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Everything posted by Sports_Mom_3

  1. Hey Bear Cave, I'm trying to get our Boys Major allstar team in the tourney but haven't heard back from coach. Do you have a number?
  2. The Southeast Texas Oilers is putting on a 7 on 7 Flag Tournament this Saturday from 10-4. We'll have 8U, 10U, 12U as well as Cops vs Kids and Adult teams! $50 Entry Fee per team If you'd like more info or to enter your team call Rah Rah Barber 832-815-8174 or April Parkerson 281-248-3035.
  3. I've got an 11 year old 6th grader looking to play. He'll be 12 next month. Been invited to play with other teams but not really interested in their programs.
  4. The Southeast Texas Oilers is the Beaumont chapter of TYFA. We're now accepting registration online for ages 4-13. No weight limit and no zone restrictions. Ages as of 8/1/17. We will have 4 home games in Beaumont and 4 away games in the Houston area starting in August. There's no limitations on when we can start practice so we're building teams now! We are accepting applications for coaches and board members as well. Head on over to www.setxoilers.com and check it out. For more information you can email [email protected] or join our FB group, Southeast Texas Oilers. We want coaches and board members who are all about the kids, their development and success. No daddy ball, no favorites, no drama! Flag Ages 4-5 $115 Midget Tackle Ages 6-7 $185 Rookie Tackle Ages 8-9 $185 Junior Tackle Ages 10-11 $185 Senior Tackle Ages 12-13 $185 Cheer ages 4-13 $210 We Are Oiler Proud!
  5. The Southeast Texas Oilers is the Beaumont chapter of TYFA. We're now accepting registration online for ages 4-13. No weight limit and no zone restrictions. Ages as of 8/1/17. We are accepting applications for coaches and board members as well. Head on over to www.setxoilers.com and check it out. For more information you can email [email protected] or join our FB group Southeast Texas Oilers. We want coaches who are all about the kids. No daddy ball, no favorites. We Are Oiler Proud!
  6. The Southeast Texas Oilers is the Beaumont chapter of TYFA. We're now accepting registration online for ages 4-13. No weight limit and no zone restrictions. Ages as of 8/1/17. We are accepting applications for coaches and board members as well. Head on over to www.setxoilers.com and check it out. For more information you can email [email protected] or join our FB group Southeast Texas Oilers. We want coaches who are all about the kids. No daddy ball, no favorites. We Are Oiler Proud!
  7. Any and all upcoming tournaments for little dribblers wanted. Are they doing another tourney at Lamar this year? Ozen tourney? Looking for info asap. Thanks!!
  8. Actually I have......Which is why I stand firm on my belief that it should have been played on Sunday or during the week as was previously discussed.
  9. Come on let's hear it!!! Junior Bracket PeeWee Bracket
  10. There should be a rematch for Bmt Flag G and Bmt Flag W being that there were extenuating circumstances that led to this. When flooding, delayed games, lack of communication & incorrect info given are in play.....that should be taken into account when deciding on forfeit or reschedule, especially when this is the playoffs. Whoever made this decision....shame on them.
  11. West Bmt Jr Blue should have NEVER lost to Ned Black......We'll go at it again here very soon. Bmt Blue + Ned Black in the SuperBowl.
  12. West Bmt Junior Blue 33 Nederland White 13
  13. Don't get ahead of yourself Coach.....I say Beaumont Blue all the way. Flag PeeWee & Junior.
  14. PNG W vs LUM R ----I'd like to see PNG W get this one OF vs BC R --- OF PNG P vs NED B ---- NED B seems to be the team to beat but it'll be a good one BMT B vs NED W --- Gotta Go BMT B--- They've really stepped it up this season..O-Line still needs work tho LUM W vs KTZ----Ehhhh, Don't pay attn to KTZ so prob LUM W....Why aren't they Div 1? Lum Red should def be Div 2 BC W vs VID B ---BC VID W vs PTA ---PTA had some BIG boys and they love pulling face mask....Watch out for that! LCM vs WOS B --- LCM....Heard their QB quit the diuretics after certification and sidelines for the HS team. LOL JAS vs BMT W --- Don't Care PNG G vs BMT G --- Toss Up but I'd say BMT G. They've got a few solid players and look 10x better than last year.
  15. Not going to lie but this forum has been DEAD this season. What's going on for week 7? What about playoff/superbowl predictions?? How about some good ole smack talk and competitive fun?
  16. I heard you were doing another tryout soon. Who can we contact about joining the team?
  17. Who all is registered at this point?
  18. Text 281-248-3035 if you'd be interested in setting up games or tournaments.
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