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Everything posted by gohornets23

  1. yes I see that, just making a simple statement. It's ignorant to label an entire group based on the actions of a minority....plain and simple. It'd be nice to get just a little honesty from the Rush Limbaugh crowd. This has nothing to do with hating Muslim's because they are dangerous, and everything to do with hating Muslim's because they have a different imaginary friend than you do.
  2. Fair enough, but there is some cognitive dissonance at play here An entire thread of links to stories of Muslim's committing terrible crimes, in the attempt to label Muslim's as violent extremists. But we can very easily see that this crazy guy who shot up the abortion clinic in the name of god doesn't represent all christians, nor should christians have to apologize for him or publicly denounce him, he has nothing to do with christianity, in the same way that the majority of Muslim's feel that terrorists have nothing to do with them. Should make you think is all.
  3. planned parenthood shooter, good one or bad one? I guess somebody had to say it
  4. I'm not a religious guy...but this one seems like a stretch to me. I don't know much about Port Neches, but I do know that it is a lilly white community where the majority of the people are probably churchy charlies. If you don't dig the cross at the park then don't go to the park, or if you do go, don't look at it. As non-believers we do have the accept that most of the people we come in contact with in our day to the day lives are Christians to varying degrees. Particularly if we choose to live in small town Texas. Each his own, just because we have decided we don't need religious principals to make a good life for ourselves, doesn't mean we need to disparage others who choose to do so.
  5. So..In order to stop an evil terrorist group that kills civilians...we need to replicate the Dresden bombings of the second world war. Which killed a lot of civilians.
  7. The DEMISE
  8. oh hey my bad fellas..got my books mixed up [Hidden Content] The book I linked earlier is written by a Jewish historian (you guys would dig it) it makes the case that the eminent threat from Arab nations to destroy Israel were too much, and Israel's only choice was to go on the offensive, then keep territory they occupied as a "buffer zone" from further attacks the one linked above makes the case that the Israeli's purposefully over sold the threat to their nation to push the country into war and gain territory I think the moral here is that there are two sides to every story, and the truth is normally somewhere in the middle. The issue is far more complicated than the 'good guys' and 'bad guys' and America needs to help the 'good guys' at any rate..my previous point i'm sticking with....no more foreign wars in that region..no matter what..Afghanistan has been dragging on for 13 years with no possibility of a positive outcome some things we simply cannot fix....I really don't want my 6 year old son to turn 18 in the middle of another pointless quagmire....this time in Iran
  9. It's written by a historian, I suppose the guy could be a left hater or a muslim. What other history book should I read to get the truth of the matter?
  10. You should read that book I posted a link to earlier in the threat. I think you'd find it interesting. As far as protecting Israel based shared Judeo-Christian Values...maybe somebody can enlighten on this...Jews do no accept Jesus as the son of God...so according to evangelicals they will all burn in a lake of fire and torment and wailing and stubbed toes etc etc....so why again do evangelicals consider them family?
  11. [Hidden Content] can't recommend this book highly enough Israel's playbook is simple, move into a territory and push the Arabs out, they then claim self defense when attacked on that territory, then use self defense as an excuse to retaliate and take more territory. Israel is king of backing it's enemies into a corner and forcing them to go on the aggressive, so it can then claim that poor little Israel is having to protect itself from it's evil neighbors. Remember, Israel occupied Gaza and West Bank, not the other way around. Israel is the victim of terror attacks because its enemies can't fight them by traditional means. Assume for a second that the Hippie's of California drove into Texas and occupied it. Then attempted to push all of the Texans out to Louisiana in the name of "security". Assume that California had an air force, navy, army and Nukes, and we Texans had none of those things..would we all just leave quietly? Or would we find ways to attack the limp wristed hippies with whatever means we had? before anyone gets a raging intellectual erection..i'm not defending terrorism..the slaughter of the innocent is never permissible or understandable, but there are civilian casualties on both sides of the conflict. going back to the topic even if everything you say is true...why is it the responsibility of the US to protect Israel?
  12. This had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with Israel's prominence in the region as it's only nuclear and military power. Israel likes Iran under heavy UN sanctions with a stifled economy. The growth of Iran or any other Arab state threatens Israel's US backed dominance of the area. The backing from the US needs to begin to fade away in my opinion. Why should US troops get killed for the Israeli state? Does a nuclear Iran threaten the US in any way?...not really..but it does provide a check from Iran on Israeli aggression in the region. Just my opinion
  13. I am for freedom of religion, & against all maneuvres to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, 1799 The only principals this country was founded on were those of individual liberty. The founding fathers were not evangelicals, and they made it a primary focus of the constitution to ensure that no religion was promoted over another by the government. This is simple historical fact, despite outright lies to the contrary. Think about if for a second...if the founding fathers were evangelical Christians who honestly the believed that to save themselves from hell people had to accept Jesus as a personal savior, don't you think they would have mentioned him somewhere? As is stands, the only references to any kind of supernatural power are vague mentions of a "creator"..that's it. Now...if you want to take a position that supports philosophically based character education into schools, I'm with you on that, no need for a religious slant, thinks like kindness, loyalty, empathy, and self-discipline don't require religious backing to be taught to children as basic human principals. The only places where these kinds of lessons are taught in public schools are on the courts and fields of athletic competition. Which is why it is so critical that people like us continue to support these teams and encourage young people to be a part of them.
