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Everything posted by Cardfan

  1. WOS good friends kids play there
  2. You would think with his age the Dr. would order 1 anyway. I have never heard of such. I am sure someone is wanting to rule out foul play. Prayers to the families
  3. Good Luck WOS hope you get it. Lucia made sure his name was on our building before he left.
  4. Thoughts and prayers from Bridge City
  5. the last boy scout
  6. Not sure but pulling for WOS
  7. This is what I keep looking back on when schools try and cover up different events to protect kids. If we as adults and educators keep covering up for them we only make it worse. I believe in 2nd chances but to let a child continue to screw up over and over and be allowed to continue to play in either sports or academics is not helping the child. If I child get in trouble with drinking or drugs take away their parking passes for the year. If they continue to get in trouble kick them off any team they may be on. I dont care what their last name is how much money the family makes right is right and wrong is wrong. If parents and educators knew about this then shame on them.
  8. Bay City Blackcats is the 80s
  9. Sell - Well BC make the play offs this year
  10. Good Job BC keep up the good work and remember to drink plenty of water
  11. Anybody going out on Sat. to watch ?
  12. I agree with you WOS there are rules in life to follow And sometimes our kids are not held responisible for their actions. So many times I have sit back and watched these same kids get in trouble for drinking and drugs and nothing happen so nothing was learned so kudos for the AD for standing behind the rules.
  13. Man the best man win and hopefuly the other keeps trying hard. You never know when you will get to play
  14. It is 9 time for all players in be in bed for a good nights sleep. Good luck to all you young men at your first day please remember to drink pleny of water be safe good luck and bless.
  15. well said bulldog
  16. Wow if this really works maybe teachers need to start teaching taks testing in cuss word and these kids attention so they can pass. I look at any teacher who teaches school as a coach.
  17. maybe teachers could teach these kids if we did not have to worry about teaching taks. In another thread it was talked about coaches cussing their players. We have teachers who can not teach because they may make a parent mad. So they must over look alot of different things. Teachers have had all of their power taken away so now we are left with babysitters in a class room to teach a stupid test that you must pass to be able to walk graduation night. It does not matter that you passed all 12 years of school. Parents if you have a child who is borderline on taks get involved now dont wait the week before graduation to plea why your child should walk. Each school has the final say if the students get to walk. BC choose no last year. Sad choice.
  18. Wow I watched a few more videos that was crazy
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