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Everything posted by westendfirst

  1. [quote name="puddin tane" post="867347" timestamp="1286401275"] [quote author=HardHitter link=topic=74052.msg867334#msg867334 date=1286399896] I think we all expect the Cards to win....Still with that being said, its gonna take a little time.. We just may need to change some of our philosphies as coaches, players, and fans...The staff needs to figure out a way to put these guys in position to win, players need to perform on each and every play, and the fans need to support the program.... Go Cards.. [/quote] that is a pointless article..dabe get paid or is he in a high school journalism class? [/quote] Well, I certainly hope the coach expects to win.  Hopefully he will start coaching better.  I have some suggestions:  1) blitz if the front 4 can't get pressure, move 2) 33 and 55 to linebacker and find some bigger defensive ends to replace them; 3) learn a play other than a bomb 4)find a punter that can punt further than 20 yards 5)find a new special teams coach that knows how to make adjustments 6) Learn to run the ball a little, or throw screen passes, or slants  7) If you aren't going to use Chavis on offense, move him to defensive end in place of that 215 pounder 8) put 23 on offense 9) find some secondary folks that can cover  10)get more players that will hit like Coleman and Garrett  11) If you aren't going to blitz, teach the linebackers how to drop back and cover the middle of the field better 12) I'll think of some more later....
  2. For all of you that think that the FBS schools have it so easy, financially speaking: [Hidden Content]
  3. [quote name="Raider88" post="865426" timestamp="1286179134"] This LU football team is better than I have seen them play the past two games. I have attended every game except the McNeese game and there is no SPARK!! Offensive line cannot open even the smallest hole!  It cant be that hard to do a little run blocking!!   Defense isnt HITTING anyone and when they do its a shoulder NO ONE wraps up!!  As for Bevil being hurt, I call BS!! Seen him before the game walking without a limp, seen him come out without his ankle taped, then after the score got bad his ankle was taped. I am not impressed with him what so ever. Put someone else in the game if nothing more than to get them some reps and show Bevil he isn't the ONLY QB on the team!!! GET BACK TO THE BASICS!! Basic blocking,and tackling!! I dont mean to sound Negative but I think this team is better than they have been playing!! I am only a innocent bystander and will continue to support LU the entire game! I refuse to leave at halftime or 3rd qtr like some!!! [/quote] I totally agree.  Bevil is a prima donna.   Plus, he has to be the skinniest person I've ever seen in my life.  He needs to be introduced to the weight room.  He pulled the same crap against SFA, get down and man does he start limping!!  I thought Christian Louis was scared to take a hit at WB but this guy just may be even more scared than him.  O line is young.  They each need 30 lbs and then we'll be ok.  Also I am ready for defensive changes.  I want Coleman at linebacker where he belongs.  I wan the 215 lb defensive end either at linebacke or on the bench (number 33) but he is too damn scrawny for a defensive lineman!  Get some beef on the d line!!  Put Coleman  where he can make more plays!  I've also been a little harsh with the kicking game. However, now I realize it isn't the kicker, it is the punter. Oh, and put hussey back in the game.  Oh, and #23 needs to be used differently.  I think his name is Ploch.  There has to be abetter way t use a stud like that.  Finally, what about Chavis.?  How about moving him to defensive end in place of 33?  They are wasting him at tight end because they never throw him the damn ball! Screw it, let me coach!
  4. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="865466" timestamp="1286197904"] [quote author=baseball25 link=topic=73538.msg865445#msg865445 date=1286193431]Every skill player Sam Houston had was better than our skill players except for one and that's Hayes, but the qb and Rb is better and the rest of the wrs. Also our def line and o line are to little and can't Handle teams that are big and physical up front, Lamar will be fine once they get some big o line recruits and def line recruits.[/quote] And our skill players are younger, if not the same in classification as Lamar's skill players. The future is bright for SHSU! [/quote] I was EXTREMELY impressed with Flanders.  Granted, our crappy tackling helped but that guy is really good.  I can't believe how physically stout he is for young guy.  We definitely need whatever SHSU is eating.  There guys were just physically bigger/stronger than our guys.  Hell their wide receivers looked like our linebackers!
