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Everything posted by westendfirst

  1. [quote name="sleepy" post="774797" timestamp="1268265416"] I will let the cat out of the bag.  It will take one of two things happening for us to have a new coach next year.  If Rod Strickland becomes the head coach at Depaul then Roc is gone to Kentucky.  If Tony Barbee becomes the head coach at Depaul Rod Strickland will likely become his top assistant.  Bottom line is Roc has realized had he stayed at Memphis with Cal he would be the head coach there now.  If Strickland leaves Kentucky that will open up an assistants job and Roc will take it.  If that indeed happens look for Alvin Brooks, and Rodney Terry(Current Texas assistant) to be in the running for the job.  By the way.....I love the Quinn Snyder suggestion. I think he would be a home run! [/quote] Are you kidding?? Quinn Snyder???  NO NO NO NO.  That guy was a disaster at Missouri.  Alvin Brooks?  Wasn't he a disaster at UH?  Never heard of Rodney Terry.  As for Snyder and Brooks, I would prefer NOT to hire someone that's already proven they can't coach.  Even though I love Brooks.  Man, what a point guard!!  I guarantee you he could still school anyone we have on campus.  I wonder if he has any eligibility left?
  2. [quote name="LemonGello" post="775048" timestamp="1268312495"] I want Roc to stay as coach, but many fans on this board need to realize a few things.  The head coaching job at LU has been a revolving door for far too long.  The only way to begin some sort of consistency in the program is to stick with a coach for a prolonged period of time.  In order to have a coach like this, it must be someone who acually wants to be here for the long haul.  That is Coach Roc, a LU grad and Golden Triangle native. Another review:  Tubbs did not win here on his return; Deane reached the tournament, but thankfully because of a conference tournament victory with a losing regular season record.  No tournament appearences before Deane dating back to Pat Foster.  Roc has had the best season here two years ago in many seasons.  Frankly, if we keep changing coaches at the rate we have been doing, we're never going to develop consistency.  The last two seasons have been injury plagued.  A healthy Nabors, a healthy Ashton Hall (who never played) may have made a big difference with the other guys in the lineup.  That's the nature of the game.  Remember as well that LU will be in the Eastern Division next season. That's likely a conference tournament appearence regardless of who the coach is next season.  On paper, it will look good even though the East is hands down the weaker division (a good thing for LU). If you take a look at any school or professional team in any sport, those who hire a coach and stick with him through thick and thin are the most successful because of the consistency that gets developed.    [/quote] I understand what you are saying but the bottom line is winning.  Please name some coaches that finished with losing records and out of their own conference tournament that a school has stuck with?  And if you can find any of those names, how has their program fared?
  3. [quote name="HoopInsider_Cooper" post="774312" timestamp="1268199316"] [font=Courier]Football will be bad as well. [/font] [/quote] Well that's an intelligent comment.  Duh, really?  I thought we'd win the national championship the first year back after 21 years without a program.
  4. [quote name="sleepy" post="773691" timestamp="1268141179"] It won't be a big name coach.  Just not happening. [/quote] Well that is about the dumbest commment I've heard.  No chit.  Dang, I thought we'd get Coach K to come here from Duke...or maybe Pitino is ready to leave Louisville?  Or maybe we could hire Calipari away from Kentucky?  Give me a break.  There are only about 3 - 5 coaching positions in the country that aren't stepping stones to get to a 'better' job.  Was Tubbs a big name when we hired him years ago?  Was Pat Foster?  Hell, all the supposed big names we've hired have been big name assistants and they've pretty much sucked across the board.  So maybe that lend a little credence to hiring a good high school coach.  However, I personally would NEVER do that.  IF we were to make a change then you would look at head coaches at the college level at less attractive jobs than ours.  Do you honestly think LU has the least attractive college coaching position in the country?  Not hardly!!!  We've got a fantastic facility, decent fan support, and a community absolutely starving for something successful.  I truly would love to see Roc get the job done.  But, if he can't he can't. Question, why is Marlin at SHSU?  Why is Kaspar at SFA? What about Tim Floyd?  He wanted to come here at one time. I think we hired Gioweenie instead?  And the coach that was at Baylor and then New Mexico or New Mexico State?  I can't recall his name but he wanted to come here (of course he's probably 70 now).  Both of them have since been in trouble with the NCAA but who hasn't.  The only way you stay out of trouble with the NCAA is if you are the NCAA like North Carolina, Duke, Kentucky, Texas, etc.  Of course, now we've sucked so bad for so long we may have to hire an elementary PE coach.
