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Everything posted by Eagles95

  1. TD MDVL 7-13.
  2. 6-0 WDVL after 1. Fast Qtr.
  3. Yes serious injury. Prayers for the Young Man and Family.
  4. Prayers for All, Blessed be your Recovery
  6. OPI was weak. No extension just normal hand fighting. Pass will be there all night Gunter can't cover the pass.
  7. DTV 676-2 Airing now. Good Luck Eagles!!!
  8. Prayers from WDVL. Thanks for all you do, Strength n Health be upon You. Good Luck Stangs get another RING for your Proud Community.
  9. As someone who stayed, when 70% of the large crowd left shortly after halftime, I can say the second half pts showed what poor tackling will do. I'm sure Coach will address this as I have seen first-hand the coaching staff put emphasis on correcting some of the simple but key techniques need to succeed at this game. Yes the defense is suspect at times, but the offense is very explosive and will determine how far this Team will go. Overall I am very pleased with where this program is heading, vast improvement over recent years. As far as the drum mjr, I too didn't think much of the incident. I thought just small bump as she finished the performance like a champ. It wasn't till she almost fell off the platform that I realized that it was more serious. I hope she is doing well.
  10. Final 43-14 WDVL thru the grapevine
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