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Mr. Buddy Garrity

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Everything posted by Mr. Buddy Garrity

  1. unless they get their D up to par this game is over man.............this is what i was afraid of, them jumping out early.
  2. The broadcasters for the WO-S game said they are shocked, must be a down year for NED.
  3. K-Ville coach, I wish we could have interested Hooks to come to P.A. me personally.
  4. Memorial's rival is Lee, WB and now Colberts team. Overall I say if we beat Colbert its a good season :shock:
  5. bet ya if it was basketball we wouldnt be talking bout this.......
  6. someone see if they can get some footage and send it here to Korea for me, i'll pay the cost. I wanna see his face before the game, and right after the 3rd qtr as the Air Titans are proceeding to put foot-to-rear Friday night and the ol' Stadium. :shock:
  7. I love him like the brother i never had. :twisted: :roll:
  8. Dude, i dont even really like their coach. He blew the Silsbee game remember that fiasco 2 years ago.
  9. Next year i think K-Ville wins district handily, but not this year.
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