supporters that they can be.
Dude..tigers2010...I'm sorry that I made fun of d-3 sports, I'm sure you had a long and illustrious career in front of all 12 of that school's devoted fans. You don't have to keep piling on me by counting my ignorant statements you may eventually run out of numbers, and I did make a valid point, there have been a lot of coaches come through these beaumont schools over the years, many have gone on to have success other places, don't you think it's a little simplistic so just say that the coaching in Beaumont sucks and always has sucked...or can we finally just say ....gasp!...maybe these schools aren't as athletic and deep as people like to think. Blame coaching has become the #1 cop out in this town for every team in every sport.
I'm not taking shots at anybody, just assuming since a few of you guys were so quick to defend d3 sports that you must have a connection somehow, otherwise how would be be so imminently knowledgeable on the topic and yes..everybody for Central is a great player, the problem is coaching, for the last 30 years across 3 schools after countless coaching changes, no Beaumont schools have been able to find the right guy, yeah that's probably it. Cuz we all know that the players are always showing up to practice and making it to summer workouts and that they are all D-1 or D-3 (same thing) talents if they would just be coached right. I mean look at lil' roger, his dad was in the marching band and his mom quit basketball in 7th grade but he's a by gawd stud and if they don't win it's on the coaches.
alright alright alright....I retract my high school 2.0 statement congratulations to you guys or your kids (whichever it was) for playing D3 sports back to the topic though...I stand by my previous statement for every college player at those schools there are some downright bad players to balance it out, not much in the middle, this to me is their biggest problems.
not really the discussion, but I think you misunderstand me...I'm not saying the kids at d3 schools are bad, but they don't really compare to D-1 or even D-2 level talent...they are usually guys that were good high school football players. Let's say a good, solid, talented high school football players is a 0, and a D-1 prospect with multiple offers from major conference schools is a 3.....I'd say the average d-3 player is around 1.....a few steps removed from the other guys. Hat's off to them for continuing the play, but if they were really all that talented somebody would be paying them to play (by scholarship) than them paying to play (by paying private school tuition)
It's a problem of talent gap, yes there are 9-12 kids on the team that will play at the next level (most of those are D3 which is really more like high school 2.0) but the kids that are NOT going to play at the next level are really not very good at all as opposed to a team like Nederland, where maybe 1 or 2 guys will play in college, but all 22 of the guys who start are pretty solid football players, it makes a big difference. Those central teams have had plenty of holes
Very sad, sounds like the worst was avoided. Still, surprised this doesn't happen more often, most districts use coaches, not professional bus drivers, to take kids to athletic events. Bus drivers, although much more experienced and qualified, demand hourly pay, coaches are free. It wasn't uncommon for my cousin when he coached that he had to teach all day, then have a practice, then have to drive a team for a bus trip that might be hours away, then work the game, then drive all the way back in the dark after working an 18-20 hour day. But Hey ya know we gotta cut costs, somebody has to pay for the superintendents four secretaries
I don't understand the point that is trying to be made, that kid was an idiot...his sister clearly is too..now he is dead, it's a tragedy that these two lack basic understanding of right and wrong. Are you trying to determine what went wrong with these people's upbringing to allow them to think this way? Maybe trying to start a discussion of the problems in America's inner cities and how they might be solved? Or is it more a "hey look at these dumb minorities" kinda thing? Sorry for being confused
Forgive my poor writing, I wasn't trying to make a personal attack on the integrity of anybody. Maybe I'm way off, certainly not for the first time, but it seems to me that many of my friends and neighbors would definitely support laws against criticism of christianity if they were ever to surface in a realistic way (oh the horror of reading my facebook feed if such a thing were ever actually in the national discourse). The original post used the term "thought-crime" an idea which is sadly becoming the norm on the authoritarian left, but let's not forget that the single biggest persecutor of thought-crime throughout human history has undoubtedly been organized religion.
Let's try this one: Headline 2018 "President Cruz seeks new legislation that would seek civil action against scientists who publicly refute the biblical creation story" I'm not saying you, but I bet that a good number of talk radio conservatives would praise this legislation up and down, saying it's about time we did something! that's why the fox news crowd is so off putting to moderates, it's the inconsistent ethics, you either believe in free thought or you don't, you can't say people should be free to do what they want only so long as they do what you think is right (I am not saying I support the idea in the original post, in fact it's really stupid, just trying to make a point)
Bloomberg is no better than Trump, remember he's the guy whose big platform in NY was making sodas smaller and outlawing smoking pretty much everywhere, he's another who thinks the government should protect people from themselves
It is a serious problem within the organization, I think it has to do with the libertarian mindset....they are really not "joiners" if that makes sense. They are the the fiercely independent type of people that don't like to be affiliated with a group of any kind, most wouldn't be caught dead standing outside a voting booth carrying a sign, so it's tough for them to organize like other parties, or rally around a particular candidate. I personally don't like going places where anybody says "please rise" and "you may be seated"...I think it's annoying that somebody I don't know is telling me when to sit down and stand up like I'm some kind of lap dog and not a human being....I'll stand up when I feel like it. I realize that this mindset is strange, my wife doesn't understand it either, but you can imagine it's probably tough to galvanize an entire group of people like me and get them pointed in the same direction.
Fair enough I think most talk radio conservatives would find a lot of like about libertarian ideas. The points of conflict are typically defense and religion. add reason.com and Cato institute to your daily web browsing, I bet you'll like more articles than you hate