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Everything posted by westendfirst

  1. [quote name="Scalabrine" post="874106" timestamp="1287005189"] [quote author=Ruckdad link=topic=74394.msg874088#msg874088 date=1287003612] He has already left WVU twice?  No doubt he is talented, but I wonder if this is just homesickness or an indication of future problems?  I don't know the kid or his situation (other than that he was 3rd on the depth chart at WVU behind a soph starter) but the leaving twice in less than a semester causes me concern. [/quote]Dude, he's 18yrs old, 2,000 miles away and 3rd on the depth chart. [/quote] Loaded with talent and has a free ride to college.  Poor little fella.
  2. [quote name="puddin tane" post="872622" timestamp="1286842900"] [quote author=bigred360 link=topic=74227.msg872604#msg872604 date=1286841726] Those are for freshman as I don't see anything about transfer students. I could be wrong but that is what I get from this article.  [/quote] many places  admission standards are lower for athletes anyway...I was just posting that cuz i think its good for LU [/quote] It's defnintely a good thing.  And they really should be more strict than these new standards but I think it is a step in the right direction.  I saw on another website that we had an 89% acceptance rate.  That sounds very high...really too high.
  3. On another note: -it was nice to see Chavis get a little more involved -I thought Logan and Hussey both ran the ball well.  Of course, the offensive line did a nice job opening holes for them.  And I know we were missing at least one starter on the offensive line. -For the first time in a few games we had some impressive hits:  Ekpe will flat out nail you, Garrett will hit you too, and Chavis had a pretty impressive block on an unsuspecting sole on a screen or swing pass. -it was nice to see us throw a couple of screen passes -we need to throw the ball over the middle more, say in the 10 - 30 yard range.  We had one nice completion like that. -Coleman was surprisingly quiet.  Their right tackle did a pretty good job on him. -I thought their qb was pretty good.  He was a big dude and threw some nice passes -If Asanti is going to run on the goal line he needs to quit doing that dive nonsense.  As big and strong as he looks he needs to keep his feet on the ground. -I think Marcus Jackson could become a flat out stud.  He needs some coaching though.  Sometimes he tends to wait for the ball to come to him instead of going to get it.  He needs to help Bevil out a little more on some of those 'questionable' passes Bevil likes to throw.
  4. [quote name="mffl" post="871091" timestamp="1286685371"] [quote author=Cardinal89 link=topic=74218.msg871073#msg871073 date=1286684033] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=74218.msg871064#msg871064 date=1286683643] frick, cant y'all enjoy a win for at least an hour? [/quote] No.  And why the heck are we going for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter up by six?  Isn't the object to win the game?  Shouldn't we kick a field goal to go up by 9??  Am i missing something?  Hello, McFly!!! [/quote] We were a foot from the endzone and our kicker missed at extra point earlier. It was a good call. [/quote] We had 3 tries from the 2 yard line or closer already and didn't make it.  We are up by 6 in the 4th quarter.  The kick is essentially an extra point except it is worth 3 and it seals the win.  Anyone with any common sense and that knows ANYTHING about football knows that there is absolutely NO logical reason for us not kicking that field goal.  It was a dumb call, period.  It became even dumber as I sat and watched Langston move down field and quite nearly score the tying touchdown (and likely go ahead).  We were lucky to overcome a coaches poor decision. Look, I understand the cool thing to do was to go for it.  But, if you are playing to win then you kick it.  Plain and simple. If you can't trust your kicker to make an extra point then he shouldn't be on your team.  (From what I've seen, the kid is a good kicker and can definitely be trusted to make that)
  5. [quote name="bigred360" post="871243" timestamp="1286724468"] [quote author=HardHitter link=topic=74218.msg871239#msg871239 date=1286724047] All you guys are a joke.....We need to get behind these kids 110% no matter what happens. I agree some of the play calling is very questionable...But we need to celebrate the win and prepare for a real tough game against South Alabama.... [size=18pt]GO CARDS[/size] [/quote] Dude you are a JOKE. This is a forum for LAMAR FAN'S to discuss anything regarding Lamar or LU athletics. Go take a view of some of the other fan sites around the country. Quit getting so defensive. Geez!  ::) I think everyone who has posted up to now is a die hard Cardinals fan or they wouldn't waste their time making a post about their thoughts of the game. [/quote] Thank you, and I agree!  Some people like talking (or typing) football.  I've said before I think that is half the fun of having a team...playing armchair quarterback/coach.  If we all just sat around and said "golly, all of our guys are perfect and we are perfect and the coaches are perfect and every play was perfect" that would not only be boring it would be a bunch of b.s.
