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Everything posted by cowboysfan88

  1. i don't like the excuses either but at the same time he shows up every night and plays except on D so I can give him a lil credit
  2. Yeah they need to make some serious trades one of the top 10 highest paid teams in the league and nothing to show for it
  3. Remember it was the coaches fault that the team sucks
  4. As we clearly can see the rockets players got McHale fired like I said it was a huge mistake by the organization now they need to let some players go
  5. I think they made a mistake I would let go some players 1st McHale wasn't the problem the team is the problem playing selfish ball and no defense
  6. Tj has played good lately but my problem is with him is doing the big games he disappear I can see him getting traded and the rockets needs to let DH play more he is healthy let him play something has to give too much money and talent invested on this roster too be playing this poorly
  7. Idk what the problem is with this team but I see a lot of folks blaming the coach which is ok I'm not a huge supporter of McHale but at the same time you can't just hold him accountable you have to start blaming players as well
  8. i can't believe I waste my time watching this
  9. Sorry lady bug didn't mean to quote you my quote was to king
  10. Here we go bashing the coach again I didn't hear anything when the rockets was winning last week about the coach sucks the problem is this plays with no effort to a team that hasn't won a game yet this season no way this game should had been close especially when you were up by 10+ points and you have 2 guys playing defense while everyone else is still standing around you can't blame the coach for that or when your offense is missing 3 point shots and FTS you can't blame the coach for everything his team should be held accountable as well his job is set up his team to win and there job is to excite his game plan both should be held responsible and it will also help the coach if his team was healthy but that's the coaches fault right give me a break
  11. Well Houston been playing the same system for how many yrs now and there record improves each yr I agree McHale can do a better job coaching but its more than the coach if your team don't play ball guess what your team isn't going to win games coaches are not on the court the players are the blame should go hand and hand like I said before when the rockets are winning I don't hear too many fans crying about coaching
  12. I don't condone what hardy did he actually should have gotten some jail time but I'm not understanding why everyone wants him to be release from the cowboys he should be giving a 2nd chance in life he served his punishment by the league it's not like its hardy fault that the photos came out 2 yrs later cmon ppl give me a break
  13. Every team in the NBA has talent coaches can only game plan its up to his team to excute his game plan I'm pretty sure none of y'all could do any better than what he is doing I bet if they win 20 + in a row no one would be crying about fired this coach or that coach like I said I'm not a fan of McHale but at the same time since he has been a rockets coach the team has improve each yr
  14. if this was the middle of the season than yea i would be worried but give it a lil time they will be ok but i would say harden needs to the basket more and McHale can only do so much not a big a fan of KM but its alot of coaches in the nba are thats not championship coaches
  15. TW have 1 or 2 good games since he been in Dallas CB has been more reliable idk what some ppl been watching but I will choose CB over TW
  16. what has any other wr done this yr
  17. he is better than TW i rather have Beasley than Tw any day Beasley is morE reliable
  18. like i said TW is trash
  19. TW cost us 2 int I was never a fan of him they need to let him go Beasley should be the #2 wr
  20. yep me and you both the rockets got further than I thought this year
  21. Now this is the team that looks like they are giving the game away
  22. The rockets look like they have no energy
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