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Everything posted by Cardfan

  1. To funny guys if his puter got stolen no more fun on this site
  2. The stats were very interesting thanks for that
  3. Owned by Everybody owned nobody :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  4. then maybe Sam should have been in the pic with him.
  5. I totally agree with you that was my point and all Hadies broke out. People take baseball in BC way to serious.
  6. Yankee I made a post a few back and you would have thought I wanted my nine year old to get paid. I was making a comment. I know that there is a time to weed out the one who really cant play but 9 is not that age. But it was all my fault because i didnt spend enough time with him. What a laugh
  7. At 9 years old what happened to fun What was I to do tell him hey you suck as a baseball player so I guess I wont sign you up not at 9 sorry. I was never in my life soooooooooooo glad when he said he didnt want to play again. You know as well as I do it happens.
  8. Typical excuses, Cardfan. Your kid didn't get much playing time because he/she was not very good. He/she was not very good because you and your husband failed to spend the time necessary to make them good. Tossing the ball around a few times is not enough, so quit blaming politics/money/coaches and put the blame where it belongs. I dont have a problem telling you he was not a great player or even a good player. The kid had two left feet, but I paid the same money as others treat them fair. I understand there is a time to say well this is not for me, but 9 years old is not the time. He went out there to have fun and that fun was taken away from him by some fathers trying to relive their childhood dream and lives lives thru their kids. Did I force him to play heck no. The point I was trying to make and the point I am still trying to make at 9 years old they should all get the same chance. I dont see any of the kids receiving a check for playing ball. I am so glad you get parent of the year.
  9. As far as people saying that baseball comes the old fashion way that is crap. these kids come out of the womb with the private coaches waiting for these kids to take their first step. I see the money the parents spend on have batting cages in their back yard the private lessons the kids attend the camps it does cost money. I my self got my butt of the couch and tossed the ball with my children but when it came to little league the politics were out of this world. I paid the same amount of money as the next family for my child to be on a team only to attend every practice and watch my child and others ride the pine all because my husband was not one of the 50 dads out there all wanting to be the head coach. I had a coach tell me when my child was 9 maybe baseball was not for him. Kind of funny because I dont see where his child received any offers to college.
  10. Wow some BC fans must have voted good luck to them all
  11. Well hello, I always knew you were a smart one. Oh and BTW Gabe, maybe he shouldn't be "thinking" about it and just start praying. You can say what you want, but the parents in Vidor let the man do his job, "his" way. EVERYBODY who has a functional brain cell in their head knows that does not and will not happen in BC. I would think this is the perfect opportunity for the new athletic director to take control and to change the way BC operates. Call a town meeting, tell the parents to keep their nose outta the coaches business and others that tend to jump feet first into business that they shouldn't, and if you can't abide by some sort of normality as far as high school athletics go, your kid won't be playing. I see this as a problem that somebody needs to fix. Bridge City has a terrible reputation of politics and parents/grandparents running the show how they want it and it's pretty embarrassing. Why is it allowed to continue? Just my two cents.................. very well put BCcardbacker
  12. A lot of effort has been put into this when they already had a coach. I hope they put as much effort in trying to hire teachers Heard some were not coming back. We are losing a very outstanding math teacher this year.
  13. hope he can teach our boys some of that
  14. Well said Just me if all the parents or grandparents want to coach get your degree then apply. If not go to the games sit in the stands and enjoy watching your kids. Try supporting the coaches not bad mouthing them. A coach gives up a lot of their time to be out there with our children.
  15. Welcome back stang it has been awhile. Always enjoy reading your post. ;D :-*
  16. Good post 3amagic I agree. It is ashamed that the board runs the whole show. But it starts in little league by having to be president then have to be on the board so you can tell the coaches what to do very sad day. Good luck to Billy. No vested intrested just the whole team not kids or grandkids.
  17. Way to go girls keep up the good work
  18. And the winner is ???
  19. C'mon Silsbee...you can do it!!! ;D
  20. It is an inside joke! Good one at that. Stems from a particular regional track meet last year! ;D
  21. I think I was the first one who commented on bobcat4life and all I said was names did not need to be put out there. Very simple. I have never questioned the good that he does for all the kids reading these endless threads it seams he does alot of good for our youth. Notice I said our youth. Thank you because hopefully the children will return it on day. The only thing I disagreed with was using a name. The child or the child's family may know where the help came from and I am sure the family was grateful. But what about other kids who read this thread. The point I was trying to make is sometimes kids can be cruel.
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