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Everything posted by westendfirst

  1. Democrats = higher taxes, gun control, pro-abortion (unborn baby killing), re-distribution of wealth (socialism), socialized medicine, bigger government, anti military, gay marriage, anti freedom of religion....doesn't matter if he's white, black, purple, or green a vote for a Democrat is a vote against America and the belief system it was founded on. By the way, I was listening to 93.3 today and the black community (I think it is in Houston) is organizing a rally to support the first black president. They are encouraging everyone to wear BLACK to support a BLACK president. Is it just me, or is that overflowing with racism??? I couldn't agree more with the first part of your statement. As far as the second part goes, I think the black community is proud to have a black president. I personally don't like his politics, but I can only imagine how liberating it must feel for the black community to have someone of their race in the white house. I couldn't be happier for them. The only thing I wish was that it had been J.C. Watts and not Barack obama What do you mean by THEM!...are you saying Them People?... > LOL! ;D...J.C. Watts is not it...if that the case we could have had Benson...that probably would have made you even happier! ;D What about Lynn Swann? Is he a Republican? I haven't heard much from/about him.
  2. Democrats = higher taxes, gun control, pro-abortion (unborn baby killing), re-distribution of wealth (socialism), socialized medicine, bigger government, anti military, gay marriage, anti freedom of religion....doesn't matter if he's white, black, purple, or green a vote for a Democrat is a vote against America and the belief system it was founded on. By the way, I was listening to 93.3 today and the black community (I think it is in Houston) is organizing a rally to support the first black president. They are encouraging everyone to wear BLACK to support a BLACK president. Is it just me, or is that overflowing with racism??? I couldn't agree more with the first part of your statement. As far as the second part goes, I think the black community is proud to have a black president. I personally don't like his politics, but I can only imagine how liberating it must feel for the black community to have someone of their race in the white house. I couldn't be happier for them. The only thing I wish was that it had been J.C. Watts and not Barack obama What do you mean by THEM!...are you saying Them People?... > LOL! ;D...J.C. Watts is not it...if that the case we could have had Benson...that probably would have made you even happier! ;D I'm a little slow...who is Benson? Cedric Benson?
  3. Democrats = higher taxes, gun control, pro-abortion (unborn baby killing), re-distribution of wealth (socialism), socialized medicine, bigger government, anti military, gay marriage, anti freedom of religion....doesn't matter if he's white, black, purple, or green a vote for a Democrat is a vote against America and the belief system it was founded on. By the way, I was listening to 93.3 today and the black community (I think it is in Houston) is organizing a rally to support the first black president. They are encouraging everyone to wear BLACK to support a BLACK president. Is it just me, or is that overflowing with racism??? I couldn't agree more with the first part of your statement. As far as the second part goes, I think the black community is proud to have a black president. I personally don't like his politics, but I can only imagine how liberating it must feel for the black community to have someone of their race in the white house. I couldn't be happier for them. The only thing I wish was that it had been J.C. Watts and not Barack obama I guess so...but as long as it is important to have a BLACK President or a WHITE President rather than just a President then race will always be a big issue in our lovely little country. What happened to Watts? I would definitely vote for him..especially if my other choice was McCain. I thought Watts was an up and comer in the Republican party??? (This is still sports related..Watts played football for OU>)
  4. It's a shame he can't beat VMI.
  5. Ok, I see who he is now. Forget about my other post.
  6. The small amount I've seen him play...he needs a LOT of work. Unless he's improved tremendously, I can't see him playing more than a couple of minutes a game.
  7. Democrats = higher taxes, gun control, pro-abortion (unborn baby killing), re-distribution of wealth (socialism), socialized medicine, bigger government, anti military, gay marriage, anti freedom of religion....doesn't matter if he's white, black, purple, or green a vote for a Democrat is a vote against America and the belief system it was founded on. By the way, I was listening to 93.3 today and the black community (I think it is in Houston) is organizing a rally to support the first black president. They are encouraging everyone to wear BLACK to support a BLACK president. Is it just me, or is that overflowing with racism???
