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Everything posted by cowboysfan88

  1. This how the rockets got blown out in game 3
  2. Here we go with these refs
  3. every game in the rest of this series is a must win and your superstars have to step there game up
  4. Rockets are lucky the clippers should be blowing Houston out
  5. Rockets are playing like trash
  6. can't make excuses you got to play and make shots and better D
  7. The rockets look flat in the 1st quarter
  8. This story is boring ppl lets move on
  9. I'm rooting for this guy he lost money basically over nothing hope he has a successful career
  10. we all knew this story ain't true
  11. Floyd is smarter than ppl think like I said before it won't make sense to fight PAC again
  12. yeah like I said it was a payday for PAC I don't see mayweather waiting a yr an a half on this guy plus the fight would make less than the first one so it won't make sense
  13. doesn't mean he is going to go thru with it Saturday night he said Sept was going to be his last fight
  14. some of the calls were ridiculous on both sides felt like if a player got touch they were calling some fouls joey Crawford wants to control everything let em play
  15. money won't be as much as the first fight so why would mayweather agree to another one mayweather doesn't need PAC
  16. idk why they waited so long to figure that out besides him they really don't do that much damage to the rockets most of the time the rockets are killing there own selves
  17. yeah that's mayweather ego but I don't think he will that's too much time mayweather also stated that Sept this yr will be his last fight
  18. if he was injured why did he fight get over it he lost now he making excuses like I said if I was mayweather I wouldn't waste my time it's not going to prove anything but more hate let's say they fight in September next yr and mayweather win y'all are going to say PAC is coming off an injured shoulder and many more different excuses
  19. mayweather has nothing left to prove and I'm pretty sure mayweather don't want to wait a yr and a half to fight
  20. mayweather has nothing left to prove
  21. To win this series we have to play better d on Griffin, harden has to be more aggressive instead of settling for shot,and shoot better FTS
  22. I don't think its going happen IMO
  23. if they lose tonight might as well
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