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Everything posted by Cardfan

  1. Well, I can tell you that two of the three runners stated that they were not allowed to compete.  No, I agree, it probably shouldn't happen, but it did.  And, yes, they are running in a better meet with more competition which will only help them in the long run. Oh...my bad...it wasn't two...it was three!!!  ;)
  2. No problem with him at all and took less then 5 minutes to do I wish the best for both teams have very good frinds in WOS I just hate to see when the kids get bashed on the boards. You win some and you lose some. Always support theses kids win or lose.
  3. What good does it do to have a board when they always have a tie??? I thought that was the reason for having a odd number.
  4. Way tp go cards keep up the good work
  5. Good one Dick that one has a ring. Now I do believe we all some afflictions
  6. Hey guys I work with mentally challenged adults could we maybe refrain from calling people retarded. They were born that way. To me that is just as offensive as bashing family members or racial slurs.
  7. BC metal seats are not always sturdy.
  8. Why to Geaux Tigers glad I know where my money goes.
  9. I agree I was not knocking Landry by any means but a big fan of Billy Bryant. I think the kids did a great job.
  10. Congradulation BC kids Keep your heads up. You have such great talent. It seems that your hard work and skills taught from coach Bryant still carries on.
  11. I remember a time on this board a few years ago when a young man in High school was caught with steroids. Post were pulled threads were locked and people were given warnings about talking about the issue how dare you to mention the young mans name on this board. and to sit back and read this wow what a change. I don't agree by any means with any of this. From day one my prayers have went to the family of this young man as well as the family of the LPD. I have not had to cross any serious issues with my children and hope I never have to. But to sit back and criticize a mother for doing what I believe any parent would do is not right. Parents have a way of wanting to protect their children right or wrong that's just human nature or at least that's what I thought it was. Alot of times we are all quick to judge but I hope that no parent will have to go through the loss of a child and then be judged on a board. I read a post where the parents were to blame. I have yet to figure that one out. I did not post to point the finger at one side or the other. Just to comment how much the board has changed. And I hope the same standards will be in place the next time someones kid gets in trouble not dead just in trouble because you might see them as a good kid.
  12. Sad day when we have children having to walk home from after school events. Get the boards numbers and everytime you see a child walking home give the board memember a call and remind them what great leaders they have become. Kudos goes out to the child who tried to speak at the board meeting last night only to be shut down by adults. It is ashame when we can not give our youth a fair view how a board should be ran. Just remember at election time that WOS has the power to change your board members.
  13. a big thank you to everyone who made this possible just to see the kids face when they finally were able to see their friends and know that they were ok. If it was for only 45 minutes it was the best 45 minutes I have had in weeks. Good luck Cards
  14. 36 seniors? How many players will be on the varsity roster?
  15. I hope you were not referring to me as one of the blind eye parent because I am far from it. I say hold these kids responsible. I just get tired of seeing theses kids mess up and nothing happen to them because of different reasons. And believe me if my child was caught up in anything the least of their worries would be the law. I would beat the hell out of them and call the law myself. I think alot of people is tired of the punishment being different for different kids in this town. I say treat them equal does not matter who your parents are. I am from BC and choose to raise my children here but our district is far from perfect.
  16. If you know the 5 kids from any school then you should turn them in. I disagree with you. Bridge city always has kids screwing up but some kind of way it gets covered up. I am glad the person in question is getting to go to school but I believe if we make stronger examples of kids in this town getting caught I think we would make a better impression on the kids coming up. We have to quit making excuses for theses kids. It funny 1 child of mine who does not participate in much has been drug tested 5 times in 5 years. That child is a safe bet is why they continue to test.
  17. I wish him the best maybe now he can coach without people telling him how.
  18. It makes it sound like 1000 fans have either a kid on the field or in band. I think it is crap and I hope they have to eat a many of tickets.
  19. Come on BAY CITY Blackcats.
  20. See WOS produces more then football players
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