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Everything posted by Eagles95

  1. 28-0 halftime
  2. 21-0 WDVL 7:45 2nd
  3. Final 42-21 WDVL.
  4. 42-21 1:30 left WDVL
  5. 35-21 5:01 3rd WDVL
  6. 68 yd Td 28-21 WDVL 10:38 3rd
  7. 2nd half about to start
  8. 21-21 :18 till half
  9. 21-14 3:34 2nd
  10. 21-7 2nd 7+ min left. Heavily flagged game and long mtgs by refs. Very long half.
  11. 14-7 10:30 2nd
  12. 14-0 WDVL 5:34 1st
  13. 7-0 WDVL 1st
  14. Final 34-14 WDVL
  15. Just Young, also 2 Freshman on O. Primary QB got hurt last week, has been shared duties tho
  16. Eagles still hurting self with turnovers, don't know if you can still blame youth(mostly Soph) for offensive miscues. 8-9 turnovers in last 6 qtrs. Gotta hang onto the ball.
  17. Hearing it will be streaming on texanlive
  18. Best me to post... Woodville taking Road Trip to Edna. Vidor would've been closer, but actual game is better.
  19. We have not had any luck with Newton in the past, (who has) but with that said.....You Play to Win. Uphill battle but we'll climb and see what happens. Good experience for an up n coming team getting ready for District.
  20. What happened to yesterday's 3 teams? Did they not submit?
  21. Coach Carrell got his 300th Victory!!! Congratulations Coach!!!
  22. Woodville 2 Hr delay
  23. Prayers to the Johnston and Newton family from Woodville. Great Leader will be missed. RIP
  24. Heard rumors Coach Rob was starting to look. WDVL
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