  6. [quote name="Bobcatfan4life" post="871265" timestamp="1286729631"] They started their program last year and went undefeated and they are 5-0 so far this year. How sweet would it be to deliver them their first loss in their program's history! [/quote] Good to know.  I heard elsewhere that this was their first year. 
  7. [quote name="WBbear" post="871201" timestamp="1286720083"] We need to bring him in. He should have 2 years of eligibility left. [/quote] Ummm...not if he can't pass...as in grades.
  8. [quote name="puddin tane" post="871064" timestamp="1286683643"] frick, cant y'all enjoy a win for at least an hour? [/quote] No.  And why the hell are we going for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter up by six?  Isn't the object to win the game?  Shouldn't we kick a field goal to go up by 9??  Am i missing something?  Hello, McFly!!!
  9. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="871022" timestamp="1286681464"] Looking at the box score, would think Langston won this one... More trips to the red zone, had the ball for nine minutes more, less penalties... If Langston scores in the red zone or "red area" as Whitten calls it, the Cardinals lose to Langston. Call this a good game all you want, but you guys can't do that against South Alabama and some of the other schools on the schedule. They'll find a way into the end zone and at the Div I level - probably make their FGs. [/quote] I think it is great we shut them out but they had the ball FOREVER!  Our defense needs to learn the meaning of the word BLITZ!
  10. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="871022" timestamp="1286681464"] Looking at the box score, would think Langston won this one... More trips to the red zone, had the ball for nine minutes more, less penalties... If Langston scores in the red zone or "red area" as Whitten calls it, the Cardinals lose to Langston. Call this a good game all you want, but you guys can't do that against South Alabama and some of the other schools on the schedule. They'll find a way into the end zone and at the Div I level - probably make their FGs. [/quote] ng. Yep.  South Alabama and Georgia State game should be very interesting.  Early on, I would have said we were ahead of them.  Now, I say they beat the crap out of us.
  11. [quote name="mffl" post="870868" timestamp="1286674048"] Derrick "frog" Hall is holding up his L tonight. Hope that is a sign of things to come for the Cards. [/quote] Forgive my ignorance...who is he?
  12. [quote name="bigred360" post="867227" timestamp="1286391744"] I don't want to make any one mad but I don't want any part of a SLC with DII schools moving up to replace Texas State, UTSA and budget cuts that could kill football programs in Louisiana. I do think that it is best for Lamar to stay in the SLC for about the next 5 years to see if we are competitive and good enough to challenge for the conference title. However, Lamar is growing as I saw a graph with at least $120 million in renovation and new contruction on the Lamar University campus. If coachacola reads this I wish he'd post the graph I'm talking about. Anyway, it shows what is planned from now until the year 2014. I've heard people talk about how nice the campus is compared to when they attended the university. Well, by 2014 with $120 million spent on renovations and new construction the campus will be even nicer. Conferences don't just look at the athletic part of a university but also the academic side too. No one can say what the SLC is going to look like in 5-10 years and if enrollment tops 20,000 students at Lamar as has been suggested, LU will be big enough to be in a FBS conference. [/quote] If we start allowing a bunch of crappy DII schools in the SLC then I will be right on board with you.  If we can go FBS with regional schools in a conference we can actually win in then I'd be all for it.  If SHSU, SFA, McNeese, Tx State, La Tech, ULM, ULL, Se La, LU, and maybe an Ark state and/or Central Ark (maybe) all want to form an FBS conference then I'd certainly be open to that.