  5. [quote name="shorttexas1" post="773583" timestamp="1268106271"] After Keena didnt go to memphis he would have been right there with Boutte... Clearence Matthews, Trey McDowell, K. Hancock, etc. would have played for Boutte over playing in other small D1 schools... Last I checked no one has been offered by Duke around here!!! A smart recruiter would not try to compete with those schools... There are plenty of second teir students with great game! [/quote] Oh hell, we've gotten so pathetic we want high school coaches now???!!!  Good lord.
  6. [quote name="vidorianswag" post="772934" timestamp="1268012105"] mcdonald blows [/quote] Understatement of the year.  IF west brook wins, it will definitely be in spite of their head coach and not because of their head coach.
  7. [quote name="LU Baseball Fan" post="771104" timestamp="1267779127"] [quote author=LumberCard link=topic=66293.msg768438#msg768438 date=1267410141] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=66293.msg767742#msg767742 date=1267279688] [quote author=LumberCard link=topic=66293.msg767643#msg767643 date=1267246903] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=66293.msg767323#msg767323 date=1267228585] Lamar beat Ark st by 21, Ark st is ranked 60 higher than LU. LU beat Rice and Tulane yet they rank higher. It's all about the Conference. [/quote] It's not all about the conference. If we were winning hand over fist and still ranked in the mid to high 100's I would agree. But We have to take some of the blame because our basketball program is just not that good. Swallow your pride and admit it. The Southland Conference is NOT our biggest problem. Probably not even top 5 on the list. [/quote]A better conference yield better recruits. A better conference get better exposure. The SLC has one ncaa win in the last 10 years. Hang around losers makes you a loser. [/quote] If you haven't been paying attention, we are the losers holding the others in this conference back. Your words not mine. Your thinking is ridiculous. We are about to miss the conference tourney for the second straight year, unless we get a miracle finish. And your argument is that the "losers" that keep beating us are the ones holding us back? Why don't you look at budgets and the overall facilities of out athletics programs (Ty Terrell track is the biggest joke in the SLC and is worse than most high school facilities and for the product that had been placed on the field for the tenure of the staff, there is no way Vincent Beck should be as SAD as it is) and you might just realize we are way further behind than many of the "losers" in the SLC. You're so quick to blame everyone else for why Lamar is struggling, but you seem to refuse to place blame on the shoulders that deserve it the most. The admin at Lamar is a joke and thngs are not going to get better until the right decisions are being made all the way across the board and not just for one or two sports. [/quote] This administration has done more for our athletic programs than any other.  There have been a lot of improvements made since Jimmy Simmons took over in 1999.  The main problem is MONEY!!!  We have had some big donations lately and that is  helped.  There is a long "want list" and as money comes available improvements are being made.  Just since Will graduated in 06 Vincent Beck has improved 3 fold.  The field is great, (wish we could finish and do the outfield in turf).  The locker rooms have been totally redone.  The hitting facility will be wonderful - thanks to Henry Strait.  The neglect of our programs in the 80s and 90s cannot be undone in a few years.  Give Jimmy time and our facilities will get up to speed.  But the "admin at Lamar" is far from being a Joke. [/quote] Agree.  Don't know about Henry Strait but I agree with what you have to say about the neglect in the 80's and 90's and the great strides made by Jimmy Simmons. As for basketball, "we're number 279, we're number 279, we're number 279!"
  8. [quote name="19bulldog88" post="757029" timestamp="1265665282"] [quote author=LemonGello link=topic=65417.msg756997#msg756997 date=1265661006] The coaches are in the process of developing depth on the team.  They really are not far off from having ten players that can contribute.  Justin Wesley, Reggie Mathis, and EB Davis have the potential to provide valuable minutes soon.  Continue to be patient, grasshoppers.  We are going to be where we all want to be soon. [/quote] I hope you are right. [/quote] Me too.