  5. [quote name="77" post="864746" timestamp="1286079577"] [quote author=NorthoftheBorder link=topic=73538.msg864743#msg864743 date=1286079147] There is a whole lot to say about tonights game but I really don't know where to start and I need time to sort through my thoughts.  For tonight I will just say that I'm trying to figure out the McNeese game in light of the last 2 weeks and what that means.  It is pretty evident that the Cowboys are not as good this year as in the last 10 or so but I think the first game we played above the level of our capabilities right now.  There are big question marks right now on both sides of the ball.  Lots of work to be done. [/quote]I would have to agree that McNeese is not as good as people thought but Lamar had alot of time to prepare for the Cowboys and alot of hype they did a good job. Now these teams know who the threats for the cards are and can see it on film McNeese had no game film. jmo [/quote] I agree with your game film comment but don't we get game film too?  Why did it look like we had no clue how to stop SFA?  Why did it look like we had no clue how to stop SHSU?  Why is it we basically played straight up zone against SHSU the whole first half and the first drive of the second half and just let them whoop our a$$e$?  We sit back in a zone and rush 4, they can't get any pressure against the pass and get blown off the line against the run.  So, we don't make adjustments???  In case yall didn't notice, after they scored 35 on us we finally made defensive adjustments and started blitzing. Oh, I appreciate number 20 trying to get the fans fired up but I would appreciate it more if he'd start making plays instead of cheerleading.
  6. [quote name="Sea Aggie" post="865291" timestamp="1286155389"] If you aren't on the active roster you should be in a Lamar polo with khakis, or something that looks uniform. No matter what inactive players are wearing, it's still not going to help you win. [/quote] I agree totally.  And it may not help win any games but it is called class.
  7. [quote name="twag11" post="864960" timestamp="1286125061"] I want to see Prewitt take some snaps at QB next week and see how he does. [/quote] Me too.  Bevil's turnovers kill us plus he makes poor decisions and he holds on to the ball way too long.  Maybe it is the routes we are calling, I don't know.  But we need to learn how throw slants, outs, deep ins, screen passes, etc.  He can throw a sweet deep ball but that's about it.  Now, he did throw a couple of outs and one nice short hook to Jackson.  That hook went for a td because of a great move by Jackson.
  8. I think it is crap that Hussey got benched after fumbling the second time.  Was the fumble really his fault or did Bevil screw up again on the handoff?  No matter who's fault it was, it is bs that Hussey was benched.  If you want to bench someone for turnovers then Bevil should be so far down the bench he'd never come back.  Bevil looks scared now.  He is scared to take a hit.  We need a qb that will man up.
  9. [quote name="JJWooten" post="864533" timestamp="1286069258"] Another Bevil pick. I think he could be a good QB if he made smarter reads. He seems to just throw it up and hope a Card comes down with it. [/quote] He doesn't make reads.  He already knows where he is throwing before the ball is snapped.  No matter what the defense is doing.  And if the guy isn't open he'll either throw it for a pick anyway or just hang on to the ball forever until he gets sacked. 
  10. [quote name="JJWooten" post="864486" timestamp="1286067966"] [quote author=bruinfan2006 link=topic=73538.msg864466#msg864466 date=1286067405] Lamar lost possession on an incomplete pass not a fumble... stupid refs are not calling the right penalities. Refs are ruining this game [/quote] I disagree. The Cardinal defense has been unable to stop the inside option and overcommits to the play action. [/quote] Absolutely!  They do not play their 'responsibility'.  They overcommit big time.  Plus, their defense just does not appear to be very good.  Coleman and Garrett make some big time plays but other than that we just aren't getting it done
  11. [quote name="puddin tane" post="862743" timestamp="1285969519"] [quote author=the sports guy link=topic=73774.msg862695#msg862695 date=1285964196] Everyone seems to want them to move up in a hurry.  I am just a stupid hillbilly but......lets get our feet wet before we just dive in? [/quote] agree, might want to wait and see what attendance does the next couple of years [/quote] We haven't even played an SLC game yet, just got pounded 71-3 and we are already going FBS.  Man, this is awesome.  At this rate, in 4 years we will be 0-10, in the SEC and playing in a BCS bowl!!
  12. [quote name="coachacola" post="862380" timestamp="1285941284"] There's also the fact that schools that participate in the FCS playoffs lose money.  Most FCS schools average less than 10K per game so it's not a money maker.  So for schools like UTSA and Texas State, if they have the money they'll make the jump to FBS.  There's a lot of FCS schools out there talking about going FBS.  I would not be surprised one bit if the NCAA gets rid of the FCS/FBS divisions.  What other D1 sport has divisions like that? [/quote] These are the same comments that killed football back in 1989.  So, I guess we need to start planning on canceling football again!