  8. I disagree. This will be about his job. They are letting him go. My guess is they will go after Long.
  9. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? Trouble makers. Most of them have there parents drop them off and all they have to do is cause trouble. And this has nothing to do with race so don't try to turn this into it. We have as many trouble makers here in PNG as other places. When I was a teenager, I was dropped to the mall or rode the bus there. Me and my friends. We never caused trouble...I'm through trying to understand. You say this have nothing to do with race? But I believe it was you and your friends that call our boys 'thugs'. : : People like you and SFA are whats wrong with the world. Try to blame everything on race and try to use it like a deck of cards. Whenever something you don't like you pull that card out. Unfortunately, it's in the best interest of a lot of blacks to keep racism alive and well. If people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can't keep racism as a big issue then how would they justify their existence? It doesn't matter that the President of the United States is black (well, he's 50% white but the blacks don't acknowledge that), that the Secretary of Defense if black, that the best golfer in the world is black, that the most famous daytime television host is black, that the Superintendent of Beaumont Schools is black, that at least one general in the military is black...and I could go on and on about the successes of blacks. No that doesn't matter, everything that white people do and think is racist (at least in BmtSouljas eyes). And I couldn't agree with you more...that is the main thing that is wrong with the world today. Those people, many of them blacks, that want to play the race card and use it as an excuse for anything that goes wrong. It's as if many people think that nothing bad ever happens to white or mexican or asian people. Of course, I expect BmtSoulja to remove this post.
  10. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one! I know. that's why I asked it. 8) I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support. What did you take it as? ??? Don't come in flying to his rescue. I want to hear what HE have to say. Insert foot in mouth? :) Should be he HAS to say. Not he HAVE to say.
  11. Well that is the morals, or lack thereof, of a majority of the black youth (and more and more whites as well) today. Don't work and save for anything...just steal it. Don't try to make good grades in school, just get out of school and steal or deal drugs. Go to a Marshall Middle School dance sometime and you'll see what I'm talking about with the lack of morals among the black youth (wearing pants that hang down to their knees, wearing shirts with marijuana on them, wearing belt buckles that say P-I-M-P, acting like they are humping one another on the dance floor, etc.). Also, what's even more pathetic, the leaders of the school condone it by not stopping it. Sorry, this is a sports forum...I'll get off of my soapbox.
  12. Excellent. Hopefully we can find some pitching. If the person I'm thinking of has a sore arm that's not good. It would be their #1 pitcher. They have decent pitching depth but probably only one true shutdown type of pitcher (the one with the sore arm?). They have a lot of talented ballplayers so hopefully they can score enough to win it. Good luck!!
  13. They are in Tyler tonight playing in the state (or regional?) tournament. For some reason they seem to be the 'forgotten' team on this site. The team is made up of 13 & 14 yr olds from Beaumont. It's affiliated with Little League baseball. They rolled through district and sectionals. Most of the kids are from West End Little League and a few are from Amelia Little League. If anyone hears how they are doing please post it.
  14. Beaumont - West End pounded Bridge City last night 14-1. West End rolled through district and sectionals without much resistance. It was a true mismatch.
  15. TexasTerror comes from the old Houston Arena football team that may have been around when you were just barely walking around...did live in Houston most of my life outside of the last three years... By now, everyone on this site knows that Texasterror is and these articles are idiotic. I find it comical that they keep trying to mention our air quality when the big cities have 100 times the polution we do. Houston was listed as one of the best places to live and there are far more chemical plants in/around Houston. I've made many a trip to Houston when I could literally see the smog floating around the city.
  16. Man, you are not very bright. First, you are CRAZY if you think Lamar has only signed 3 players from Houston since 1988. I would venture to say it close to 20 or 30 than it is 3. Second, Branch was HORRIBLE. If we didn't give Branch a fair shot then who has? What college program is he leading now? What has he done since we fire him? Third, where is Abatemarco? How did he do at Drake when he left here? How did he do with that Sacramento St powerhouse? Geez...give me a break!!!!
  17. Are yall serious?? Abatemarco was one of the most obnoxious coaches in the history of LU!!
  18. Keep those mid county boys coming!
  19. All of those who could care less about an SHSU fan's opinion say (type) "I". "I"
  20. There is no way in the world we'd pay the OL coach over 100k. I think someone has lost his mind.
  21. I agree! What an awesome clip and what an awesome team!! And Barbre could flat out coach (and recruit). That was a great time going to watch those teams and that tourney run was absolutely awesome. I think the problem was we got too good too fast and we beat the wrong teams (UT and LSU) that year. I'm still convinced a lot of it was a witch hunt to bring down our program for beating those schools.
  22. I really don't get your point. I don't think a 20 point loss at UMass really indicates anything about the conference. The A-10 was strong this year and UMass had been playing extremely well. To go on the road and win in college basketball is EXTREMELY difficult.
  23. I don't get it. Boutte is a high school coach and you are getting all excited wanting him to coach at LU? Makes no sense. He should be begging Lamar to give him a shot to move up...not the other way around.
  24. Are you trying to say if you issue a lot of degrees that makes you a good university? So a small university like Rice wouldn't be any good in your analysis? And if you have a high graduation rate that makes your university elite/top notch?
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