  9. [quote name="UNLV" post="768453" timestamp="1267413285"] [quote author=LumberCard link=topic=66293.msg768438#msg768438 date=1267410141] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=66293.msg767742#msg767742 date=1267279688] [quote author=LumberCard link=topic=66293.msg767643#msg767643 date=1267246903] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=66293.msg767323#msg767323 date=1267228585] Lamar beat Ark st by 21, Ark st is ranked 60 higher than LU. LU beat Rice and Tulane yet they rank higher. It's all about the Conference. [/quote] It's not all about the conference. If we were winning hand over fist and still ranked in the mid to high 100's I would agree. But We have to take some of the blame because our basketball program is just not that good. Swallow your pride and admit it. The Southland Conference is NOT our biggest problem. Probably not even top 5 on the list. [/quote]A better conference yield better recruits. A better conference get better exposure. The SLC has one ncaa win in the last 10 years. Hang around losers makes you a loser. [/quote] If you haven't been paying attention, we are the losers holding the others in this conference back. Your words not mine. Your thinking is ridiculous. We are about to miss the conference tourney for the second straight year, unless we get a miracle finish. And your argument is that the "losers" that keep beating us are the ones holding us back? Why don't you look at budgets and the overall facilities of out athletics programs (Ty Terrell track is the biggest joke in the SLC and is worse than most high school facilities and for the product that had been placed on the field for the tenure of the staff, there is no way Vincent Beck should be as SAD as it is) and you might just realize we are way further behind than many of the "losers" in the SLC. You're so quick to blame everyone else for why Lamar is struggling, but you seem to refuse to place blame on the shoulders that deserve it the most. The admin at Lamar is a joke and thngs are not going to get better until the right decisions are being made all the way across the board and not just for one or two sports. [/quote]And one of those correct decision would be to move out the SLC. [/quote] I believe if you recall the downfall started about the same time we decided we were too good for the SLC and we left for the Sun Belt.  Also, it was the same time football was whacked.  We were going to have all these funds to really focus on our awesome basketball team.  It has been one failure after another since then.  Ok, we may have had a fluke season ending run once but other than that...el stinko!  And, yes, we are about to miss the conference tourney.  Franklin screwed it up for everyone.  Who was after him?  Mclaughlin?  I think Simmons and Tubbs finally have us headed on the right track but they've got 15 plus years of disasters to make up for. 
  10. [quote name="LumberCard" post="767643" timestamp="1267246903"] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=66293.msg767323#msg767323 date=1267228585] Lamar beat Ark st by 21, Ark st is ranked 60 higher than LU. LU beat Rice and Tulane yet they rank higher. It's all about the Conference. [/quote] It's not all about the conference. If we were winning hand over fist and still ranked in the mid to high 100's I would agree. But We have to take some of the blame because our basketball program is just not that good. Swallow your pride and admit it. The Southland Conference is NOT our biggest problem. Probably not even top 5 on the list. [/quote] You are absolutely correct.
  11. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="763941" timestamp="1266850422"] [quote author=westendfirst link=topic=65857.msg763067#msg763067 date=1266641971] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=65857.msg758036#msg758036 date=1265823955] You guys are kidding me, right? It was Lyons College, c'mon you guys are killing me with this feel of goodtimes is down the road.  :'( [/quote] I agree but this is what has become of our men's basketball program that can barely qualify for the lowly SLC tournament!  We crow over a victory over Lyons College.  I think I'm going to go to our games with a bag over my head like the Aints used to do.  I just need a name to use instead of Aints.  How about Losemar?  Or Can'tinals?  Little Red?  Big Pink?  BIG DED?  Lastmar? [/quote]Funny! But maybe that would get LU on the ESPN and help with the recruiting process :) [/quote] I'm all for it if it will help our recruiting!
  12. [quote name="baseball25" post="763671" timestamp="1266784427"] lol  maine come on man there not good, there RPI last year was [b] 202[/b], and SOS was [b]284[/b] and played 33 teams that were rank over [b]200[/b], they were [b]8-9[/b] against opponents ranked [b]101-200 [/b] and had 2 lossed against 2 non div 1 teams, so come on now lamar should be blowing this team out. Had 1 win over a top 50 opponent. I mean a great way to start is  texas st. taking a series from HOUSTON. [/quote] You are not allowed to post reasonable/factual statement on here unless the fully support the Cardinals. That said, I think our basketball program could take a few pointers from coach Gilligan and the baseball program.  They are generally a source of pride for LU.
  13. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="763092" timestamp="1266645140"] So westend, what did you expect from this Lamar team? What teams do have all this talent you speak of on Lamar's level? [/quote] Maybe we should ask these schools/coaches who they are recruiting: [Hidden Content]
  14. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="763092" timestamp="1266645140"] So westend, what did you expect from this Lamar team? What teams do have all this talent you speak of on Lamar's level? [/quote] Well, Lamar for starters:  BB Davis, Mike Oliver, Clarence Kea, Tommy Sewell, Adrian Caldwell, LaMont Robinson, James Gulley, Alvin Brooks, Kenneth Perkins.  Heck, I'd even go for a Landon Rowe or an Atiim Brown. What about Sam Houston?  I didn't go to the game but someone who posted said 'we were outmatched'.  Why should we be outmatched against someone in our conference? I'm sorry for being so negative but I've had it.  We've been consistently 'underperforming' for 20+ years and continue to make excuse after excuse.  I have no answers, I am just disgusted.
  15. [quote name="bullets13" post="763078" timestamp="1266642589"] lame-mar.  tardinals.  yeah, i'd definitely go with tardinals. [/quote] The Tardinals...now that's a good one!