  13. [quote name="kingkat99" post="868896" timestamp="1286567763"] [quote author=bigred360 link=topic=74101.msg868869#msg868869 date=1286564515] [quote author=Cardinal89 link=topic=74101.msg868813#msg868813 date=1286559632] [quote author=bigred360 link=topic=74101.msg868358#msg868358 date=1286503849] Only about 30% of FBS schools play in a bowl game each year so while it is funny reading some of the post you guys write they aren't really accurate of the landscape of FBS football. [/quote] What isn't accurate? [/quote] First off I wasn't addressing your post. But, since you replied for there to an accurate picture of all DI football programs you need to list the FCS schools as well as the FBS schools. Well, only 30% of FBS schools are invited to a bowl games at the end of the season. So, it is funny to read the names of the bowls some of the guys make fun of. That leaves 70% of the schools sitting at home for Christmas and New Years.   Only two of 125 FCS football-playing schools made a profit last season. As Fox news reports, that is fair and balanced.  ;D [/quote] FBS teams get paid more to go play someone else and they generally charge more for tickets to a stadium that more seating than the average FCS and their officially licensed merchandise is carried in more places school so it shouldnt surprise anyone that there are more of them turning a profit than FCS schools, but all that only occurs when everything goes right.  Western Kentucky was an FCS powerhouse won a championship in 2000 I believe and decided they wanted to be FCS and they cant win a game and actually had a season ticket sales to buy seats for $5 a piece per game just to try and get butts in the seats so its not all sunshine and lollypops and there is some level of risk when making the move, but there are folks who have done it and been really successful too.  Bottom line Lamar isnt too good for the SLC and at this point Lamar isnt too good to turn up their noses to the West TX A&M's, Delta State's, and A&M Kingsville's of the world if they were to enter the SLC, and until Lamar reaches a point that they are at least heading in the direction of being too good I would think you are better off where you are... [/quote] I mostly agree EXCEPT I do think we are too good for the West Tx A&M's, Delta State's, and A&M Kingsville's of the world. 
  14. [quote name="bigred360" post="868869" timestamp="1286564515"] [quote author=Cardinal89 link=topic=74101.msg868813#msg868813 date=1286559632] [quote author=bigred360 link=topic=74101.msg868358#msg868358 date=1286503849] Only about 30% of FBS schools play in a bowl game each year so while it is funny reading some of the post you guys write they aren't really accurate of the landscape of FBS football. [/quote] What isn't accurate? [/quote] First off I wasn't addressing your post. But, since you replied for there to an accurate picture of all DI football programs you need to list the FCS schools as well as the FBS schools. Well, only 30% of FBS schools are invited to a bowl games at the end of the season. So, it is funny to read the names of the bowls some of the guys make fun of. That leaves 70% of the schools sitting at home for Christmas and New Years.   Only two of 125 FCS football-playing schools made a profit last season. As Fox news reports, that is fair and balanced.  ;D [/quote] I think everyone was already aware that FCS is not profitable.  I've never said it was.  But it seems that many people on this board think that the grass is automatically greener for FBS schools.  Quite frankly, I was shocked to find out so many FBS football programs lose money.  I would have thought 1/4th of them were losing money.  I never would have imagined the number was closer to 1/2.  However, the real benefit to having football is not just whether or not the program itself is profitable.  Overall, it is just much better for the university.  Attendance, school spirit, the college experience, etc.
  15. [quote name="JJWooten" post="867997" timestamp="1286478193"] Contrary to what people think, most athletic venues make their money off of concessions, not ticket sales. Look at Minute Maid Park and you'll see why they are willing to give up those cheap seats at the top. Their intention is to get you in there and for you to buy popcorn, hotdogs and sodas that all cost you 10 times more than it cost them. [/quote] We definitely need to upgrade the concessions.  They ran out of peanuts, the popcorn sucked, and the food just needs to be better.
  16. [quote name="JJWooten" post="867871" timestamp="1286469097"] I watched the Lamar/SHSU Game online and it was "sold out," but I still saw a few pockets of empty seats. Is this like the Texans where they've sold out every game since they opened, but still have tons of empty seats. Technically, every game should be a sell out because students can get free tickets, they just won't show up. [/quote] I watched the game in person and it sure felt packed to me.  I think there were a few empty seats in the 'gold' section (which is actually red).  These are the seatback seats...the good ones.  I've been impressed with the student turnout thus far.
  17. [quote name="bigred360" post="867849" timestamp="1286467113"] Agree with you guys about having the games on TV when the Cards are at home. The games subject to blackout if not sold out or having the games on a tape delayed basis. [/quote] That's a tough one.  I could see where knowing the games aren't going to be on tv could possibly drive ticket sale even more.  I guess I'd like to know what the revenue is from Fox 4.  If it isn't enough to offset lost ticket sales I'd definitely be against televising any games.
  18. [quote name="theyoungballcoach" post="867864" timestamp="1286467970"] You better go to the game because you probably will miss most of the game on Fox 4.  [/quote] Now that's funny right there!
  19. [quote name="OldTimer" post="851796" timestamp="1284951112"] Have not posted for several reasons.  But this is what I got out of the game - WB is not as bad as the score indicates and Katy is not as good as the score indicates.  Katy is an all around team with talent and depth - this is what years of a great program will do.  WB I think is at the beginning of that ladder.  The are stating a program that has every chance to be what Katy is and soon.  WB should and will compete well into the playoffs - just use this game as a learning tool. Hope you do wll the rest of the season WB you deserve it. [/quote] What?  WB has been around since 1982!  They won the state championship their first year in existence???!!  what is this nonsense about starting a program?