  14. no...you don't get to do that. You can't make vindictive statement like "hope you like it hot"..and then pretend to be professing your faith out of love for humankind. You and your ilk would hate it if everybody in the world believed as you do because then you wouldn't have anything left to make you feel superior. You sadistic folks relish the idea that other people will burn in eternal torment, I think it brings you actual joy to think about it.
  15. so pretty much everybody who doesn't think the same as you do...gotcha the only sad part to me about people like you is that you will never understand how full of crap you are....I only wish that on the moment of your passing (hopefully not for a long time) you would get a glimpse of the afterlife and see that absolutely nothing is there, and realize that you spent your entire life feeling superior and demonizing others for no reason at all, and maybe kind of feel like a jerk about it...unfortunately that won't happen...so you'll just carry on as normal...and I guess thank your lucky stars that you didn't happen to be born to muslim parents in Saudi Arabia and be headed because that's hell for sure
  16. aaah yes...the loving christian faith..where those who don't fall in line will burn in a lake of fire forever.....scary stuff...I'll watch out for the lightning bolts
  17. I think a thorough rereading of the history of the cold war and an open mind will help you here. There was never at any time, in any way, a threat to the American people from communism. The Cuban Missle Crisis was a political maneuver, the Soviet Unions response to the USA's placing of nukes on Russian borders in Turkey. That's the closest it ever came. There was never a meeting in the Premier where Soviet Leaders got together and tried to figure out how to take over the united states and make it communist.....just as there is no country in the Muslim world with the goal of taking over the united states and making it muslim...there are groups that might talk that noise, but what they really want in power and influence over the Muslim World.....ISIS has no plans to come here and take over...but for reason we feel like it's a good idea for Americans to die fighting them
  18. They are definitely one in the same, in the sense that they were both fabrications based off of the Jewish faith, which itself was a hodge podge of a few different tribal religions around at the time and some made up history slapped together
  19. I think you missed my point.......bigotry coming from the standpoint of "better safe than sorry"....is still bigotry, and it's still stupid
  20. This is not Israel where terrorist attacks happen regularly, and as much as some people hate to admin it, the united states is not involved in a holy war against the religion of Islam. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than being the victim of a terrorist attack. So many of us have been duped by the oldest trick in the book. The state generates fear among the population, and uses that fear to gain more power for themselves. "The (insert boogeyman of the time) are coming for you, they want to kill your children and fundamentally change your way of life, only we can protect you if you vote for our party/group/religion/dogma....and if you don't stand with US, then you stand the THEM!!" It's an old song that we keep dancing to, Hitler convinced the Germans that the jews were taking over their culture, The radical Mullahs in the goat towns of the Middle East have convinced the people that the USA wants to take over the world and destroy Islam...and right here in our own country, we spent fifty years scared of a boogeyman called "communism" that was trying to take over the world (I did nuclear duck and cover drills in elementary school).....we know now that communism was never much of the threat, the Soviet Union had no intention on world domination, they could barely keep their own country together and it eventually collapsed under its own weight, but that didn't stop us from feeling like we had to stop the spread of this evil wherever it was...leading to damaging wars and thousands of husbands and sons killing and dying for bad theories and fear mongering politics...then september 11th...now a new "ism" we can all be scared of...more stupid wars for nothing, more death...another boogeyman to fear, and the sheep just keep on bleating...I wonder what manufactured fears our children will have...I'm thinking we'll go with ginger people..that should work
  21. "I don't let my daughter around black guys because I know that some black guys once raped a girl....I'd rather be called racist than have my daughter get raped" "I don't want my son to to stay the night at his friend Hector's house, I know some Mexicans like to drink Tecate beer..I'd rather be called a racist than have my son around Tecate drinking" "I don't want my son to hang out with white people...my grandfather got treated like a second class citizen by some white people..I'd rather be called a racist then have my son treated like he's less than others" ...this thing can go on and on
  22. It's a fair point, I don't know what was going through the minds of the people involved. it's also completely possible that the kid orchestrated the entire thing just to be a smart azz knowing that it would flip everybody out, if that's the case then the school officials fell right into his hands by reacting exactly the way he wanted them to and giving him the attention he desired. It sounds from the news reports like the kid is a good kid that's on the robotics team at the school, schools with robotics teams build things, those thing are electronic....electronic things have wires..not just bombs
  23. You do realize that the charges were dropped right?...at no point did the young man try to lead anyone to believe that it was a bomb, people jumped to the conclusion that it was a bomb, because of the kid's skin color and religion...no other reason
  24. I don't understand...the kids who got in trouble for making sandwich guns...that was really stupid...this kid getting arrested for a clock...also really stupid...the only way the two things are related is that they are stupid. If you want to make an argument that school officials in this case weren't racist, just dumb....I'm with you on that...school officials most likely were extremely dumb, but probably racist too
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