  13. [quote name="mffl" post="862616" timestamp="1285957339"] [quote author=westendfirst link=topic=73538.msg862252#msg862252 date=1285905787] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=73538.msg861839#msg861839 date=1285885827] With Bevil for sure out now and possibly for several weeks expect to see a lot of wildcat with Marcus Jackson at qb. He played it in high school and can throw it decently if needed to. But let's hope Douglas can teach us how to Dougie!!! :D [/quote] Hopefully it will be Prewitt and they will let him throw it.  Jackson is almost worthless if he won't throw.  If they have to go with Prewitt I hope they aren't overly conservative like they were with him in Huntsville.  heck, he can't turn the ball over too many more times than Bevil does. [/quote] I just hope we aren't overly conservative and put him in bad passing situations.  Let him run the offense and throw the ball early. I think he will surprise a lot of people tomorrow. The guy played great at Kelly, and his height was the only knock on him coming out of high school. Sam Houston looked at him at QB as did some DII schools, but he came to Lamar to be a preferred walk-on WR. However, when Smith went down, they needed another QB and he passed up Tatum on the depth chart. The guy has worked his butt off to be where he is now. Best of luck to Doug, tomorrow. [/quote]
  14. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="861839" timestamp="1285885827"] With Bevil for sure out now and possibly for several weeks expect to see a lot of wildcat with Marcus Jackson at qb. He played it in high school and can throw it decently if needed to. But let's hope Douglas can teach us how to Dougie!!! :D [/quote] Hopefully it will be Prewitt and they will let him throw it.  Jackson is almost worthless if he won't throw.  If they have to go with Prewitt I hope they aren't overly conservative like they were with him in Huntsville.  Hell, he can't turn the ball over too many more times than Bevil does.
  15. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="861511" timestamp="1285862430"] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=73729.msg861501#msg861501 date=1285861935] geez, we will miss them and their 8 fans [/quote] There is just so much I want to say about all this but it would be like water off a ducks back, so I will refrain.  That said, one day you will turn on the TV set and see Texas State playing a meaningful game against a big time opponent at home and wonder how that happened and why they are playing before a capacity crowd of 40k+.  But I doubt you would ever think and wonder how Lamar missed out on making the big stage. [/quote] You know as I think about it I'm beginning to agree with others on thise board.  We need to get out of the dumpy little SLC as fast as possible and move on to greener pastures.  I mean, lets look at some other schools.  Nearly every weekend you can tune in and watch ULM play a meaningful game.  And, it seems like almost every night there's ULL right there on ESPN beating up on Florida and UT and Alabama and USC.  (In case yall didn't know it, ULM stands for the University of Louisiana at Monroe and ULL stands for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette).  ULL, ULM, Ark State, and La Tech all used to be members of the lowly Southland and they are all now national powers playing meaningful games every weekend. Oh, and just think if we would have had the sense to get basketball out of the lowly Southland.  We could have built a state of the art basketball facility, and possibly even have canceled football to free up a ton of money to build a national power, and then we could join an up and coming powerhouse basketball conference like the American South or something.  If that didn't work we possibly could have moved to the Sun Belt!  Man, wouldn't that have been awesome!  We would be playing in countless meaningful games RIGHT now if we just would have done that.  Oh wait, we did do that......
  16. [quote name="UNLV" post="861567" timestamp="1285865846"] Tarleton new president is reluctant to move up. And lets not forget about the huge budget cuts that will hit NWst, SEla, Nicholls, and Mcneese in 2011. I wouldn't be surprised if football was dropped or downgrade to DIII in 3 of the 4 schools. Replacement for them may have to be non football schools like Houston Baptist and Pan Am. [/quote] I think you've been smoking some of that funny stuff with coachacola.  You honestly believe that between McNeese NW State SeLa and Nicholls, 3 of them will be Division III or not have football at all??!!  Please!
  17. [quote name="coachacola" post="861571" timestamp="1285866255"] Hawaii is talking about leaving the WAC for the Big West (football goes independent).  There's rumors that TCU is talking to the Big East which means the MWC could take Utah State.  The WAC will eventually become the new "southwest conference" with very few west coast teams.  The SLC is becoming weaker and weaker as a conference and I doubt Simmons and Tidwell will allow Lamar to stick around for that. [/quote] I'm trying to figure out what is so impressive about UTSA and Texas State.  Sam, SFA, and McNeese all have much better athletics than they do.