  20. [quote name="kingkat99" post="868427" timestamp="1286506529"] I know I'm a bearkat but I live here so I cruise the board and I have say you guys have run thus should we or shouldn't we argument into the ground its almost nauseating to the point of being semi comical....I bet a full day can't pass without anyone bringing it up.. [/quote] Some of us are just thrilled to have football back and love the rivalry we have with Sam, and SFA, and McNeese and don't agree with the argument that we'd be better off playing Idaho and Utah State.  That's all.  Others on here think we are too good for the lowly SLC even though SFA beat us McNeese beat us 30-27, SFA beat us 71-3, and SHSU beat us 38-3.  Our performance of late actually indicates we should move down, not up. Now, would I like to be in the Big 12 or the SEC?  Absolutely!  But we need a reality check.  Let's worry about selling out our stadium and having a little success before we think we are too good for the Southland. Football is great for the community and the campus.  Quite honestly, after a 21 year absence, I could care less if we play UT or the Sisters of Charity...I'm going to the games and having a good time.  And you won't see mee with a screen name like:  AggiesAreWe or UNLV nor will you see me with Texas Tech logos.  Come to think of it, I'm going to have to come up with a better screen name now.
  21. [quote name="bigred360" post="868358" timestamp="1286503849"] Only about 30% of FBS schools play in a bowl game each year so while it is funny reading some of the post you guys write they aren't really accurate of the landscape of FBS football. [/quote] What isn't accurate?
  22. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="868119" timestamp="1286488472"] [Hidden Content] UNLV you are a profit ;) [/quote] I'd like to see Texas State stay, let UTSA leave, kick out UTA and ATM Corpus (unless Corpus adds football) and bring back USL, Northeast La, and La Tech.  I want to chant "go to He!!, USL, go to He!!".  And I want to travel to their stadium and eat boudain.
  23. [quote name="bigred360" post="868133" timestamp="1286490255"] I have already stated my opinion of what Lamar should do if they take in DII schools to replace schools that leave the conference. Delta State, Tarleton St., North Alabama, Abilene Christian University, West Texas A&M, Texas A&M - Kingsville, Midwestern St. and Jacksonville St. This schools just don't get me excited to watch them play at Provost Umphrey. I have no interest in traveling to watch the Cardinals play any of these teams either. This goes for not only football but all the sports in which Lamar participates. [/quote] I'll have to admit, I agree with you on this.  If the above schools end up in the SLC I will be all for a move to a different conference.
  24. [quote name="JJWooten" post="868168" timestamp="1286494133"] [quote author=westendfirst link=topic=74101.msg868158#msg868158 date=1286492952] For all of you that think that the FBS schools have it so easy, financially speaking: [Hidden Content] [/quote] A lot of that is because of Title IX. I'm not opposed to it, but having non-revenue generating sports that offer scholarships to support TIX cause a major financial strain on athletic budgets. [/quote] I agree but apparently you ignored this sentence: "Sixty-eight FBS schools reported turning a profit on football, with a median value of $8.8 million. The 52 FBS schools that lost money on football reported median losses of $2.7 million. " Almost 1/2 the football programs in FBS are losing money.
  25. [quote name="bigred360" post="868071" timestamp="1286483954"] [quote author=JJWooten link=topic=74054.msg868055#msg868055 date=1286482659] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=74054.msg868029#msg868029 date=1286480790] bet they didnt put 16,000 in the seats either...i would love to know what attendance was for those 7 games... [/quote] The Ladd Peebles Stadium holds a little over 40,000. Hargrave Military Academy - 26,783 Army Prep - 17,063 Georgia Military J.C. - 15,183 Louisburg J.C. - 15,754 Fork Union Military Academy - 12,188 Milford Academy - 15,565 Huntingdon College - 23,683 This year: Pikeville at Home - 22,376 Nicholls State Home - 23,174 Edward Waters Home - Actually it was Neutral site. Kentucky Wesleyan Home - 18,419 Missouri S&T Home Lamar Away UC Davis Away Georgia State Home Henderson State Home Arkansas-Monticello Home [/quote] The stadium holds 40,000 but 26,783 in attendance is the most they played before at home. Most of the other games they are playing before fan's in a half empty stadium.  ??? ??? [/quote] Looks like great support to me.
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