  16. [quote name="westendfirst" post="763071" timestamp="1266642234"] I'm trying to come up with a new name to put on the bag that I wear on my head for the next men's home game.  Any suggestions?  I've come up with a few:  Lastmar, Losemar, Can'tinals, Big Ded, How about a Who Dat chant?  "Who dat?  Who dat?  Who dat talking 'bout [u]losing [/u] to them Cardinals, who dat!" "Lastmar to thee we're singing, voices heard on low...." [/quote] Or maybe this chant  "We're number 256, we're number 256...." [Hidden Content]
  17. I'm trying to come up with a new name to put on the bag that I wear on my head for the next men's home game.  Any suggestions?  I've come up with a few:  Lastmar, Losemar, Can'tinals, Big Ded, How about a Who Dat chant?  "Who dat?  Who dat?  Who dat talking 'bout [u]losing [/u] to them Cardinals, who dat!" "Lastmar to thee we're singing, voices heard on low...."
  18. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="758036" timestamp="1265823955"] You guys are kidding me, right? It was Lyons College, c'mon you guys are killing me with this feel of goodtimes is down the road.  :'( [/quote] I agree but this is what has become of our men's basketball program that can barely qualify for the lowly SLC tournament!  We crow over a victory over Lyons College.  I think I'm going to go to our games with a bag over my head like the Aints used to do.  I just need a name to use instead of Aints.  How about Losemar?  Or Can'tinals?  Little Red?  Big Pink?  BIG DED?  Lastmar?
  19. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="762151" timestamp="1266537824"] Hall is done. Coy is coming back. But yea Wesley and Brown need to step up next year.  [/quote] Hey, we've got no talent but at least they are young.  So we can continue to have no talent for 3 more years.  Keep recruiting those young players with no talent!  If the players we have on the bench can't play on this team they must be awful.
  20. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="761665" timestamp="1266468453"] They dominated Lamar in the half court set. Lamar was completely out executed.  [/quote] That is because we are horrible.
  21. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="761607" timestamp="1266465859"] Not sure SHSU executed brilliantly. SHSU had 22 turnovers. In men's Div I basketball, you don't often win if you have 15 and SHSU had 20. I figure if SHSU had half as many turnovers, they win by 20, 25 based on the shooting percentages. Kats won with two of their top players - Mitchell and Almond - not producing. Kats got surprise lift from Preston Brown. Even more thrilling than SHSU MBB over Lamar was SHSU WBB stunning Cards to pull of the sweep... [/quote] I think it is funny when a team talks about how they one in spite of so and so not playing well.  And if they hadn't had turnovers etc.  Maybe the reason so and so didn't score is because somebody was guarding him? 
  22. [quote name="etbu" post="761628" timestamp="1266466748"] Went to the game tonight with my son and what in the world has happen to Lamar basektball? Twenty years ago go to a game and place had a great crowd and now hardly anyone there. The talent level is no where what it use to be and not much to root for. SHSU does have a good team and very well coached. Hope Lamar does something and get this thing turned around. What a great facility and football stadium is coming along. [/quote] Well, it is very simple.  We suck.  And we've pretty much consistently sucked for over 20 years.  Eventually, you get disgusted and quit going to games (like me).  At one time, I thought I'd never miss a home game.  Then I've had to live through horrible coach after horrible coach.  We continue to hire poorly.  There is absolutely no reason we shouldn't consistently compete for an SLC championship and we are consistently struggling to just make the SLC tournament. 
  23. [quote name="geezer" post="761598" timestamp="1266465714"] When will Roc try a different approach.  We have spent three years watching three small guards and two bigs playing against teams with guards and wings bigger than ours.  Its more difficult to shoot over somebody taller than you.  Its difficult to feed the post when you can't throw it over your defender.  Custer may not be a strong post but we ought to know by now that he can't handle a pass below is waist.  You have to make passes that your players can handle.  None of the guards shoot well enough to make a defense respect them. [/quote] The approach the he should try is recruiting Division 1 talent
  24. [quote name="coachacola" post="755021" timestamp="1265297055"] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=65417.msg754990#msg754990 date=1265293931] Hmm? In other words, LU fans need to have 4 more years of patience. [/quote] I've been patient 25 years, another 4 isn't going to hurt!   :D [/quote] I've been saying 'next year will be better' since Pat Foster left.  I think I will be saying 'next year will be better' for another 20+ years...  >:(
  25. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="754511" timestamp="1265217206"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=64984.msg754474#msg754474 date=1265212886] I'd rather have better facilities and worse parking. [/quote]I'd rather have a winning program and worse parking ;D [/quote] Winning?  Hell, I'm just glad we have a program!
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