  18. [quote name="bigred360" post="861723" timestamp="1285875120"] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=73729.msg861706#msg861706 date=1285874034] [quote author=NorthoftheBorder link=topic=73729.msg861511#msg861511 date=1285862430] [quote author=puddin tane link=topic=73729.msg861501#msg861501 date=1285861935] geez, we will miss them and their 8 fans [/quote] There is just so much I want to say about all this but it would be like water off a ducks back, so I will refrain.  That said, one day you will turn on the TV set and see Texas State playing a meaningful game against a big time opponent at home and wonder how that happened and why they are playing before a capacity crowd of 40k+.  But I doubt you would ever think and wonder how Lamar missed out on making the big stage. [/quote] [size=16pt][b]every game is meaningful[/b]...[/size]thats whats wrong with you 3 who keep pumping the wac..........SLC is just a little joke to y'all..don't mean anything...meaningless games [/quote] The WAC had their meeting with the schools they were looking at and Lamar wasn't one of them so lets move on. I have yet to see someone besides UNLV say negative things about the SLC. At least they don't bad mouth our starting QB on a public forum. [/quote] UNLV hasn't bad mouthed our qb?
  19. [quote name="puddin tane" post="860191" timestamp="1285704740"] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=73538.msg860182#msg860182 date=1285703584] Sam likes to blitz tons. Leaves there Db's in man to man. Hayes should have a field day. Bevil may just get picked if they can jump routes. [/quote] [i]Bevil may just get picked[/i]..ya think? [/quote] No kidding!!!  Does a bear crap in the woods?  Is the Pope Catholic?  Will the sun come up tomorrow.  I suppose that if Bevil doesn't play he may not get picked.  Well, even if he doesn't play the water boy may pick him off while Bevil is throwing on the sideline.
  20. [quote name="HI_#20_Mom" post="860179" timestamp="1285703153"] [quote author=westendfirst link=topic=73538.msg860178#msg860178 date=1285703048] [quote author=HI_#20_Mom link=topic=73538.msg860177#msg860177 date=1285702977] Thanks North. Don't be a pooh West!  ;D [/quote] Sorry. [/quote] I'm just teasing, you don't need to be sorry. [/quote] I'm just messing around.  I saw you had "Mom" in your name so I figured I couldn't talk smack to you.
  21. [quote name="coachacola" post="860213" timestamp="1285706320"] I've heard that Bevil is still hurt so he probably won't be near 100% healthy for the SHSU game.  The offense will definitely struggle if he's not at the top of his game. [/quote] You mean, we won't be able to put up 3 points without Bevil?
  22. I think I'll start a new thread in honor of UNLV, coachacola, and others...
  23. [quote name="coachacola" post="861138" timestamp="1285806808"] Both Rice and North Texas are hardly ever any good but they have no intentions of dropping down.  Texas State and UTSA will soon be competing with North Texas for the worst FBS team in Texas, but both schools see that as a better option than staying in the SLC.  I wouldn't be surprised if both Lamar and SHSU are both FBS schools within 5 years. [/quote] you either have been smoking some funny looking cigarettes or you just need a serious reality check.
  24. [quote name="HI_#20_Mom" post="860177" timestamp="1285702977"] Thanks North. Don't be a pooh West!  ;D [/quote] Sorry.
  25. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="859256" timestamp="1285619568"] [quote author=NorthoftheBorder link=topic=73538.msg859168#msg859168 date=1285613023]I guess you are waiting until Saturday night before you weigh in on the SFA route.  I have to admit you are using discretion.  I assume we will here from you in full force if Sam wins the game.  I'll say it now that I think we still have a very good chance of winning.  We will just have see how the QB situation progresses during the week.[/quote] I'm not convinced SHSU wins... I picked Lamar on AGS and think the Cards will be looking to get a positive result after this past weekend's fiasco. SHSU is not going to score many points unless our game plan thwarts Bevil... If SHSU gets ahead, they just need to do what has worked - run the ball very efficiently and take the T.O.P. battle. [/quote] You obviously didn't watch us play SFA.  I wouldn't pick us to beat the Red Apple Daycare "B" team.
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